Some of the food that we ordered when we decided to eat at Racks... we just loooove their baby back ribs! Am not so sure how many times we've eaten there, but everytime we do get to eat there their baby back ribs tastes the same --- juicy, tender and oh-sooo-yummy! :)
Food Friday Players with their links:
blankPixels of Certified
T. Julie
Luna Miranda
ps. should have done this EONS ago: adding a backlink to those who played as my way of saying thanks for linking back. :)
*will be posting Food Friday here until my other blog is up and running ... many thanks to everyone for being patient and understanding. :)
I knew that I just had to have that macro lens... to take pictures like this! :)
Hmmmm...i think i could enlarge that further with one of those macro extension tubes...but i have to save for one of those yet. ;)
ps. picture intentionally small...too many picture thieves these days! yup, i was a victim twice...but that's such a long story (and too long ago---around two years) that it's not worth telling over again. LOL
I believe I have around one cousin and at least three nephews who are working overseas on a ship. Personally, I think it's quite risky living in a boat for months on end, and that's why getting some info about how you can protect yourself when the time comes is really valuable. I guess something like the Texas Maritime lawyers could help when it comes to topics like that. Am not too sure if they are protected (I hope they are!), but I have faith in them. Specially my cousin (he lived with us for around four years before going to college), who is a fun guy to be with, and totally reliable.
I just hope and pray that wherever in the world they are right now, they are safe and sound.
I just hope and pray that wherever in the world they are right now, they are safe and sound.
Current craze....
My eldest son holding one of his new toys...part of a lego set. He is so into this toy that he has decided to save up his allowance just to buy them. I think that's fine, but sometimes I just think it's too much. But who am I to judge, huh?! I also do that sometimes, specially when it comes to cameras! LOL
Like mom like son, huh? :D
My eldest son holding one of his new toys...part of a lego set. He is so into this toy that he has decided to save up his allowance just to buy them. I think that's fine, but sometimes I just think it's too much. But who am I to judge, huh?! I also do that sometimes, specially when it comes to cameras! LOL
Like mom like son, huh? :D
I'm not so sure, but I think I won't be needing those acne creams anymore. For now, anyway. My pimples are slowly starting to 'evaporate' one by one. I guess it's because of the hormonal thingy (and I thought I was immune to this! lol). Not too happy about it, but who is, anyway, huh?! Good thing there are medicines to help with stuffs like this! ;)
Stalkers on the loose!!!! :D
Shot taken when my little one refused to sleep early...I played with some of his toys, too. lol.
Shot taken when my little one refused to sleep early...I played with some of his toys, too. lol.
I wonder if some fat burners for men are capable of removing those beer bellies...that's what a former classmate asked me once. I told him that it's possible, but it must also be couple with exercise and proper diet. A healthy lifestyle (like sleeping early) would be good, too.
Sure, it's so easy to "say" it...but difficult when you're there. You must really be disciplined if you want to achieve something. Like weight loss. Trust me, I know. :D
Sure, it's so easy to "say" it...but difficult when you're there. You must really be disciplined if you want to achieve something. Like weight loss. Trust me, I know. :D
That's what hubby and I ordered last time we ate at French Baker (which was just last Sunday). We were both tired already so we wanted something that would fill us up. FAST. I chose the soup (I have always loved their soup on a bread bowl) while hubby got their spaghetti bolognese.
Filled our tummies (though I couldn't finish mine; it was just too much.) in no time! :)
post for:
Thanks to those who played this week:
ps. should have done this EONS ago: adding a backlink to those who played as my way of saying thanks for linking back. :)
*will be posting Food Friday here until my other blog is up and running ... many thanks to everyone for being patient and understanding. :)
Happiness for me is getting hold of my camera and shooting things not necessarily noticed by everyone. ;)
Have you ever tried following a strict diet? I haven't. I don't think I could follow everything to the last letter specially when it comes to eating. I would be tricking myself if I say I will follow the diet when in fact I just might nibble a chocolate snack here and there, every once in a while.
