(Sacred Heart Parish, Kamuning, Quezon City, Philippines)
Attended Holy Mass during the weekend ... :)

So far she said that it's working for her, and she's been doing that for a year now. She even has them in her car, just in case. I think I should inform hubby about this ... he is the one who's almost always on the road and doesn't get to eat properly at times! :)
I found a good source of online gambling sites, OGDb.org (Online Gambling Database), where you can go visit reliable and trusted online casinos. What's great about this database is that they don't just accept any gambling-related sites (they also have a list of poker blogs, casino review sites, and gambling directories, among others) to their list; they have a strict process that the site must pass before the editors approve them to be included in the list. I think that's really great since there are lots of sites on the internet right now that might just be a scam. I believe it's better to be safe, than sorry! Don't you think so? :)
Shot taken a couple of months ago ... this plant turns white during christmas time ... so you can more or less guess what month I took this! Ok, ok ... took this last January, when we still didn't have the dslr. :D
Savings Accounts these days can now be accessed online if you choose to, and when you open an account they give you the options. I think that's really great. Like WaMu (Washington Mutual Bank), they offer online services, too. You not only get to pay your bills online, but you can do that anytime of the day, and wherever you might be! As long as you have your computer and internet connection, of course.
So even if you're in your favorite cafe, or miles away from your bank, you can do your transactions safely online! I think that's really convenient and saves you time to do more important things, like spending quality time with your family. :)
I read that consuming sufficient amounts of antioxidants could help and this is where Goji Berry Juice comes in; it is said that they contain great numbers of antioxidants, which can help us slow aging. Goji Juice has other benefits, too, like increase one's resistance to diseases, regulates weight, and even helps memory function, among others. Isn't that great? All found in this wonderful berry!
Personally, I would want to try something like this; I do know, of course, that drinking/eating these berries isn't going to be the solution to everyone's health problems. Other factors need to be considered, too, like your lifestyle and the amount of exercise that you do. This is just one of those ways where you can achieve a healthier diet, and hopefully, a healthier body, too!
Name something you would categorize as weird.
Nothing really is that weird anymore .... lol.
What color was the last piece of food you ate?
Yellow ... I had pancakes.
On a scale of 1-10 with 10 being highest, how much do you enjoy being alone?
I like being alone ... so I guess an 8. :)
Main Course
Fill in the blank: I will _________ vote for ___________ in _______.
I will always vote for the responsible one in elections. ;P
Describe your sleeping habits.
Nothing unusual ... I always go to the bathroom before sleeping. LOL.
Yesterday it rained for a bit, but not enough. I mean, I've seen some of the grasses around turn brown and it's more dusty these days. I just wish that the ground will be nicely soaked ...
Wishful thinking. I know, the rainy season will be here soon and then you'll hear me complain about too much water around! LOL. :D
I don't personally know anybody who deals with rare coins (maybe because it is quite an expensive trade), but I have seen some shops that deal with them. In fact, just last weekend we passed by this shop that deals with rare money, and I must say I was intrigued! We didn't get to go inside though, since we were in a bit of a hurry. Next time, when we've got the chance, I'll definitely go inside! :)
Hopefully around two months from now I might be able to buy at least one of those lenses ... thinking of getting the macro lens first. Less expensive. hahaha.

I know my husband had to help his company at an exhibit once, and they had a hard time finding the proper stuffs at reasonable prices. Next time, I'll tell him the site to visit, if they need help again. :)
Would be great going somewhere for a change ... but that's not possible, for now. Too bad. Oh well. That's life. :D
Most of my friends sports their own sunglasses and some of them even buy the expensive ones, only to lose them a month or two later. I believe that sunglasses are important, specially during those times when the sun's quite hard to bear, but that they don't need to be expensive. As long as they fit you, you're comfortable with it, and it protects your eyes from the harmful rays, then buying Replica Wholesale Sunglasses is a good decision. I think some sunglasses are even patterned towards some Celebrity Sunglasses, so you can just imagine the different designs available!
Interested? Then do go and visit CTSWholesaleSunglasses.com right now! :)
Some of them are still active online, and they even told me to join 3gb community 3gb.biz since it's such a great site, they said. You can have your own blog, upload pictures to your own photo album, and even listen to the latest mp3 music! Isn't that sweet? Of course, you get to meet new friends as well as still get in touch with your current friends, too!
