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Stray Cat in B/W

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stray cat

That's one of the stray cats that I normally see prowling through our place; whenever my sister's dog sees one of the cats he goes into such a fuss that sometimes they can't control him. I don't know why he's such a cat hater! lol.

Took this shot when the cat was passing through the fence and was lucky he turned to look at me when I clicked! :)

Choice for Crating Services

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If you want to move and you have such heavy stuffs to bring from one place to another, then there's no need to view that as a problem. Trust portland crating to help you finish the job in no time! Their expert services and staff will help you come up with solutions through their
portland crating services, which you can avail online (and offline) easily.

Being in the business for more than 38 years now, trust Industrial Craters and Packers to deliver what they say that they could and would! They offer the best portland export crating that you can get in the area, with no hassles. If you need to unload off some equipments or materials from your office space, then you can trust them to do that for you, too. They can serve as your crating department and store your crates for you while you use the space that was created after the materials were removed. Quite convenient, really.

So if ever you are in a situation where you need to pack some heavy things (like a large vehicle, for example) and you feel like you have nowhere to go, trust to do it for you!

Earlier today ...

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Didn't actually get to rain today .... that's ok, but it is hot! Well, not as hot as during the first few days of summer, but still hot. Am not complaining; am happy the electric fan is there to save us! lol.

Cut back some of the plants in the garden earlier this morning since I noticed that it's gone a bit wilder and taller now. I mean, anybody could be hiding there and you wouldn't notice! The garden's actually outside our gate, so I don't go there often. ;P

Love the "polished" look now. :)

Keeping The Additional Weight Off ... Permanently

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There are lots of men and women who are not really that comfortable with their bodies (admittedly, I often feel the same way about my body, too). It's pretty common since just look at what the media is referring to as the "perfect" body: somewhat anorexic-thin bodies for women while an overdose of muscles for men with no visible fat in their physique! I know I am exaggerating, but sometimes that's how some of us would want to look, too! There's no harm in admiring other well-formed bodies, but we have to be practical, and realistic.

If you want to tone down your body, then it's a good idea to do some researching before acting. If you can't find a person who will personally assist you, then try researching online. You can find online coupons and discount codes for Medifast and Nutrisystem, one of the most reliable and convenient weight loss program. There are also coupons for South Beach Diet as well as discount coupons for Diet To Go, if you believe that their programs could help you better.

Once you do get to lose some weight off, it's important that you keep the weight off, too. I have known some friends who did get to lose weight, then after a few months they regained the weight back! It's a vicious cycle, that's why you must understand why you should continue with the program. If you want to know more, you must learn how to achieve a healthy weight loss.

These programs are not only for a few months (or a few years), but it's a total change in lifestyle. It's totally worth it, so check them out at!

Thursday Challenge: Common

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dried peppers

This is commonly used in our food ... that's whole peppercorns with the skins "peeled" off; it's being dried under the sun and after a bit of processing it will be commonly known as "white pepper". :)

This shot was taken when my family and I visited my MIL's place; they have some pepper vines there on their garden that seems to be running wild!

Looking for a Book Publisher?

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I've got a couple of friends who love writing; in fact, some of them have even thought of publishing a book of their own. I think that's a really awesome dream (and one that I might find hard to accomplish! lol); I hope that they will find a couple or so of Book Publishers that will be interested in their creations. Am not so sure if they have even started with their books, though, since most of them are busy with their day time jobs. Living in the city, the lifestyle here is more expensive compared to living in rural areas, so they have to work hard for all their wants and needs. However, I do know that some of them are still confident that they will be able to accomplish their dream of having a book published.
I know that some of them are hesitant to have a book published since they have this idea that most publishers will only accept orders from writers who are relatively already well-known. Well, they need not worry since there's this site,, who can publish their book and have it shipped to them within 48 hours! If they want to know How to Publish a Book effortlessly, then they must check out the site! Isn't that amazing? I was amazed myself when I first found out!

So for those persons out there who's desperate to find a publisher but have no one to turn to, then I suggest you check out and see how they will be able to help you realize your dream! :)

Arte y Pico Award

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Got this award from Irish of Aeirin Collections ... thank you so much, sis! Really appreciate the thought! :)

The rules of this tag are as follows:

1) You have to pick 5 blogs that you consider deserve this award for their creativity, design, interesting material, and also for contributing to the blogging community, no matter what language.

2) Each award has to have the name of the author and also a link to his or her blog to be visited by everyone.

3) Each award winner has to show the award and put the name and link to the blog that has given her or him the award itself.

4) Award-winner and the one who has given the prize have to show the link of "Arte y Pico" blog, so everyone will know the origin of this award. Make sure you visit the link above.

Am giving this award to the following ladies:
T. Julie, a {GIRL} for all status, and My Bug Life

Weekly Questions

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Weekly Questions from GreenBucks:

  1. If you are married would you know if your husband is reading your blog? If you are in a relationship, would you know if your partner is reading your blog?
I am married, and yup, hubby does read my blog. Not all of my posts, though, since he doesn't have the time. LOL. He likes looking at the pictures that I've posted and gives me good advices on what I could have done better. I think that's pretty cool. :)

Red ... and Hot?!

