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Friday's Feast (#158)

20 shared thoughts

Friday's Feast

Who is the easiest person for you to talk to?

My husband.

If you could live in any ancient city during the height of the quality of its society and culture, which one would you choose?

oh my ... no idea! Am not so sure if I like the idea of living in an ancient city. LOL.

What is the most exciting event you’ve ever witnessed?

Being around to assist a cow who was having difficulty in giving birth; my colleagues were with me, and it was a tense and exciting moment for us all.

Main Course
If you were a celebrity, what would you do for a publicity stunt?

Attend parties! But wait ... don't they do that already? lol

What do you consider the ideal age to have a first child?

I'd say around 20something ... by then the mother's body would have developed fully and won't compete with the unborn child.

See other participants here.

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Online Casino

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Ever since I've started "hanging around" the internet I've been seeing these online casino games and programs being marketed heavily. There are plenty to choose from, and you might even favor one site to another, if you like playing these kind of games.

If you do, then you must have heard (or are familiar with) Golden As an all-international casino, they can handle different currencies which is really convenient for the players. In this site you can download their casino software and get to choose whether you want to play as a guest (for free) or play with real money. Once you sign-up, you will be available for a $300 bonus with your first deposit. Another great thing is that if you use their preferred wire transfer options, you will receive more deposit bonuses! Isn't that really neat? They have a cache of over 70 games available games which you can choose from, and they are all ready to be played, once download has finished. Now that sounds quite a lot! I'm so sure you won't get bored with all the choices available!

I have always been curious about this online casino, and would love to try it! However, I don't have the spare money to try this game! But for those who are having so much fun playing, (and winnning!!), then I suggest you check out Golden then see for yourself what they have to offer!

I got SPAM

4 shared thoughts
Look what i found today (in my inbox):




Don't they ever stop??!!!
oh, yeah, this was the email address of the sender:
yusuf musa
I hope they will be spammed, too! *evil laugh here* :D

Looking Smart while Earning

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Doesn't just about anybody look gorgeous while wearing sunglasses? I'm not sure about you, but for me, guys wearing cool shades look more appealing and suave than those who don't. That doesn't mean that those who don't wear sunglasses aren't cool, though. Wearing one just makes one appear cooler and more composed.

Now there's a way you can earn while looking cool and smart! You can even get to buy wholesale sunglasses and avail of their volume discounts. is the place to go to, if you want to see the latest and hottest designer style sunglasses available on the internet.

The site is pretty easy to browse through, and you can click and see which products are their monthly specials, hotsellers, or their new arrivals. Granted, their designs may only be inspired from popular brands, but that only means you can sell them for less! Besides, in my opinion, the brand doesn't really matter, as long as you are comfortable with the design and it suits you!

Wordless Wednesday (Flower Offering)

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Wordless Wednesday

More Wordless Wednesday participants here.

Flower Offering

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Visit Rome

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I know a lot of persons (friends and family, actually) who have always dreamed of visiting Rome. Well, I think I have to count myself in, too, since going to Rome is also in one of my dreams. Visiting Rome and getting to witness all of the historical places there would just be wonderful! Getting a glimpse of the the Pope would be an added bonus!

But first things first: Rome accommodation and Rome apartments will definitely be on top of our worry list when we go there. Finding that perfect place to stay needs to be the priority, since we very well can't enjoy the sites if we are tired because we weren't able to sleep well the night before!

There's this site,, who boasts of finding local quality hotels for the travelers; I'm sure every traveller will consider this offer, specially if the accommodations are located at the heart of Rome's historical center. Isn't that neat? That way, the traveller will have more opportunity to explore the city at any given time; because his accommodations are quite near.

So for those who are planning to go and visit Rome, I suggest you check out and let Maoro and Paola (the Italy experts) find the perfect place for you!


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The other month, our VGA monitor conked out on us ... Actually, it was still "there", but the color was just mostly blue. I tried using it like that, but I couldn't last long; I had to stop. Hubby and son, too, complained. I did most of the complaining, though, since it's me who's almost always in front of the computer. lol.

Finally, we decided to buy another monitor ... we weren't sure yet what type of monitor we were going to get. There were indeed lots to choose from, but we were drawn towards the lcd monitor that a certain store had on display. We gravitated towards it ... and found out that it was within our budget! Boy, we were in heaven! :)

Dragon Fruit

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I know a place where dragon fruits are relatively cheaper .... in cavite! I only found out about dragon fruits recently ... the first thing that crossed my mind when I saw the fruit was ... WEIRD! Then when I tasted it, i though ... GUAVA-Like! lol. Here's what wiki have to say:

The pitaya (also known as pitahaya, dragon fruit, huǒ lóng guǒ (火龍果/火龙果), strawberry pear, nanettikafruit, or thanh long) is the fruit of several cactus species, especially of the genus Hylocereus, but also see Stenocereus. Native to Mexico and Central and South America, these vine-like epiphytic cacti are also cultivated in Southeast Asian countries such as Vietnam, the Philippines, and Malaysia. They are also found in Taiwan, Okinawa, Israel, and southern China. The pitaya only blooms at night; they are large white flowers that are often called Moonflower or Queen of the Night.