Am thinking of visiting the site later and checking out what a friend has been uploading there. :)
(shot taken: April 2008, Quezon City, Philippines)
So hot these days (of course, since it's summer, lol), so decided to buy some pints of ice cream. We chose chocolate and mocha. Had to eat it fast since it was melting at an equally fast rate! :)
Tried experimenting with the lensbaby 3G again ... having difficulties. Also having fun since I don't know what's going to happen next when i click on the shutter button! LOL.
This time tried to make the center part look sharp, compared to it's surroundings. Looks ok, I guess. I just need more (and more, and more, and more ... well, you get the idea. lol) practice. :)
Got this one on my ipod ... and loving it. I know, I know ... it is an 'oldie'. hahaha. I just can't seem to get this song out of my head after listening to it again last night ... :)

Our parking area here at home is quite small, and tight. But at least it's inside our gate and safe from robbers. Well, much safer than leaving it parked outside! I have seen some cars parked outside overnight, and I really don't think it's safe; what with the crime rate rising these days! So keep it safe: either have your cars parked inside, or if you can afford it, rent a parking space. :)
Shot taken yesterday ... the drops intrigued me, with the sun shining 'through' the water. :)
Too bad the new camera (with the kit lens) can't focus quite well if I place it too near the subject. I need new lenses!!! ;P
Hopefully they will all get the vacation that they know they deserve .... real soon!
Your Hidden Talent |
You have the natural talent of rocking the boat, thwarting the system. And while this may not seem big, it can be. It's people like you who serve as the catalysts to major cultural changes. You're just a bit behind the scenes, so no one really notices. |
Am not so sure if she did find any diet pills, but last time I heard was that she has been frequenting a gym at the mall. I guess she was really serious about losing all those pounds!
Not just for their family and friends, but mostly for themselves.
Oh my ... what seems to be happening...!! :O
But I really do wish that in the first place they didn't get into the trap!
I have no idea what these tiny flowers are, but I saw them at my sister's garden and I think they are pretty. Was trying with the new lens, so still getting the hang of things. :)
The leaves look like purple butterflies (behind the flowers, onto the pot), and when it's not so hot (cooler weather) they seem to 'spread', making them look like butterflies in flight.
Will take a shot of the leaves next time... when it's not so hot anymore. These days the sun could be quite merciless! :D

I guess being online is different, since you have to be concerned about the software, as well as the site, where you'll be playing the game. This is where BestCasinoSpot.com comes in; having played and reviewed online casinos for years, they know which ones are the best and they can help you in choosing the best sites.
So don't go and play without doing some 'research' first ... you'll save lots reading first! :)
Oh well ... beggars can't be choosers, huh? ;P
Those days we didn't have any phone cards like the ones that are available today. If we call from our place it was a tad more expensive, but from her place since phone cards were easily available, it was cheaper. So usually she does the calling. But now that phone cards are available, even through the internet, it's now so easy to call or contact family and friends living abroad. Definitely a great way to save money while renewing family/friendly ties! :)
Of course, the internet these days is available, too, but not everybody's got a computer and internet connection. A phone is more readily accessible in most areas.
What about you, do you use phone cards to keep in touch, too? :)
Got this tag from Liza (A Simple Life)
~ start copying here ~Join the Worldwide Link Love!
Benefits of Worldwide Link Love:
2. Feel the Link Love.
3. Gain new readers and subscribers.
1. Copy from ~start copying here ~ to ~ stop copying here ~ and paste it on your blog.2. At the end of the list, put your name and the country your in, it doesn’t matter what’s your nationality just put the country where you are publishing your blog. Don’t forget to put links at your name.
3. If u have many blogs, you can link all of it, just make sure you post the same on each blog.
4. Tag eight (8) or more of your blog friends.
5. Tip for blogspot users: make sure you copy and paste the code in Compose mode.
Wanna join, and you can’t find your name on the list? Just leave a comment here.