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torch ginger

That's the flower of a torch ginger ... finally remembered what it's called! :D

Shot taken at my MIL's house ... this plant requires lots of space and it's a good thing they have lots of garden space there! A Thai friend told me that there's a variety that can be used in teas ... she even sent me the recipe. I have to look for that recipe. :)

Internet Fun

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Some people just love having fun, whether they are online, or not. There are different ways to have good clean fun, and for me one of the things that I do for fun is to surf online. I like reading about my different hobbies, hoping to find and learn something new at least one thing each day, and think about how I may be able to apply it to my life. Nothing so dramatic, of course. Sometimes the simplest things are the ones that really matter.

Since I love surfing the internet, I found a thing or two about online casinos during one of my browsing activities. It helps that we have unlimited access to the internet (and hubby has installed the wi-fi), since sometimes while going from one site to another it takes me hours before I decide I'm done! lol.

Landing upon Best Online Casino was just one of the pleasant surprises that happened. I was browsing for some news regarding casino sites and that's how I found them. Their site is really informative and they also offer different links to different games, news, and even a brief history about online casinos. Cool!

I haven't tried betting real money online, though, since our budget just couldn't afford it yet. For now, I am very much satisfied trying to learn more about the different games and the different sites that offer them. Now on with browsing! :)

Discipline ...

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There have certainly been days when I just sat in front of the computer and do nothing but browse through different sites and blogs. I love learning new things, and that does include gaming. Am not an expert on that, though (but my nephew seems to be!), but I enjoy the different games being offered online, including online casinos. Now, don't get me wrong: I know some people don't enjoy playing online casino, but believe me, some people do!

An online friend has been telling me about Spin Palace Casino a few days ago and he has encouraged me to visit the site (which I did). It's a site where you can find different games, and am sure if you're an online casino gamer you'd be familiar with them all. They have different games from the classic ones to the newer slot games, so you can just take your pick! Cool, huh?! Personally, I haven't tried betting real money online since I just don't have the budget for that yet. Maybe when things get less tighter, I will. :)

A word of advice for those who are addicted to online casinos: discipline. That's what my friend told me the very first time I asked him about online casinos. If you know that it doesn't seem to be your day, and you're losing more than your budget, then you have to stop. That's the most important advice he has given me!

Stray Cat in B/W

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stray cat

That's a stray cat which I see occasionally around the house perimeters. He (I believe the cat's a male) is so quite sometimes I never notice him until my sister's dog make a lot of fuss. lol.

I believe the reason why he passes by every so often is because our neighbors are feeding him. We couldn't feed him, because of my sister's dog. He's a cat hater! I never could understand why, since I've known some dogs who are tolerant (or is that the other way around? lol) of cats ...

A mystery ... for me. :)

Staying Put

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fly on a leaf

Was taking some pictures earlier today at my sister's garden when I noticed this fly who wasn't scared one bit when I started crouching on top of it (I was trying to get some good angles on some flower shots; during times like this ~ the crouching and getting into uncomfortable positions ~ I miss my S3 IS with the revolving lcd screen!). It was one heck of a strong-willed house fly! Or maybe it was blind??!!! LOL

I continued with what I was doing ... and still it stayed there. Finally, I finished the shots. And when I checked it out, it was still there!

Deals and Buys

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Since school time is almost upon us, that means it's that time again when we need to find promotions and sales for online department stores like Target, Macy's, Kohl's, Bloomingdale's, Nordstrom,, Sears and Wal-Mart! Sometimes I must admit I like browsing through the internet, trying to find good deals for most of my family's needs. It's like collecting all those coupons and using them every time you purchase something at your local supermarket. I like the idea that I get something that I need and I got it at a much lower price. :)

I recently just purchased a notebook and it came with a free bag and a 1GB flash disk. The bag was colored black and looks so serious (like hubby's laptop bag); definitely not my style. I must admit I like to have my bags a splash of color on them. I still haven't found the bag that I like (the brand that I like is in a mall quite far from our house), so right now all I can do is dream and hope that I will find the perfect laptop bag soon! I just don't relish the idea of lugging that black bag every time we go out!

Hopefully, we might have the time to go to that mall this weekend. It's a good thing that that's the same mall where I want to go browsing for some digital camera lenses, too. Though I won't be buying one yet so soon, after all the spending I've been doing! :)

School's almost here again ...

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It's already past midnight now, and am still here in front of the computer ... the day seems to be going by so fast! Two weeks from now would be the start of my son's regular school days and he's now in third grade! :)

I haven't finished preparing some of his school stuffs yet (like his bag and shoes), but we're done with most of them (like the books, notebooks, and other requirements).

Quiet days are going to be here again ... am missing summer already! ;P

Keeping and Staying Fit

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Are you like me, who wants to have a healthier lifestyle, too? As much as possible, I try to eat healthier food, but that doesn't mean I don't eat "junk" food (like those super sinful chocolate cakes! lol) every now and then. I do tend to give in to my cravings sometimes, but not much.

It's a good thing that you can get healthy food online these days! So easy and convenient! One of them would be goji berries. I found out that you can get Bulk goji berries from at reasonable prices. Their berries are of the highest grade and will sure deliver the nutrients that our body needs.

I found out just recently that you can incorporate goji berries on your food, too (and I thought they were mostly just for juices!). You can also find Goji Berry Recipes online and I never really knew that you can also use them in meatloafs! Great way to stay healthy!

So how about it? Want to stay fit? Try goji berries now and see how a simple berry could be able to help you stay in shape! :)

Before it became HOT!

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pepper flower

This is what the HOT pepper looks like before it gets it's cylindrical-like shape most of us know as the pepper. Yup, that's it's flower. Pretty small, but I guess it's because the pepper that it will turn into is quite small, too. Just around less than an inch long. The same peppers as the one "below" (around two posts before this one).