Really interesting!

Light Fixtures at Farrey's

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If you think that light fixtures aren't important, well, think again! Have you ever wandered into a dark street at night, or peered at a dark alley (which, by the way, you need not have to cross), and get goose bumps? Well, I have. Trust me, it isn't a welcome sight! Or a wonderful feeling, either! There's just something about light that really can manipulate what we feel.

Ceiling light features and chandelier can create dramatic effects to a room, while great kitchen light features can give you that homely effects while eating dinner. Different home lighting such as hall or foyer fixtures can help make your home feel like "home", too. In fact, I think that lighting fixtures shouldn't really be taken for granted, including those bathroom light fixtures!

Think of all the possibilities what one can do with light fixtures ... isn't it amazing? :)

Technorati going weird ...

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Something seems to be wrong with my technorati authority ... I noticed it last week. First, it was at 265, then the next day it went to 263, then to 260! That made me visit the site and look at their FAQ site; found out that going down is possible, since some of my links (old, most probably) might not be working anymore. I thought, "Hmmmm... I could live with that."

Then today the same thing happened! I know it reached 266 yesterday ( i was more vigilant this time), but right now it has gone down again, to 263! I just hope it won't continue going down like last week!!! I haven't been doing anything different. If I just know the real reason why it's going down ... sigh. Already submitted a ticket at technorati, and I received an email back, saying they may or may not answer my query. Oh well.

Play Online - Mac Poker

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Some people love to play online games while being connected to the internet, and what's great about it is that there are plenty of games to choose from! One such popular game is poker, and Mac Poker is the site to go if you enjoy it.

Mac Poker is a site that lists the available and best online poker sites for Mac. With the available list, you can play for free or play for real with confidence since each site are already established and have garnered excellent reputation.

There are different Mac online poker rooms, and it could include no download, download, and PC emulator. The site have also made reviews, and reviews for Pacific Poker, Fulltilt Poker, PokerStars, are available. Poker Bonus are available, if you're interested. If you want the site in another language, that is possible, too! As an example, check out this Poker für Mac; translated into German. Once you decide to sign-up for an online casino account, you shouldn't forget these online casino bonuses, also made available to you through Mac Poker. That is indeed a great site for those who enjoy playing poker online with their Mac computers.

Choco Trivia (#3)

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some more choco trivia:

Chocolate Timeline:
1824: John Cadbury, an English Quaker, begins roasting and grinding chocolate beans to sell in his tea and coffee shop. In 1842 Cadbury's Chocolate Company in England creates the first chocolate bar.
1875: A Swiss chocolate maker, Daniel Peter, mixes Henri Nestle's con- densed milk with chocolate and the two men found a company to manufacture the first milk chocolate.
1894: Milton Hershey adds a line of chocolate to his caramel manufacturing business. Soon he invents the Hershey Bar by experimenting with milk chocolate. Hershey's Cocoa appears next.
1896: Leonard Hershfield invents the Tootsie Roll, named after his daughter.
1897: Brownies are first mentioned in print, listed for sale in the Sears, Roebuck and Co. catalogue.
About 1900: A machine called the enrober is invented to replace the task of hand-dipping chocolate.
1930: Franklin Mars invents the Snickers Bar.
1939: Nestle introduces semisweet chocolate morsels.
1940: The Mars company invents M&M's for soldiers going to World War II.

This is making me hungry ... lol.

Maui Vacation Homes

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Even though I live in a tropical country, I believe it's wonderful to be able to visit other places, specially in places where nature is still in evidence. Sure, I like going to urban places, too, but usually for me, nothing beats traveling with nature beside you. They just make the pictures look so perfect!

Once such place I'd love to visit is Hawaii. I fell in love with the shots taken by a photographer friend (online) who lives in Hawaii. She really did manage to capture some of the beaches in a dramatic way. I could definitely learn a lot from her!