Worldwide Link Love! Participants:1. Julia (Philippines) 2. Catherine (Malaysia) 3. shimumsy(u.s.a) 4. Mitch (Philippines) 5. Hailey (Philippines) 6. Sexymom (USA) 7. Liza (Philippines) 8. Sasha (Philippines) 9. Tere (Philippines) 10. Simply The Best 11. The World Wide Web Addict 12. My Daily Nourishment13. My Euro Travel and Adventure 14. Euroangel Graffiti (Germany) 15. A Simple Life (Philippines) 16. My Wanderings (Philippines) 17. Maiylah's Snippets (Philippines) 18. Picture Clusters (Philippines) 19. ADD YOUR LINK HERE
~ stop copying here ~
Am not tagging anyone, but if you want to join, just tell me after you've posted it, and I'll add your link here! :)Anyway, here's a shot taken here at home ... using the dslr. Would love to get additional lenses, but the canon lens are so expensive! Have thought of other brands, but that will have to wait. :)
Hubby and I are thinking of getting some furnitures of our own, too, but maybe after we pay our son's tuition next month. Or maybe after we both buy the gadgets that we've been dreaming of having for so long. lol.
Sad thing, though, is that I forgot to bookmark the site! Oh well ... maybe next time. :)
So, are you interested? If you are, then do go and check them out! :)
I just hope that one (or all) of them went to a Drug Rehab center. Those days while in the province the idea of sending your kid to Drug Rehabs wasn't really taken lightly. I mean, people talk, you know. It wouldn't do good for your reputation. But I believe that it's a fact of life, and if you (or your kid) need help, then you should do it. DrugRehabs.com is one such site where you can get help.
Personally, it doesn't matter what type of treatment you get (just not the type that gets you traumatized, of course!) as long as you recover. For life. :)
Took that shot using my 'old' point and shoot camera (powershot S3 IS); didn't have my dslr back then. Am not sure if I could have taken something like that with the dslr ...what with the learning curve and everything! lol. :)
The sunset during summer is really awesome, so while we were cruising somewhere in Cubao, I happened to notice the sun setting. Since we were on the road, I had to be 'creative' and took shots whenever I can, while the car was moving (or not).
I think this one's quite ok. Not great, but ok. :D
Anyway, my online friend who first introduced me to online casinos have told me over and over again: stay disciplined. I think that's the best advice he has given me, and I have taken it to heart. So, whenever I visit directory sites like UK Online Casino, I make sure I browse through the site first. Nope, I haven't tried actually betting money online. The contents on my purse is just not enough, yet. I just like reading the advices and which sites have great reviews.
For now I'm not into the actual gaming myself, but I like the idea that every time I visit a site I get to learn something new. :)
I even have a cousin who got married to the guy after they became friends online for almost four years; she certainly wasn't in the mood to get married, since she was the one responsible for her aging parents. She just liked chatting with him online, and I guess it really started there. He began asking her about her family, and being sympathetic with her situation. He, on the other hand, was a divorcee and had to take care of his two teenagers. To make a long story short, they decided to get married. It was something that they were thinking about (after all those years of communicating), and it's great that things seemed to be going smoothly for them. For now they are here in the country, together with my cousin's parents. They are taking each day as it comes, and just having a wonderful time being together.
Of course, not every life story is the same; some ended in divorce, or separations. I just hope, though, that there are less divorces or separations, compared to those who decided to stick together and make their marriage work.
That was a nice way to get the much needed exercise, too! lol. :D
I think it's great, and who knows, pretty soon my family and I just might get one for ourselves! :)
Hope you're not having a hard time with your internet connection like me! lol.
Some blog owners hosts contests or offer advices which are relevant to their visitors and that would indeed keep the visitors coming (or returning). I think that's really cool, though hosting a contest would be too taxing for me. I mean, I don't have the luxury really of taking a peek at my blog twenty-four hours a day, so hosting a contest doesn't seem feasible for me. Well, I guess it would depend on the type of contest, but somehow the thought of submitting my site to different free web directories is more appealing. More convenient for me.
What about you? Do you submit your site to different free web directories, too? :)
Was supposed to join Weekend Snapshot today ... but I think am already late. :(
Anyway, that's a shot taken not on a weekend, but during a weekday when I noticed that the plants who had wilted (after I couldn't water them because we left for a few days) were sprouting new leaves!