A Day in the ...

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I am the jeans and tee shirt type of person, so for me hanging around with my comfortable pair of clothes is like I'm at home all the time. Even while I was in college, I usually wore just jeans and the tee shirt whenever our subjects (like the field subjects) doesn't require us to wear uniforms. In fact, I remember I had a pair of jeans that lasted for almost five years with me! I guess that's cool since that meant I hadn't really grown that fat over the years, lol. I had to stop wearing the jeans since they were all tattered and patched up so much it couldn't take the additional stress anymore. Obviously, it was my favorite pair.
What about you? Do you have a favorite pair of pants, too? Dockers pants is hosting a contest right now, and if you feel like you want to show the world what a day would be like with you and your favorite pair of pants, then why don't you submit your video? No need to pay for anything to enter the Dockers contest! As long as you send your video and you will garner lots of votes, then there's a big chance that you will be picked as the overall winner! Isn't that just cool?

So why not head on over at the Dockers site and check out their Dockers contest now! Am so sure those who's got video cameras and own a favorite pair of Dockers pants would love to jump at the chance to be a celebrity! The winning video will be aired over national television! Now how cool can you get! :)

Sponsored by Dockers

Some like it HOT ...

2 shared thoughts

Unripe peppers taken from my SIL's garden ... I like eating them together with my food. Yeah, they do pack a punch and I love it! However, I don't eat much of them, since I know that eating too much of anything isn't good for the body.

Like chocolates. But that's another story (and another post). LOL. :D

Finding the Perfect Ring

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June is one of the months where they say many would love to be tying the knot (in other words, just for clarification, most couples decide to get married). That means that it's about time that wedding rings become more in demand, too!

If you want to find one of the most elegantly designed wedding bands online, then I suggest you check out! Their designs are really elegant and such great classics that your ring will never go out of style. Their rings are meant to be worn for always, so expect the ring to be made of high quality metals, too. Isn't that awesome?

When hubby and I decided to choose our wedding ring back then, we were not that concerned really with the style, but mostly with the ring's quality and the reputation of the jeweler. With, you don't have to worry about both the quality and style ... you can have both! So cool, isn't it? Pretty convenient, too!

So, if ever you do decide to tie the knot this coming months, then go and start finding that perfect wedding band right now! Try starting with the site and am sure you'll find the perfect one that you're looking for! :)

morning rain

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It rained early morning today! Well, it was relatively early for me, at around past seven in the morning. I woke up to see hubby getting ready to go for work and the rain outside on a pitter-patter. Love the early morning start. Of course, I actually got out of bed at almost nine. lol. :)

Classic and Stylish

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I am not much of a fashion fanatic, but I do admire those who can carry clothes so perfectly. Like, whatever they wear, it will almost always look good on them; kind of like reminds me of some fashion models, or movie stars. The movie star that I really admire for her clothes (as well as for her acting abilities) is Audrey Hepburn. She's gone now, but her classic style still lives on; such finesse and elegance! Some people can't help but imitate her, and I must say I'm one of them. Though of course I don't even come close since honestly I prefer tee shirts and jeans. lol.
But do you know that another classic brand, Dockers, is hosting a contest right now? Yes, they are! Their Dockers contest doesn't require much, and anyone with a video camera can join! All you have to do is send them over your version of a Dockers commercial and if many will vote for your work, then there's a possibility that you could be the winner! No need to buy or pay for anything if you do decide to join. Cool, huh?!

So for those who are interested for a night of fame (your work will be featured on television!), then joining the Dockers contest is the way to go! :)

Sponsored by Dockers

still alive and kickin'

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It's already early morning right now and obviously am still awake! Am not sleepy, really. I think it's because I slept a bit in the afternoon. I love it, since nobody bothers me during the night and I can go on with my internet browsing in peace! lol.

I just don't get to sleep much during the afternoons, though, and that's why nights like these are rare and few ... lol.

Wordless Wednesday: Curious

30 shared thoughts

BlogBlast for Peace Meme ~ Join the Revolution

3 shared thoughts
I participated in this two years ago, but failed to participate last year ... but this time I will submit my peace globe again. :)

**start copy**

BlogBlast For Peace Meme ~ Join The Revolution

Here are the rules and the story. Copy this into a post and tag as many people as you'd like.

The Peace Globe project began in the fall of 2006 with a simple post from one blog, Mimi Writes. The post ignited a flame in the blogosphere. The flame became a passion. The passion became a movement. It amazingly traveled from blog to blog to blog across the globe. Bloggers wrote passionate articles on what peace means to them, along with the promise of three Latin words scribbled on a globe - Dona Nobis Pacem (Grant Us Peace) - branded with the integrity of their names or blog names. It was positively inspiring to watch. And it began to happen all over the world - from Singapore to China to Afghanistan to Brooklyn.

It was simple. And powerful.

In less than two weeks bloggers from all
across the globe will blog for peace.
We will speak with one voice. One subject. One day.
Won't you join us?
June 4, 2008

How To Get Your Peace Globe In 4 easy steps!

  1. Choose one of the four Peace Globe designs here. Right CLICK and SAVE in JPG format.

  2. Sign the globe using Paint, Photoshop or a similar graphics tool. Decorate the globe anyway you wish. You can even include the name of your blog. Click here for hundreds of inspiring examples from previous BlogBlasts.