I just read this nutrisystem reviews online and it was an eye-opener. If you want to know why, then go check them out. You be the judge. :)
As for me, I will stick to my usual diet of rice, fish, meat, veggies, and fruits. Moderation is the key, I believe. I do indulge in a slice or so of pizza and cake once in a while. Plus the chocolates, of course. ;P
I just read this nutrisystem reviews online and it was an eye-opener. If you want to know why, then go check them out. You be the judge. :)
As for me, I will stick to my usual diet of rice, fish, meat, veggies, and fruits. Moderation is the key, I believe. I do indulge in a slice or so of pizza and cake once in a while. Plus the chocolates, of course. ;P
I think it's just normal for a younger brother to copy most of the things that his older brother does. Hubby said that he did that to his older brother (copy almost everything, and that's why he learned to drive at an early age). I think Kuya must have wanted to get away during those days. Hahaha. I mean, it could get pretty annoying, sometimes.
That's our youngest when he was four months away from being a two year old (he turned two this month).
I guess kids will always be kids. :)
That's our youngest when he was four months away from being a two year old (he turned two this month).
I guess kids will always be kids. :)
When I was pregnant my doctor was worried that I was not gaining enough weight. But now that my baby's already two years old, I am worried that I am gaining too much weight! I just love eating these days. Specially those carbohydrates (rice, pasta, more rice, noodles, more get the point, hehehe). I want to get rid of stomach fat here and now! Not only the stomach fat, actually, but also the ones on my thighs and hips! I guess I really need to control my food intake.
It's just so hard, sometimes. I wonder if I can get back to that weight again, after I delivered my baby...hmmmm.I really hope so.
It's just so hard, sometimes. I wonder if I can get back to that weight again, after I delivered my baby...hmmmm.I really hope so.
I am so in love with the cross process in picnik! I wish I have the time to do it on my own using photoshop...have read a couple or so of posts regarding how one can do the cross process technique, but I sitll have to internalize things. It takes time; something which I don't have much these days.
One of these days... :)
One of these days... :)
It's that time of month again...when my face is plagued by these pimples. I don't know why, but I never (as in NEVER) had them while I was still in high school, and only occasionally when I was in college (I used to wonder why some of my friends had pimples/acne all the time). Now I wish I had them in college and maybe I wouldn't be having them when I'm older. hahaha. Wishful thinking, I know. Now I need to find the best acne treatments not only online but also in stores near our place. I don't like to look pimply all the time! Besides, I'm not an adolescent anymore, lol.
I wonder if the soap and face moisturizer that I bought would help. I really hope so!
I wonder if the soap and face moisturizer that I bought would help. I really hope so!
Some people don't bother to look what's around them...and sometimes that includes me, too. Specially when I'm too tired or busy.
...but really, we should notice them. Like the shot not too sure what those growths are, but it looks like molds. or fungi.
Makes for an interesting shot. For me, anyway. :)
...but really, we should notice them. Like the shot not too sure what those growths are, but it looks like molds. or fungi.
Makes for an interesting shot. For me, anyway. :)
Whenever we go out at night I can't help but look at some places outside with no lights. I mean, I don't like the idea of somebody lurking there, and just waiting to pounce on you or whatever. Scary! It's a good thing our neighbor's got these efficient outdoor wall sconces; it does somehow lights our space, too. Lucky us, huh?!
Still, one can't be too careful these days, specially at night or early morning (when burglary seems to be more frequent). Well, even during the day anything can happen, to! We just have to be aware and take precautions. Better be safe than sorry, they say! :)
Still, one can't be too careful these days, specially at night or early morning (when burglary seems to be more frequent). Well, even during the day anything can happen, to! We just have to be aware and take precautions. Better be safe than sorry, they say! :)
I love taking pictures, but sometimes downloading them to the computer and putting watermarks can really be tiring. Actually, time consuming. I just wish that there was something i could do to lessen the time being consumed...
In the meantime, sometimes the pictures stays in the camera for almost a month (yeah, lol) before everything is downloaded. hehehe...