I think it's great ... now I don't feel so guilty anymore! :D
I have read some magazines about franchising, and I think it's a good idea. It is a major decision for my family and I though, so that's the reason why we still haven't jumped into the bandwagon. We definitely see ourselves managing our own business in the near future, though. :)
What about you? Are you interested in managing your own business, even if it is a franchise? If you're quite new with the idea, then I suggest you visit some sites and get yourself familiar. It's a great way to start a business of your 'own' with lots of help from the franchising company. You will always have someone helping you out while you make business decisions. :)
Took that shot a few days ago, while experimenting. Not too satisfied, but I think the lighting there wasn't enough, plus my handling the lens. It does take a bit of a learning curve to learn the lensbaby. But the results could really be fun sometimes. IF you know how to get your desired result. hahaha.
Am still learning ... :)
Well, last weekend hubby and I went to the mall, trying to look for the gadgets that we are thinking of getting, like a webcam for our desktop, or maybe something more expensive, like camera lens for my new camera. Hubby just wanted to know how much a pda costs these days, and when he noticed that there doesn't seem to be more stores selling them, he got a bit discouraged. I laughingly told him that maybe it's because less and less people might be using them these days; he agreed, but still continued looking for them anyway.
That day we ended up buying some camera bags instead. Some stores had great deals (for a notebook and some camera lenses), but quite a bit out of our budget for this month. I just hope that the offers will still be available till next month, but I seriously doubt that. Nothing wrong with my wishful thinking though, is there? :)
And yesterday our cable tv went off, too! That really got us laughing, and we kept saying that maybe now the cable tv's affected by the heat, too! It was a good thing the reception came back after around an hour.
Summer, huh?! :)
Anyway, I know there are other means of staying fit out there, and I hope I get enough will power to go out and find (and try) them! :)
Not really a great topic to discuss, but something that's necessary. :)
Actually, the bird wasn't hiding. lol. More like going out of the hole. I believe that there's a nest inside that hole. Have seen some sparrows going in and out of that hole, specially during the early morning. That hole is actually on a tall old electric post .... used my camera's maximum optical zoom to get this shot. :)
Something as personal as mental health is a sensitive topic, specially for those who are affected. But this shouldn't deter you from trying to learn more, specially if you want to help a loved one. We should do all that we can to help! :)
What about you? Interested in trying to use something like that? Personally, I would be willing to try it and learn how toxic my body has become after all these years! :)
The two bags I got for around Php4,400.
Have thought of getting the bag on the left (another lowepro micro trekker), at first, but got hesitant since it's quite bulky. I still don't have the 70-200mm lens, too, so it would be a shame getting that bag and no lens yet. Maybe I'll buy that (costs around Php5,000) when my camera's got more accessories. :)
Some people love giving out parties, though, and I must say some of them are really quite good at it! I mean, you come out of the party feeling so good and you know that you had loads of fun! :)
What about you, do you like giving out parties and sending invitations? :)
If you want to know more about conference call and how it might help your business, then do visit CorporateConferenceCalls.com. They offer conference calls and web conferencing, where you can even share powerpoint presentations! Isn't that amazing? So different from those days when you had to wait for so many hours before you can get a feedback. No wonder businesses these days are so competitive, specially if they utilize the latest in technology! Don't be left out; if you believe that you need conference call services, or something similar, then go and check them out! :)
I think that's great; definitely a wise way to 'host' a party outside the house!
Below's a shot of what some of their party food might be .... or maybe they'll just have pizza and ice cream. :)
Pardon the slightly pixelated shot ... took the above shot using my SE k750i.
Yup, another lensbaby 3G shot which I took yesterday. Am definitely getting the hang of those lenses. I also have the macro lens for the lensbaby since I found out that they had this promo (free macro lens for every lensbaby that you buy) last December; took the promo and ordered them online. Took a bit to reach our shores, and I had to pay a stiff amount for the tax dues, but am satisfied with it.
Not so easy to get used to, though. In my own opinion. Maybe other lensbaby users out there find them easy the first time, but definitely not me. Am enjoying it, though. :)
So hot and humid, I wish we'd have a chance to go on a long vacation; something like a month-long vacation from this heat and humidity!