  3. Return the peace globe to me via email ~ mimiwrites2005 at - Let me know your blog's name and url by leaving a comment here and signing the Mr. Linky. Your submission will be numbered and dated in the official gallery . Your globe and post will be listed on the Official BlogBlast For Peace website and The Peace Globe Posts page.

  4. Here's the most important part -- On June 4, 2008 DISPLAY YOUR GLOBE IN A POST. Title your post "Dona Nobis Pacem". This is important. The goal is for all blog post titles to say the same thing on the same day. Write about peace that day or simply fly your globe.

Click here for examples of peace globe posts from previous BlogBlasts.

(Go HERE for the other 3 globe template choices!)

When Silence Speaks, Scribbit, Flashing Yellow Lights,Whynotblogitout, Bitch Ph.D.,Rocks In My Dryer, Sprittibee,Embracing Momminess, Izzy Mom, Shadowscope, Fussy,, Live Granades, Write From Karen, MotherBumper, The Musings of Yet Another Working Mom, TricycleBlog, john k stuff , MC Hammer, Brazilian XC Skier, Process Recess, Ear Farm , Rick Mercer, Not Martha, Vegan Lunch Box, You Ain't No Picasso, Motel de Moka, Guyana, amond Geezer, Vitriolica Webb, Sleepless in Sudan, India Uncut, Kieden, What Up Willy!, UUUHHHGGG-rrrrRRR!, The Lonely Island , ScuBlog, Treo 650 Tips , Lovento, My Life on a Plate, Little John PalmOS, Finding Lisp, The Splintered Mind, Under Aged RVers, Casa del Ionesco, HorsePigCow, Xooglers, Lou Romano, Pimpwiz, Getting a Leg Up, Coffee House to Go, e, OK Go, Doob LaVey, Nickels for Katrina, Boy Who Heard Music, Arthur's Many Steps, One Movie a Day, California Eating, Movie Watcher's Diary, Lucky Cracker, This Is Not Art, Operation Eden, Night Stalker Blog, Ah Yes, Medical School, 3 x 5, Amanda UnBoomed , GSO blogcon, Hooked on Heat, Mini-Microsoft, The Language Guy, No Rock&Roll un, Writely, Las Fashionistas, Wo, Jeani's Blog, Blog from Bolivia Ottmar Liebert Am I Bugging You Yet? Alexa Lightning Studio Twinkie Experiment Belle in the Big Apple, Photo-A-Day, Circadiana, Eye Of The Storm, Jeremy Blachman, Blue Bottle Coffee, Trail Runner's, Anonymous Lawyer, ClipTip, HD For Indies, NY Jets Blog, Hoopty Rides, Bored, Vietnamese God, Hot Dog Spot, Holla Back NYC, A Consuming Experience, The Festivus Pole, Google Video of the Day, Blogger in a Snap, Simplicity, Founder Frustrations, Sakya Monastery, PuppetVision Blog, Camera Toss, VoodooPC, Daniel Thompson Microtonal Composer, altjiranga mitjina, Alchemy Anyone?, Video Archive by Daniel Thompson, Island Writer, Critique my Blog, Clickworthy Links, 11th Commandment, Blah Blah Blog - The Soap Box, Profile Directory, The Junkdrawer of Thought, Lutes, Viols, and Other Ancient Instruments, To Love, Honor, and Dismay, Truth: The No Spin Politically Incorrect Zone, Thermal, Smiling Sunflower, Reel Hollywood, Just a Hippie Gypsy, IT Guy Blogs, Pastoral Ponderings, Bible Study Blog, Surviving NJ, Mike's Place, A Girl Worth Saving, 4Simpsons Blog, Here Comes a Storm in the Form of a G, rasshopper Ramblings, The Blog of Logs, Pointless Drivel, Pest Control Information and Facts, Blog Name Removed, Pickled Eel, The Witch Doctor Is IN, The Foo Logs, More Cowbell, A Musing Farf, My Life Shelly, Beautiful British Columbia, Resources for the Microtonal Composer, Save Sheila, Gem-vita, Hippie Spelunker, Crunchy Carpets, Surviving Motherhood, The Ordinary Adventures of Tomas, Who Are We, Musings, Money, Matter, and More Musings, Digital Traveller, Rollie at Friday's Fry, Infinite Monkeys, Get a Klu, Crush Liberalism, Dan's Blah Blah Blog, Down River Drivel, hedyblog, Just A Girl In Short Shorts Talking About Whatever, Life Hiker's Trail Diary, Living Next Door To Alice, More Very Unimportant Stuff, Neurotic Me, Niagaran Pebbles, Pole Hill Sanitarium, R World, Ragebot, Second Effort, Sonja'a Scraps, Sorting The Pieces, Steve's Nude Memphis Blog, That Girl, The Velvet Blog, Blog About Your Blog,, Blog That Mommy!, Celebrity Scoop, Tricia's Musings, Odd Planet, Breath of Life Photography, As the Garden Grows, BackBeBetter, Hunna's Happenings,, The Tigers,, Small & Big, The Shopping Duck, Sejant Before the Muse, Award Haven, The Windows Shopper, Central American Rhapsody: A Cautionary Tale, Bicycle Diaries, Mike's Mixed Memories, Adventures of the S-Team,, Spluch, Mary Blogging Duffy, 365 Days, Simple Kind of Life, Thermal, Turning The Pages Of Life, Us Danes, Worldman, A Place I Call Home, Beautiful British Columbia, Boating in Beautiful British Columbia, Crafts 4 Dummies, Crazy 4 Pink, Crunchy Carpets, Cuter than Martha, Hugo Says, I Was Born2cree8, Instant Gratification Girl, Just Me, Quilt Nut, Reba's Run, Terramia, Jenna B, Loren Baker, ImmaAlice, Ramblings and the Likes, WTIT Tape Radio, She Says It's Pretty Dumb, Ramblings of an Undisturbed Mind, Stormdrane's Blog, Colloquium, Clutzy's Clutzes, The Awkward Epiphany, Rogers Bla Bla, The Rhetorical Letter Writer, Maine Stay Inn, Second Effort, Beta Blogger for Dummies, Fungi Thinking, Eclectic Spaghetti, Spandex and Hairspray, Peanut, Peanut Butter...Jelly!, Wasting Time, My Throwaway Blog, My Thoughts, Ideas, and Ramblings, Heroines and Heroes (Blogger Poem), Life is falling to pieces: an illustrated journal, A Day in the Life..., Wise and Foolish, S Nicolas Originals, Brave New Word, A Homesteading Neophyte, Twenty-three and Counting, Dr. Blogstein, Controlled Chaos, And Another Thing..., meloncutter musings, A Dog A Day, Memoirs of a Gouda, Jane Lake Makes a Mistake, Bitter Cup of Joe, Web Gamin, Totally Biased Book and Movie Review, These Are Me Thinks, Mascaline Visions 4.0, Vicepost: All the Good Things In Life, Cozy Reader, New Mom On The Blog, Using My Powers For Good, Bold Contemplations, Dreamy Destinations, Waterfalls Uplift, New Kid on the Blog, Memoirs of an Inmate's Wife, Purrchance to Dream, The Tome of Communism, A World of Bloggers, R2K, Worldof Reeholio, Portfolio Reeholio, Creative Truth, New York Bathrooms, Micro Images Blog, High Power Rocketry, The Club, The Woman Speaks 18 Languages But Can't Say "No" in Any of Them, Food for a Living, The Gluten Free Post, Theory of Thought, LAEvanesce: Muses and Opines, Grease TV - You're The One That I Want - Review, Bloggers Helping Bloggers, Life as Stripes, Yada Yada Yada, UK Fashion News, Westward Ho Folks, Irish's Cartoons, This S#%t Drives Me Crazy!!!, Bono Is Brian Peppers, Adventures in Time and Space, Dooce, A Brain Like Mine A Lovely Promise A Series of Tubes, Flippy, Blogging by Sandee, Comedy Plus, Fly and Be Free, moms..... check nyo, My Wanderings, Picture Clusters, Maiylah's Snippets, Life Quest, and the list will go on from your blogs.