While looking for travel information about Hawaii (how to get there the cheapest ~ and safest ~ way) I happened to find this Hawaiian Local Travel Blog. It is really useful and well-written. I enjoyed browsing through, and it has certainly encouraged me more to try having a vacation there. The same site also has featured Maui vacation homes which I really think is worth taking a peek at. After taking in all of these information, I know now that taking a dream vacation needn't be unreachable. With hard work and proper planning, anything is possible! :)

Choco Trivia (#2)

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another interesting trivia ...

Cultivation of cacao trees can occur only in tropical climates, 20 degrees north or south of the equator. Principal growing areas include West Africa, Brazil, Ecuador and the Indies. Generally, it takes five years before trees begin bearing fruit in the form of pods. Each pod contains an average of 20 to 40 cream-colored cocoa beans. Nearly 400 beans are required to make a pound of chocolate liquor, the semi-liquid mass produced by grinding the beans. A non-alcoholic substance, chocolate liquor is the basis of all chocolate and cocoa products.

We used to have cocoa trees, too ... or wait, maybe it's still there! We didn't use it for commercial purposes, but only for ourselves. yup, my mom roasted those beans herself then she'd bring them over somewhere (sorry, I'm not hundred percent sure, but I think it was the market), and when she returns the beans would have been ground already, ready for making them into round shapes, which we call tabliya. :)

Family Hawaiian Vacation

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My sister has been abroad lots of times, and the commercial plane which she had riden landed over in Hawaii, during one of their stop-overs. She was enamored by what she saw, even though it wasn't really much since it was just a short stop. After that, she and her husband thought about possible Hawaiian vacations together with their two kids. Boy were the kids ever ecstatic!

Since then, they have already taken several vacations, but not yet to Hawaii. I am so sure that my sister will appreciated any type of Hawaiian local travel information so that they will be able to plan their trip accordingly. Sometimes my sister is a stickler for details and such, so sites that will give the information she wants and needs will be visited by her. Below is one such shot which further encouraged her to take a family vacation to Hawaii.

So, interested in taking a Hawaiian vacation yourself? Check out, like my sister did! She found it pretty useful, so I'm sure you will, too!

Choco Trivia

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interesting trivia about :

White chocolate 3ounce bar or 1 cup chips
Caffeine 0.0 mg
Theobromine 0.0 mg
Baking chocolate, unsweetened 1 ounce
Caffeine 57.120 mg
Theobromine 346.360 mg
Semisweet chocolate 1 ounce (chocolate chips)
Caffeine 17.577 mg
Theobromine 137.781mg
Milk Chocolate 1.55 ounce bar
Caffeine 11.440 mg
Theobromine 74.360 mg
Cocoa mix 1 envelope/3 heaping tsp
Caffeine 5.040 mg
Theobromine 169.680 mg
Cocoa powder, unsweetened 1 tbsp
Caffeine 12.420 mg
Theobromine 111.078 mg


Wow ... white choco has absolutely NO caffeine?

Dreaming of Hawaii

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There are days when you feel like you really have to just go out there and take a vacation, right? Have you ever thought of going to Hawaii? I bet you have! :)

Just thinking about the water, beaches, and all those water activities sounds really enticing. Imagine yourself sitting on the beach, with your favorite book on one hand, and a cool drink on a small table beside you. Of course, the weather and environment has to be perfect, too! ~ blue skies, slight breeze, and no distracting sounds but the waves itself. Imagine that ... and you might even make your own Hawiian travel blog once you get there; specially after you've toured the area! Of course, once you get there, you need to have a place to stay: Big Island vacation rentals. It's important that you get to stay at a place that you really approve, too! :)

So have you been to Hawaii yet? Of course! Even if only in our dreams. ;)

Green Thumb Sunday (Sapodilla flower)

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Join Green Thumb Sunday

Sapodilla flower

That is the flower of the Sapodilla fruit. Locally it is called chico, a brown fleshy fruit that has a distinct texture when eaten and tastes "like brown sugar and rootbeer".

I know that sounds weird, and not many really like this fruit. A family member doesn't like it, but I do. :)

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Feel Like a Super Man!

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Some people act (and most probably feel like, too) they don't deserve to be happy. So they go around the place looking moody, unsatisfied, not worthy of anything, and just totally depressed. But you know, that can be changed! Just learn hypnosis!

Nope, I'm not kidding you, readers! Dr. Michael Masterman, an accelerated learning author, has compiled all the awesome tricks and techniques he want to share, so that you will literally become a super man! You will also be taught hynotheraphy which is a kind of hypnosis where you use it for a positive and therapeutic way, like making someone stop smoking, or stop be afraid of heights.

But don't just take my word for it ... check out their site and see for yourself! What have you got to loose, huh? In fact, I think you'll gain a lot if you just check them out! :)

Gold for Potatoes!