Day dreaming, I know. :)
Vogue Florist has a long history of satisfying customers looking to send roses, fresh arrangements, and gift baskets online. With their wide selection of arrangements, baskets, and balloons to choose from, any occasion is made better when you send flowers through Vogue. Check them out online at http://www.vogueflorist.com. Send flowers from an online florist you can trust!
*I recommend Vogue Flowers for their unsurpassed floral arrangement quality, values, and unique designs. Check them out online at http://www.vogueflowers.com.
A goji berry (Lycium barbarum) is rich in antioxidants, polysaccharides, and is even said to enhance glycogen storage as well as boost the immune system. Quite impressive, huh? :)
If you want to know more about goji berries and their benefits, am so sure you can find plenty of online information about them. As for me, I am sold to the idea of trying them myself. Will see if we have them here in our supermarkets, or maybe I can buy a sample product online. :)
Taken using lensbaby 3G ... still trying to get the hang of it. Does need time to get used to, but it's fun. Definitely not one of the best shots there is, using the lensbaby, but I think it's ok. hahaha.
I remember a blogger once said that you can get the lensbaby effect using photoshop, and I believe her. I mean, with photoshop we can do almost anything! As in ANYTHING! hahaha. However, I am lazy when it comes to dabbling with photoshop, except when it comes to digital scrapbooking. :)
Usually I use picasa2 first when I try to view and edit my shots. Photoshop comes much later. Don't get me wrong; I believe that photoshop is great! Sometimes it just takes too much 'thinking' for me, though. I am lazy. Sometimes. :)
Most girls would love to receive flowers, too, and if you can't physically go to your favorite flower shop to buy her some gorgeous flowers, then you can get them online, over at 1800flowers! Their flowers are fresh and their arrangements simply elegant! What's great about the site is that you can send flowers to other countries, too! So convenient! It would certainly brighten up somebody's day when they receive their flowers!
I remember a friend who was so down since her mother was just diagnosed with a lingering disease; we tried treating her to her favorite restaurant, watched a movie, and even visited a massage spa (though I didn't accompany them to the spa since I am so ticklish .. I wouldn't survive there!lol)! Her being depressed sort of lessened, but what really made her day was when we visited her mom, bringing flowers. Her mom loved gardening and flowers, and that really cheered her up. That just shows that something like a simple flower can make a difference! :)
Got this last week ... it's great for a first-time dslr user (like me, hahaha). Am not that satisfied with the lens that goes with the kit, though, so am thinking of getting myself a telephoto lens. Some bloggers mentioned that there's a canon promo on it's lenses, so I just might check that out ... hopefully the promo is still ongoing! :)
I recently found colloidal silver online, though, when a friend told me that when they were younger they used to take them as a remedy for something like a runny nose. They didn't take much of it, though, since she said that her mom preferred hot chicken soups and rest when they got sick. That got me interested, and that's why I thought of searching them online.
I learned that argyria has been associated with it (your skin turns silverish, which becomes permanent), but it's actually because of the mild silver protein found in some of the so-called silver colloid preparations. True silver colloid preparations should be 0.9999 pure silver in colloidal form, in order for it to be really safe for human use.
It really depends on the person if they choose to use colloidal silver, or not. After all, they get to decide what they think is best for their bodies! :)
Answering Services is definitely a convenient way to go if you want to have more time; maybe more time for yourself and more time to devote to your family. MAPCommunications.com is one such site where you can go since they know how to deliver excellent answering service.
I have a former classmate in college who decided to start her own business a while back, and since it was really her favortite thing to do, she excelled in it. She got many customers, but sadly less time for her family. Her family understood, though they felt sad. I mean, she was doing it for them, after all. After some time she did realize that she was missing out a lot on her family, though, so she thought of an answering service offered by a client. They talked out a deal and finalized it; pretty soon she was having more time for herself and her family! :)
That's a shot of a wine glass taken months ago while I was experimenting. I believe the liquid's a juice of some kind. Nope, am not a professional photographer. lol. I just love experimenting with my shots every now and then, specially if I have lots of time available.
It's fun, I guess. :)