**end copy**

Online Playing

0 shared thoughts
Have you ever tried visiting online casinos? I have, countless of times, but until now I still haven't fully understood them. I just love the idea that it's sort of a mathematics game (it is mostly numbers, right?), but loaded with probabilities. Nope, am not a mathematician, but the idea does interest me. I haven't tried betting with real money though, since my budget could not afford it ... yet. Maybe when I get enough courage to actually bet on a site I will do that. Of course, with the sufficient amount of money, too! :)

When visiting different online casinos, it's important that you know if the site is legitimate, or not. There are around a couple of thousand online casinos right now, and I learned that you need to avoid some sites. It's a good thing Online Casinos Reports have that covered, and if you want to know which reliable sites to go to, then you should check out!
If you want to get the latest casino news, tips, and reviews, then you've got to visit them. You'll learn much from their site, since they also have strategy tips for the different games, too. I definitely learned a lot from their site, since I'm just a newbie. You can be sure and confident that the sites that they recommend are legitimate, too. Now isn't that a great assurance, specially if you want to go ahead and bet real money online? :)

Those were the days ...

0 shared thoughts
When I was younger, I loved staying in our kitchen. Not because of the food only (but of course, that was part of it), but also because somebody seems to be almost always there all the time. People at my family's house seems to be cooking something every now and then. Sometimes even during late nights; and I'd just sit on one of our counter stools and see what was cooking. Our mother also encouraged us to experiment with our cooking, as well as prodded us to do some baking every once in a while. I never did get to enjoy baking much, but still my sisters and I learned how to cook cookies and cakes. Such delicious times! Now the thought is making me hungry! :)

We did get to learn how to cook, but I must admit my favorite ones to make were the viands, and not the baking part of it. I learned how to cook different meals (though I must say we didn't actually follow the recipe since sometimes we won't have the ingredients; we usually just follow our taste buds and see which ingredient could be substituted for it), while my sister learned how to bake different cakes and pastry products. I guess she had the sweet tooth, while at that time I definitely preferred sour (or maybe even salty) foods! Opposites, you might say. :)

That's why whenever I see kitchen bar stools being sold in the malls, or online, I always remember those days and what fun and lovely memories I had while lingering in the kitchen. My present day kitchen is quite small compared to the kitchen in my parent's house, but still I think it would be awesome if I find some great discount bar stools. I know I'd find some over at since they carry one of the most extensive bar stool designs online. So am heading there right now! :)


Passing the time ...

4 shared thoughts
coffee break
Lunch time here right now ... but am so longing to have something 'lighter', like maybe something from this shot. lol. Took this shot while hubby and I were just passing time at a coffee shop; around a month ago, or something.