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Another interesting fact I found today:

During the Alaskan Klondike gold rush, (1897-1898) potatoes were practically worth their weight in gold. Potatoes were so valued for their vitamin C content that miners traded gold for potatoes.


Wow .... gold for potatoes!!!! I bet the farmers then got rich easily!!! :)

Don't Reveal Yourself

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Did you think that just because you didn't leave any messages or comments on a site means that you managed to hide IP address? Unfortunately, that isn't always the case. Hackers can take over your web address and do malicious things with it.

For one, they can break into your computer and wreck havok (or steal important datas), while others can copy your profile and see where you usually go. Isn't that eerie? Like a real live stalker!

But that can be stopped! There is Hide My IP Address who will take care of that for you. What's great about their program is that they will instantly hide your IP address once you start browsing! You will then be browsing anonymously, and without fear. Isn't that just liberating?

So if you want to be totally protected from hackers, identity thieves, and others with the same malicious intents, check out Hide My IP Address right now! Total lifetime support and total lifetime updates ... what more could you ask for? :)

Sulfer to Kill all Fleas ...

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Look what I found!!!

The average human body contains enough:
iron to make a 3 inch nail,
sulfur to kill all fleas on an average dog,
carbon to make 900 pencils,
potassium to fire a toy cannon,
fat to make 7 bars of soap,
phosphorous to make 2,200 match heads, and
water to fill a ten-gallon tank.

What an interesting thought ... enough sulfur to kill all fleas on an average dog! Yikes!!! ;P

Aunt and Uncle

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An aunt used to live far away from home, and then when she got married, she and her husband decided to live abroad. At first she wasn't as happy as she thought she'd be, but since they were already there, they said they'd stick it out and stay. Eventually, though, they both got used to the idea (specially the idea of having two jobs). They weren't "poor", but they both thought that since it was possible to take two jobs ... well, why not? Lol.

My aunt and uncle weren't always so busy, though. One time they said that they had been to the Hotel Tropicana Las Vegas and boy, they were dazzled by all the lights! It was a once in a lifetime experience for them, since the year after that they decided they wanted to go back home. So right now they are here, but they can't ever forget the experiences they had while living in another country, and I'm glad they are sharing their experiences with us nieces, nephews, and grandkids. :)


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Being a Stay-at-Home-Mom (SAHM), I think that the idea that I work at home sounds great. Well, technically, would that still make me a SAHM? I guess so, since I'm still a mom and usually I am at home, lol. I honestly think that working at home is a great alternative for us moms who prefer to stay at home. Aside from making sure that you are the one literally taking care of your kid(s), you also get the chance to earn money, too! Ahhh, the sweet life! :)

A Gloomy Thought This Morning

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If you were still paying for your home (mortgage), and suddenly something bad happens to you (a freak accident, or something)...what do you think will happen? Honestly, if faced with such a tragedy, I wouldn't know what to do! I wouldn't want that to happen to me, to my son, to a loved one, to a friend, or even to a complete stranger! Good thing theres mortgage life insurance wherein all your mortgage debts will be paid once something really bad happens to you. I think that's a great security back-up. You know, just in case ... but I honestly don't want to dwell on such dark and gloomy thoughts this early morning!

Yummy Mayonnaise

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Want to know why and how the first mayonnaise was made?

Mayonnaise is said to be the invention of the French chef of the Duke de Richelieu in 1756. While the Duke was defeating the British at Port Mahon, his chef was creating a victory feast that included a sauce made of cream and eggs. When the chef realized that there was no cream in the kitchen, he improvised, substituting olive oil for the cream. A new culinary masterpiece was born, and the chef named it "Mahonnaise" in honor of the Duke's victory.


Am so glad there was no cream in the kitchen when the cook needed one! ;P

Ready to Assemble

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If you've got a small apartment like us, you would really learn to appreciate studio RTA furniture which can be bought in almost every furniture store nowadays. I like it, because it's really convenient and relatively cheaper compared to other kinds of furnitures. By the way, in case you're wondering what RTA means, it stands for Ready To Assemble. Honestly, I didn't know what it meant at first, so I had to google it! LOL

Dining Set for Three

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Lately hubby and I have been looking over at some home furniture stores at the mall. We have long wanted to buy a dining set which will fit our small apartment. The one that we have right now is kind of large and there are only three of us in the house!

So earlier today we checked out some of the stores at the mall, but sad to say, we couldn't find the one that we think is perfect for us. Oh well, there are other furniture stores out there. Besides, we're really not in a hurry yet to get one. But hopefully, one of these days we'll get to find the perfect set for us.

