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And again...

2 shared thoughts
We all want to stay healthy. Well, I know I do! Sometimes getting the habit of eating healthy (and mostly getting that exercise!) can be quite a chore, though. I wish it was as easy as clicking "learn more" in most sites online, but it's not. But I guess the most important thing is that I control what I eat and be pretty selective about it. Exercise is important, too, but I think the diet is a bit more important. That's just a personal opinion, though. Others might have experienced it differently.

Now I should really be serious about getting healthy.

It's never too late...I hope. :)

2 shared thoughts:

Gizelle at: Thu Dec 02, 11:24:00 PM GMT+8 said...

ambilis mo kada-refresh ko may bagong post ;-) digiscrap lang kanina plus 3 na! Deadline! hehe

maiylah at: Thu Dec 02, 11:25:00 PM GMT+8 said...

hahaha!!! tama ka dyan, G!!! :D

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