Wasn't really spectacular, but it was ok. :)


Having fun online ...

0 shared thoughts
Sometimes there are times that I get to encounter online casino sites and when I'm in a hurry I don't check out the site, but if I have the time I do try to browse the site and see what's new with them. That's how I found out about Free Slots over at

It's basically a game wherein you just place your bet and hit the spin button. Sounds easy, huh? There are different variations, though, and that is what makes this game more interesting! If you want to find out more, then I suggest you go check them out yourself; am sure you'll learn more about the game than what you currently know. Unless, of course, if you're already an expert at it! :)

An online friend who enjoys a stint in some online casinos every now and then have been giving me some very valuable tips, and so far the best one that I've gotten was that I have to learn more about the game (do some researching) before actually trying to play and bet real money. I told him that I don't have the budget for that, yet, so what I've been doing is playing in some sites, but not using real money. Yes, there are sites where you can play without betting real money, and it does help. It's fun, too! :)

Empty Mall

0 shared thoughts
empty mall
I like malls with less people ... but of course the store owners wouldn't want that! :D

We happened to stop by this mall on a Monday, and that explains the almost empty place; we decided to drop by for some refreshments in one of our favorite coffee shops and I admit I just loved the "almost empty place"! There were still less people inside the coffee shop, too ... but it did get filled up after around an hour. ;P

Best Advice ...

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Some people admittedly don't like any form of gambling, and they could have a million reasons why they have that opinion. Personally, I believe that each of us have our own opinions and we're entitled to it. But for me, when it comes to gambling, I don't hate them; in fact, like I said before in my previous posts, they interest me.

Online Casinos is a form of math probabilities and that's why I find them interesting. Of course, that's just my own opinion and I can't help but feel the excitement and rush every time I start betting! I haven't tried actually betting real money online, though, since I just don't have the budget for that. There are sites that offer free play, and I have tried some of them; I must say, it's fun! Usually I lose, though, and that's why I feel glad that I didn't bet with real money! lol.

I know an online friend who enjoys playing online gambling, too, but he's the serious type. I mean, he bets using real money, though not that big. Like me, he just loves the rush and excitement one gets while betting, and the best part is that he gives me pretty good advices every now and then. Know what's the best advice he's given me? He keeps reminding me to stop when needed! Now that's something that you should take to heart when gambling online! :)

Player Poker On a Mac

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If you love playing online games, then there's a chance that you might be interested in poker games, too! I believe that some game platforms don't play well with a Mac, though, so it's a good thing there's Mac Poker. It's a site where you can find reliable and trust-worthy sites while on your Mac; and not only that, they also offer reviews on some poker rooms, like on Fulltilt Poker, or on Pacific Poker. They also offer other reviews, so if you know other sites that you might be interested in, then it's a good idea to check them out on!

The site is pretty easy to browse through, and you can easily locate whatever you want, even if you're finding for Poker Bonus. If you're a newbie like me (or even an expert!) you will still like visiting their site because there is always something new to learn. What's more, the sites that they've listed are reputed to be safe and reliable, so you know that you can browse and download with ease! :)

Weekend Snapshot: Eating Out

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Yesterday we went to the bookstore to buy some school stuffs for our son; after that we got hungry so we tried one of the restaurants "relatively" near our place (it was kind of near, but not within walking distance). They specializes in pasta, but since I was not in the mood for a pasta, I didn't get one. Hubby did, though, and our son ordered nachos. My order's below (calamares and ice cold bottled water):
Weekend Snapshot
Actually, we also ordered pizza margherita, but didn't get to take a decent shot (I only had my phonecam). lol . :D

They just keep piling up ...

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It's quite humid again today ... looks like it's going to rain again. And I still haven't done the laundry! It's piling up. Real fast. I guess I should stop being lazy and get on with it. It's not going away anytime soon; in fact, I believe that the pile is just going to keep on increasing! LOL

This is definitely one of those days .... when I feel too lazy to do almost anything! :D

Get into the Dockers Contest!

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I think contests are interesting, like the one being made by Dockers. They have this Dockers contest wherein you send them your video about their product and if it gets the highest number of votes, then you could be the winner! It's going to be a commercial about Dockers, so this will definitely get your creative juices going! Your winning entry will be shown over at NBC's The Tonight Show with Jay Leno this coming June 13th, 2008! Wow, isn't that real cool!!
There have already been a number of videos being posted at the site and so far I have found some to be really funny, witty, and some quite really good! I must admit, I enjoyed watching most of them! I guess if I was one of the judges I'd have a hard time choosing which video to pick as the winner. :)

So what about it, folks?! Am sure there are lots of geniuses out there that could do this commercial! Why not try it out for yourself and you'll never know, you might be the winner! You don't need to pay anything to enter the contest (that's one of the best parts!); just submit your entry to the Dockers contest and that's it!

Lots of luck to all the participants!
Sponsored by Dockers

Relaxing time ...

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Yesterday we went out, supposedly just to buy some school stuffs, but ended up spending most of the day outside of the house! Know what we did? After buying our son's school supplies we went to have a light snack at a favorite coffee shop and we did some lazing around there. I definitely missed bringing my notebook along since I could have surfed the internet while we were there. Anyway, it was a pretty relaxing time and the place was cool. :)

Healthy Environment

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We all know how important it is that we keep our environment safe; not only for our generation, but most importantly for the coming generations. However, there are times when we might be harming our environment without knowing the full extent of the damage, and this is where Environmental Data Solutions Group (EDSG) can help. Being the leader in optimizing Environment, Health and Safety performance (EHS), you can be sure that both their EHS compliance software as well as their EHS metrics software will be of great help to any existing company.
Living during these times when progress seems to be on a roll, government agencies have set up some guidelines so that the environment won't be compromised, and each company must follow them. EDSG can help the company in that area with their EHS software implementation, of which one is waste management. They also offer other services and you can be sure that the service that they give will be more than you have hoped for!

