I actually had to tell hubby to stop the car so that I can take a couple of macro shots of this small weed ... lol. Some motorists were actually slowing down, looking at me, so I had to rush it. That made me uncomfortable, so I was finished sooner than I expected. :D
I think it turned out ok. :)
7 shared thoughts:
Nice picture.
It reminds me of a commercial for grass fertilizer or something where the little girl is blowing on those and the dad runs and jumps to save all the spores from hitting the grass. Its a really funny commercial.
Ohh you did a awesome job on this. It really worth your effort..;)
Maiylah...this is one beautiful weed...worth your stopping to capture this one!
Thanks for dropping by. Hope to hear more from ya!
Weed Jam! Hahhaha...I don't think I'll enjoy stares like those. But this is indeed a lovely macro shot!
appreciate all the visits and comments! many thanks! :)
this is magnificent! your camera must be high end..
Beautiful picture! Keep it up!
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