In the meantime, sometimes the pictures stays in the camera for almost a month (yeah, lol) before everything is downloaded. hehehe...
One of hubby's cousin recently left for another country, together with his wife and daughter. I think it's great that they wanted something more (hence their reason to migrate), but you can't discount the fact that they will be far from their families. Of course, emotional ties will always be there but I think it's different since this time the other members of the family won't just be a bus ride away.
On the other hand, I know that they are mainly thinking of their daughter's future. They want her to get the best that they can give, and if it means getting out of the country and be away from family...well, then they had to take that big leap.
That got me thinking: are their commodities there cheap? I wonder if they can find any cheap cigars there. Nope, I don't smoke, but I know a friend who does! He complains most of the time that he can't find cheap ones here, so he has to settle for the expensive ones just to satisfy his 'craving'. It's not an everyday thing, though. Mostly during special when he wants to celebrate something. I wonder if he needs one right now... :)
On the other hand, I know that they are mainly thinking of their daughter's future. They want her to get the best that they can give, and if it means getting out of the country and be away from family...well, then they had to take that big leap.
That got me thinking: are their commodities there cheap? I wonder if they can find any cheap cigars there. Nope, I don't smoke, but I know a friend who does! He complains most of the time that he can't find cheap ones here, so he has to settle for the expensive ones just to satisfy his 'craving'. It's not an everyday thing, though. Mostly during special when he wants to celebrate something. I wonder if he needs one right now... :)
I have always loved eating tawilis...and sometimes when I don't have the 'fresh' fish on hand the ones inside the bottle will do. ;)
post for:

*will be posting Food Friday here until my other blog is up and running ... many thanks to everyone for being patient and understanding. :)
post for:
*will be posting Food Friday here until my other blog is up and running ... many thanks to everyone for being patient and understanding. :)
Are you superstitious when it comes to weddings? My family sure is! I'm not saying it's a bad thing (or a good thing), but weddings are a family effort (in my case) so we had to follow some certain 'rules'. One of them is to set the date at a certain time...everything has to be perfect: moon phase and number sign, for example. We both took everything in stride and followed the 'rules'... after all, if it was supposed to bring more blessings, then why not, right? ;)
One of the fun things that I remembered then was getting gifts. Yup, we gave away gifts to those who helped us, too! If I had known there were online groomsmen gifts I would have checked them out! But, internet that time was a bit unheard of...stuffs only really rich people could afford. There were internet cafe around, but getting your house hooked with internet costs an arm and a leg back then. Good thing it's pretty affordable now!
On to weddings: know why I suddenly thought of it? Well, that's because I saw some wonderful pre-wedding shots of an internet friend a few hours ago and I couldn't help but think of my wedding a decade ago. LOL
It's fun reminiscing... :)
ps. need to find some of those wedding shots of mine...I know I'll have fun playing! :D
One of the fun things that I remembered then was getting gifts. Yup, we gave away gifts to those who helped us, too! If I had known there were online groomsmen gifts I would have checked them out! But, internet that time was a bit unheard of...stuffs only really rich people could afford. There were internet cafe around, but getting your house hooked with internet costs an arm and a leg back then. Good thing it's pretty affordable now!
On to weddings: know why I suddenly thought of it? Well, that's because I saw some wonderful pre-wedding shots of an internet friend a few hours ago and I couldn't help but think of my wedding a decade ago. LOL
It's fun reminiscing... :)
ps. need to find some of those wedding shots of mine...I know I'll have fun playing! :D
This past few days have been sad for our family but that doesn't mean that everything has to stop. There are a lot of changes going on, and some 'rituals' are slowly being changed. Or removed. It is kind of depressing. But that is life, as they say. Time to move on. Don't forget the memories, but move on.