PhotoHunt: Shoes

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colorful ladies shoes

These aren't my shoes ... it's a shot I took furtively while inside the mall (I wasn't sure if taking pictures of their display items was allowed). I just liked the way it was arranged and the colors looked really great! :)
*i don't really wear them, either; am more inclined towards rubber shoes and flip flops. :D

Shopping Online Convenience

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There are certain things that we all need to have, like food, shelter, freedom, and something that might seem trivial for some, like clothing. I know we can find clothes almost anywhere these days, but sometimes if you don't have the time to look for the ones that you have during the day time, it's a good idea to just go shopping online! Yeah, it's really convenient to go shopping online since time is not an issue; you can go shopping at whatever time you want, and another great thing is that you can visit different stores all at once at the comfort of your own home! So cool! Know what site to go to? Try, where you can compare, find, and buy anything! :)

Moon and Kite

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Shot taken last month ... that's a homemade striped kite there ... and the moon behind it. I think it's ok. Not totally satisfied with the shot; makes me want to buy a new set of lens (telephoto lens) for the camera. lol.

Anyway, getting the new lens is definitely in the plans right now, but just not this time. There are more 'pressing' bills (and soon to be payments) that needs taking care of, for now. :)

Looking For Baby Clothes?

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I've got a cousin who's going to be a mom in approximately three months time, and am so sure that she and her husband have already started with the preparations to welcome their new family member home. I know that they went searching for some good quality Baby Clothes for their soon to arrive baby (they just found out it's a girl), and I'm really so excited for them. So far some of the family members have already 'contributed' to their collection, so they need not buy lots. Besides, what's neat about being connected to the internet all the time is that she can order online whenever she needs to! So convenient, really.

If you're like my cousin who's expecting a baby soon and would love to shop online for some baby clothes, then I suggest you check out! They not only feature cute and good quality beddings, but baby clothes, too! Their designs range from being unique, classy and funky, and am so sure you'd fall in love with them! Well, I surely did! If ever there will come a time that I would be needing baby clothes, I'm sure I'd go and browse through the site as diligently as I can! Am sure I'd most probably buy a dress or two! :)

As we went wheezing by ...

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Shot taken while we were on an overpass ... the car was moving, so that accounts for some blurry parts. Tried experimenting with it ... using photoshop. Not that really satisfied with it, since I wanted the torn and old effect. Oh well. Better try experimenting some more! lol.

Have always been interested about that church, but have never actually been there. I only see that while we go wheezing by. :D


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Having moved three times from one place to another, I guess I can say that I know what it feels to be packing your things, having them transported to your new place, and then unpacking them again. It's really not a fun chore, but something that should be done.

Well, it helped us unload some of our stuffs, too, to be given to charity (like some old clothes and toys); we even left some of our furniture in some of the houses since we know that we wouldn't be needing them. With the home owner's permission, of course. They were glad they had additional furniture for their house.

It's important that once you decide to move, you get a very reliable mover, like the Toronto Movers. Am just sad that we're quite far from them, since they'd have done much better than the one that we got the last time! It wasn't really that terrible, but there were some mishaps that wouldn't have occurred if we've gotten a much better (though most probably more expensive), mover company. But now that I know, I believe that choosing the best possible movers for you and your things is more important than the amount since that way you will encounter less stress.

Some things to look for in a good mover are the following:
  • They should be reliable.
  • They must know how to arrange your things in the truck so that your plants won't get crushed, or your boxes don't get squashed.
  • They must have a fully equipped furniture van.
  • Their service crew should be professionals and fully qualified.
I know these are just some of the things to consider while you are moving your things, but believe me, anything less than this and you know that your moving day could turn out to be a disaster! So don't gamble, do what you know is the right thing to do!

Drought, or Rain

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I have noticed that it seems to be raining here almost every afternoon. Guess it's because it's the start of the rainy season already ... I like it, though I feel sad for some people who doesn't have sufficient shelter (the homeless). That's life, though.

Watched a program yesterday about the difference between rain and drought ... turns out it's much better if it rains. Just compare the living things in a desert and a rain forest ... :)

Start Saving ...

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Don't you just love it when you know that you managed to save some money buying something and yet you still got what you wanted? I do, that's why usually I frequent mall sales, though I don't go for the midnight sales thingy. I must admit, I'd rather sleep, or just maybe shop online for sales, like what usually happens after Thanksgiving; it's called black friday, where retail stores kick start Christmas shopping with sales.

It's really a good opportunity and something that I'm sure you wouldn't want to miss. I know a friend who went to the store quite early but was a bit frustrated when she found out that there was a long line already! Still, since she was already there she also waited for the shop to open and when it did, she went directly to the product that she wanted: a laptop! Am glad she got what she wanted that day, but I believe that she could have prevented the inconvenience if she had only shopped online!

