This week's Featured in Food Friday player is ...
Ms. Luna Miranda, with her post
Pako/Fiddlefern Salad, on her blog:
I really would love to taste this salad. We used to cook these ferns back home with coconut milk, and even if I didn't like it at first, it just grew up on me. I seldom find fresh ferns at the grocery store where I do my shopping, but I know that they'll be coming home with me when and if I find them! Do click on the shot and read some more about Ms. LM's healthy salad post! |
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I haven't been cooking up anything worth blogging about for the past couple of days, simply because I think I still have the "holidays hang-over". We manage through deliveries or eating out. I know, not a good way to start the year (yikes!) but like everything else, I know this will pass. :D
But today I was excited to cook breakfast because of the special ham inside the refrigerator: Slers ham from Cagayan de Oro (Philippines). Hubby brought home one of their small-sized hams and of course we just had to have it for breakfast.
Simply Ham and Eggs, that's my post for today.
Ingredients and Procedure:
- Cook eggs the way you want them (I had mine scrambled).
- Slice the ham and place in lightly greased hot pan. "Fry" slightly then transfer to a plate (or you may opt to heat it in the microwave or oven). Heat up the sauce that came with the ham. I decided not to put the sauce with the ham since my son wanted the ham without the sauce ( It was fine without the sauce, though.
- Pair with rice, or with hot pandesal (bread) and cheese, together with your favorite morning drink.

I liked the taste, since it reminded me of the hams that my family and I used to have while I was growing up. And I also liked the fact that it was cooked together with the bone, with no extenders added (nothing visible, anyway). I think I overcooked the ham slices, though, since it came out dry. Or maybe I shouldn't have cooked it at all! lol. Theoretically it's already cooked anyway. Whichever. Their small-sized ham was/is way too big for us (family of four), so we still have more of it inside the refrigerator. Expect the ham to be included in future posts! :D
Reminder: Please don't forget to link back (a simple text would be great, or you may use the buttons provided here). Also, please try to visit the other party-goers and leave some commentluv to let them know that you dropped by. Many thanks! :)

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