I guess that's why I was surprised to be seeing some halloween costumes in the mall a few weeks back. Yes, that early! I don't really mind. In fact, I think it's fun. I don't do dress-ups, though. LOL. I just like seeing the masks, costumes, and everything; how imaginative everyone can get. It does take one's mind off depressing things. For me, anyway. :)
I guess that's why I was surprised to be seeing some halloween costumes in the mall a few weeks back. Yes, that early! I don't really mind. In fact, I think it's fun. I don't do dress-ups, though. LOL. I just like seeing the masks, costumes, and everything; how imaginative everyone can get. It does take one's mind off depressing things. For me, anyway. :)
I must admit: our neighborhood isn't that safe at all! Well, you can walk in relative safety during day and night; what I meant was that your house/car is not that safe during early mornings (like around 3AM). I guess the thieves know that that's the time when most people are really asleep (dead tired), so they take advantage of the situation. I could speak from experience; someone was standing outside our bedroom window and trying to steal either my eyeglasses (I wonder why they wanted that! lol) or my phone. I woke up when my eyeglasses fell and that's when I saw the guy outside. Hubby was downstairs still awake, so I called and told him. He went outside immediately (not a very good idea, since there are usually accomplices) but didn't see the thief (who didn't get my phone, or my eyeglasses, either).
When my parents found out about the incident they insisted we install barbed wires along the vicinity; hubby wants wireless cctv cameras and till now we are still on the lookout for good deals. After the wires were installed, I must say I slept much better. But I slept way way better after we got the air conditioner (since the windows are close now)!
When my parents found out about the incident they insisted we install barbed wires along the vicinity; hubby wants wireless cctv cameras and till now we are still on the lookout for good deals. After the wires were installed, I must say I slept much better. But I slept way way better after we got the air conditioner (since the windows are close now)!
Honestly, I was happy that the egg was well I couldn't figure out what they placed inside (aside from the egg), but it went well with the vinegar that came with it.
Would I buy this again? I might. Not overly crazy about it, though. :D
post for:
*will be posting Food Friday here until my other blog is up and running ... many thanks to everyone for being patient and understanding. :)
Now that it's already SeptemBER (yup, the 'BER' months are now here!) expect to start hearing Christmas songs. Aside from that, the wind will be chilly soon, so start airing out those sweaters from the cabinet! The jackets, too..if you have them. The rains are also going to be visiting! Have you made your Christmas list already? I know, I think it's still too early, but trust wouldn't want to get caught shopping at the very last minute!
I guess my country loves Christmas, huh?! Three months of preparations! lol. We are all young at heart, I guess. ;)
I guess my country loves Christmas, huh?! Three months of preparations! lol. We are all young at heart, I guess. ;)
My youngest will be turning two this Saturday... we will be going to the province to celebrate, together with an aunt and hubby's cousins. It will be kind of weird celebrating it without my MIL. She was supposed to turn seventy-nine this month... we all miss her.
Sometimes we have this much document around that we absolutely have no idea what to do with them...much less organize them! I used to have difficulty finding a certain document when I worked at a semi-government office before. We needed to make lots of copies for different departments so you can just imagine how cluttered my office table looked like sometimes. Normally, I am a neat freak, but there are just times when I need document management. I just couldn't handle everything at once in so little time!
It's a good thing I don't work there anymore. I don't miss the office part, but enjoyed the field work immensely. Half of me still misses the action. I guess...
It's a good thing I don't work there anymore. I don't miss the office part, but enjoyed the field work immensely. Half of me still misses the action. I guess...
Hubby took this shot ... and i did quite a few things with it using this software called Dynamic Auto Painter. It is free to download, but if you want your shots without their watermark you have to pay a certain amount. I know...I wasn't too happy about it, either.
Still, it is a fun photo editing tool. :)
Still, it is a fun photo editing tool. :)
When hubby's cousin arrived from abroad everybody was so happy because it has been almost fourteen years since she left with her family. I didn't know it then, but when she left here she was working as an accountant, then when she arrived at their new home, she found out that her expertise wasn't particularly in demand. Know what she did? She got herself enrolled and took up a medical course. She said that she found her new job easily with the help of some healthcare listings online. She has been encouraging us to follow them abroad, but hubby and I are both hesitant. Besides, it's really not a priority right now since things are a bit hectic.
We did promise her we'd think about it. :)
We did promise her we'd think about it. :)
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