If you want to be ahead of the other buyers, and don't like the long lines, then this time, how about doing your black friday 2008 shopping online? There are different shops who are participating, like Best Buy and Circuit City for the techie buffs, and even Toys R Us, JC Penny and Home Depot! They are not the only shops, though, so if you want to know more, I suggest you check out their site, :)

Missing them already

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My sister and nephew will be going back home today ... missing them already. We really didn't do much while they were around, mostly because it kept raining almost everyday. The closest we ever did to doing 'anything' was go to the mall, buy some stuffs and watch a movie (Iron Man)!

I hope that the next time they come back they'll have a much better vacation! :)

Unwanted Pounds

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I have never really ever tried any pills that's meant to make me slimmer, but some of my friends have. They have searched the internet for diet pills that work, and I know some of them have bought them online. I was amazed that one friend really got slimmer after taking those pills, but I guess it's because she was also exercising more and eating more sensibly. I just hope that those unwanted pounds won't crawl back after a couple or so of years from now! :)


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Having stayed in the same place for around four years now, hubby and I are thinking of getting a place of our own; something with bigger space, like in the Wilmington real estate area. It's still in the planning stage, of course, since we don't have the budget for that yet. It's in one of our long term plan, together with buying a new car. :)

Lotus Eaters - First Picture Of You

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Happened to watch this today ... brings back nice memories ... feels like it was eons ago! LOL.

I still like the music. :)

Online Shopping

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I know some girl friends who love online shopping, and sometimes they'd even prefer to buy their clothes online rather than go to the mall. I guess it's because of the different designs and options that's available. I, for one, would choose eco-fashion, something that's not readily available in all of the shops here; it's a good thing internet has one of those!

Know where you can get a link to different clothes in just one site? At, of course! What's neat about their site is that they feature any sites that's relevant to your search, whether they get paid for it, or not. Definitely a great site if you want to find something online, like casual dresses for summer. Of course, they have other listed products too (like electronics), but I happened to be surfing for women's clothing today, and that's how I found out that they offer different brands and styles. Cool, huh?! :)

Thursday Challenge: Pink

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Pentas flower

Cute pink flower I found while we attended a church service. :)

Finding Scanner Crystals Online

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For those who don't know, Scanner Crystals are those being used in public service bands, like police scanners. If you're a fan, then you know that these scanner frequency crystals are used in Low Band, High Band, T-Band, and UHF Band. has over 27,000 crystals in stock and if you are trying to find one for your system, then go check them out! Not only do they have such a huge stock which they test individually, they are also reputed to have the lowest price on the internet! Convenience and amazing deal in one great site!

So, still looking for that scanner crystal online? Don't hesitate; go and check them out now!

Time To Upgrade

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If you're looking at your fireplace and thinking it's time for a new fireplace mantel, then look no further than the fireplace mantel experts – Agee Woodworks. Whether you're looking to update your current mantel, add a vent free gas fireplace, or look at their examples of fireplace remodeling, Agee Woodworks is the only place you'll need to visit. Since they build every order custom, you'll never have to worry about whether the piece you order will fit your fireplace since it'll be built to fit your specific fireplace. Check them out today, see which style you like the best, and order your new fireplace mantel to update the look and feel of your home.

Watermelon Seeds/Butong Pakwan

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watermelon seeds/ butong pakwan

shot taken a while back ... while eating some watermelon seeds. :)

Upgrading The Kitchen

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Sure, Accent Building Products has the best selection of cabinets available, but did you know they also have a great selection of mantel shelves and vinyl window shutters? That's right, just because you're not looking to upgrade your kitchen doesn't mean you can't look to Accent Building Products for your other home improvement projects. Let Accent Building's great selection of products help take some of the stress of upgrading your home away. I'm sure you'll be happy you let them help you.

Wordless Wednesday (Thursday Ed.): No Smoking, please!

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No Smoking!

Finding Franchise Opportunity Online

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I remember hubby telling some time ago that he is interested in finding a business; something like a Franchise from another well-known business. I definitely agree with him on that, since trying to start a business from scratch can be quite duanting. It needs lots of researching, too, something that if you don't do might cost you a lot from the trial and errors that would most likely happen.

There are different types of Franchises that you can avail, and if you have no idea where to start, then I suggest you go and head on over to where they offer different franchising and small business opportunities at their franchise directory. You will be able to take a look at the different business opportunities being offered and am sure your entrepreneurial spirit will be able to find one that interests you! You will be able to choose the businesses available depending on your budget, too! So convenient, really.

So, to be safe, I believe that if you want to go into any business venture, it's a good idea to look at all the Franchise Opportunity available for you on your area, and see which would fit you and your needs better!

Lots of luck with the venture! :)

Cute Stuffs for Baby

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When my sister delivered a cute baby girl, she wasn't really that prepared since they weren't expecting her getting pregnant so soon. So when they found out during the late stages of her pregnancy, they started buying some baby stuffs, including Baby Bedding. I couldn't accompany them to buy some baby stuffs since I was living far away then. All I could do was send over some of my son's stuffs (like the bottle sterilizer and some baby clothes) that he was no longer using. He was already four years old by then. We were pretty excited for her! Am sure anybody would be excited with the addition of a new member to the family! :)

Since buying online then wasn't that available, we had to go to the mall and find the stuffs. That needs time, and since my sister was working, we can only go visit the mall during weekends. It's a good thing there are now online stores like where you can shop any time of the day! So convenient, really. No more waiting for the weekend, and the best part: no more long lines and waiting to pay for the products! We're pretty lucky to be living during these times! :)

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