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Macro Life

17 shared thoughts

Ever since I had my first camera I became more fascinated with macro photography. When I got my first dslr (would you believe I managed to buy one because of blogging? Yes, I did..and I was - still am! - soooo HAPPY!) it came with the kit, so getting macro shots was quite frustrating. I guess hubby saw my frustration, and that's why he got me my own macro lens (Canon EF 100mm f/2.8 USM Macro Lens). Not immediately, though..since it was/is quite pricey (for us, anyway. lol). We got the macro lens only after a couple or so of dslr changes later. :)

It's my fave among the few lenses that we own (we only have 3, lol). Right now, am hoping for one of those wide-angle lenses (the 10-22mm, maybe?)...but am not going to cry my heart out if we don't get one this year. I still LOVE my 100mm! :D

*This is my share for this week's Happiness Is... meme by KM

17 shared thoughts:

Unknown at: Thu Feb 23, 05:26:00 PM GMT+8 said...

wow, i love this macro shot!
a DSLR through blogging? ay, turuan mo ako!:p

Unknown at: Thu Feb 23, 05:33:00 PM GMT+8 said...

Haha, I feel for you. :)
When I got my first digital camera, I immediately studied how to do macro shots! :)
And I agree that it is indeed one of things to be happy about. Haha. :)

Czjai at: Thu Feb 23, 06:12:00 PM GMT+8 said...

This photo is amazing! :)

Pinoy Kitchenette at: Thu Feb 23, 10:52:00 PM GMT+8 said...

I always love your photos! beautiful!

Tal | ThePinayWanderer at: Thu Feb 23, 11:33:00 PM GMT+8 said...

nice macro shot, beautiful! sana meron din ako macro lens but I love landscape photography more so I guess I'll save for wide-angle lens first. ;)

Like Luna, am also interested in earning through blogging, pwede paturo din ako. :D

Mitch at: Thu Feb 23, 11:49:00 PM GMT+8 said...

The shot is terrific! Me too, I bought my DSLR because of love in blogging.. and pictures too!

maiylah at: Thu Feb 23, 11:58:00 PM GMT+8 said...

@LM: salamat! naku, todo talaga ung paid posts ko noon! AS IN! pero those were the days when google wasn't so strict (minsan i got a total of US$1K per month!!!). ngayon kasi mas marami na blogs so mas malakas na competition. pero go pa rin! :)

@AG: HI!!! kmusta na? Missed ya! :)

@Czjai: salamat po. :)

@Marge: thank you! :)

@PW: ay, oo. if you like landscape, then go for the wide angled lens! don't forget to buy filters, too!
regarding how i got my first ever dslr through blogging..well, intense blogging talaga. yup, join lang ng join ng mga paid post sites; pero like what i mentioned to LM, those were the days when google wasn't as strict. ngayon kasi iba na. pero kaya mo parin yan, if you really set your mind (and heart) into it. :)

salamat sa pagbisita, ladies!

maiylah at: Fri Feb 24, 12:54:00 AM GMT+8 said...

thanks, Mitch! sarap ng feeling when you got your dslr, right? :)

say cheese at: Sat Feb 25, 05:03:00 PM GMT+8 said...

wow na wow!

KM at: Sun Feb 26, 12:52:00 PM GMT+8 said...

wow! very nice picture. how'd you manage to capture this in macro without frightening that creature away? kudos!

thanks for joining Happiness Is. see you there again next week for another round of happy posts :)

Zenserly at: Wed Feb 29, 08:53:00 AM GMT+8 said...

wow, great macro shot....I still do not have a still using a digicam but contemplating on buying a dslr...ahhh more of wishing....still do not have a budget for it but for the sake of blogging and all the happiness it brings me perhaps I will one day find myself finally purchasing one....God bless....loving everything I am seeing here......

Zenserly at: Wed Feb 29, 09:04:00 AM GMT+8 said...

wow, great macro shot....I still do not have a still using a digicam but contemplating on buying a dslr...ahhh more of wishing....still do not have a budget for it but for the sake of blogging and all the happiness it brings me perhaps I will one day find myself finally purchasing one....God bless....loving everything I am seeing here......

maiylah at: Wed Feb 29, 06:22:00 PM GMT+8 said...

hi kulasa! oh, you'll get your dslr someday. in the meantime, just continue clicking that shutter button! :)

thanks for visiting!

Jessica at: Thu Mar 01, 08:23:00 PM GMT+8 said...

beautiful shot....Visiting late from Happiness Is, hope that you can return the visit too.

Rosemarie at: Thu Mar 01, 09:28:00 PM GMT+8 said...

nice photo, visiting for happiness is, i hope you could visit my share at

see yeah!!!!

Mai at: Fri Mar 02, 03:32:00 AM GMT+8 said...

i also dream of owning a dslr someday. right now, i'm still enjoying my digicam. but the feature that i use most often is the macro settings, hehe. your shot of that insect is great! visiting for happiness is...

emzkie at: Fri Mar 02, 07:35:00 AM GMT+8 said...

indeed! great shot!

from Happiness.. heres mine

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