Cozy Getaway

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You think you and your loved one are due for another romantic trip? If you are, then how about checking out Virginia bed and breakfast! There you can find not only intimate B&B's, but also some cozy cabins ready for you and your partner. But the place isn't only for lovers; the location is largely known as a historical site, too, so expect to see history (and even nature!) buffs along the way.

So how about it? Go check them out! :)

Read Product Reviews at

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Have you ever wondered if a product that you just encountered recently really works, or not? I know sometimes it's frustrating when a product is recommended to you and, and since you don't know anybody who has actually used the product, naturally you are hesitant. My sisters and I are like that, we don't buy the recommended products right away, unless we really do believe in it, or a close friend (whom we know and trust) tells us to go ahead and buy the product. Better be safe than sorry, you know.

Good thing there's this site that does just that: it gets reviews from people who have used the product that you intend to use. For example, recently they just posted a topic regarding menopause and hot flashes, and their usual remedies. So far they have listed three products and some reviews are already online. I think that's really neat since it can help us reach a decision.

One such topic also was about the best cellulite reduction products, and one of the cellulite cream mentioned here was Avotone, which got a 100% vote. Really interesting to see the products being reviewed there. Provillus was the best product to prevent hair loss, in another topic. The topics are really varied and I believe lots of internet surfers will benefit from this site.

So if ever you want to see if the product that you're thinking of buying really comes highly recommended or not, try and check it out first. For one, you can start looking at You'll be glad you did!

Photo Hunter

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About│ Theme: Happy │Roll

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

I believe their pet is really happy with all of that attention. :)

Body Talks

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There is no doubt about it, our body talks! Nowadays, popular operations such as los angeles plastic surgery, los angeles tummy tuck, and beverly hills liposuction are very much in demand. Even if it costs the earth for some, they can't help but get the operation done.

Some friends are actually interested about the idea that they will one day look like their favorite movie or fashion model idols. If given the chance, I too, would love to look like my favorite idol. Too bad he's a man, though, and I wouldn't want to look like a man! ;)

At Rodeo Plastic Surgery, they take pride in doing their job at the highest level possible. They make sure that the work that they do will be done the safest way possible, as well as using the latest technology and equipments available. The procedures are done on a state-of-the art surgery center that is fully certified by AAAHC and the Federal government (Medicare); this will assure the patients that they will recieve the highest standards in patient care, medication, as well as the equipments being used.

So for those who are thinking about having these procedures, I urge you to check out Not only will your privacy be assured, but the place where you'll be staying won't ever stress you out ... it is gorgeous! The environment is designed such that you won't have to worry a thing while you're there. After all, after the surgery you need to rest, right? Not sure if you believe me? Then head on over to their site and check them out!

Friday's Feast #157

22 shared thoughts

Friday's Feast

Say there’s a book written about your life. Who would you want to narrate the audio version?

oh, i dunno ... but I want it to be fun, and not boring ... lol.

Take the letters from your favorite kind of nut and write a sentence. (Example: Perhaps every avenue needs understanding today.)

cool idea ... hmmmmm.
Perhaps I should take a cat home in October.
(does that make sense to you? lol)

If you could go back in time and spend one week in another decade, which decade would you choose?

Depends on what my status is going to be in that decade ... but I would love to try 1950. or 1960. or maybe 1900!

Main Course
Name a song that brings back memories for you.

Oh my, there are LOTS! But the song Everybody Wants to Rule the Word by Tears For Fears came to mind right now.

Do you prefer to wash your hands in cold water or warm water?

I think warm water is better, but I prefer cold water. :)

Enjoyed the questions! Visit other players! Click here.

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Movie and Tv Reviews

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Video games, tv shows, and movie reviews are just some of the stuffs you'll read about at Critics Rant.

Want to win a dvd of 300 (yup, the cool movie based on the graphic novel by Frank Miller starring Gerard Butler as King Leonidas)? Then register for free and get the chance the win the dvd. Not only that, you will also get to meet other like-minded movie fanatics as you participate as a member over at community.

They certainly know how to make interesting reviews, and if you are a certified television/movie addict (like someone I know, lol), then you should definitely check them out!

Friends, Check out these Free Coupons!

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What do you think about free online coupons? Honestly, I think they're the greatest, since using them would actually make me want to go back to that store again! I mean, aside from saving money, another great thing is that you get to buy and pay for your favorite stuffs at such low prices! Sometimes it might not seem much, but when you add it all up, it will be worth a lot someday. Think of what you additional stuff you can get with the saved amount! That's definitely a great deal, don't you think so? I know I get excited when I find coupon codes for my favorite stuffs.

Want to know where you can find such great coupon codes? I suggest you check out They have lots of coupon codes to choose from, like laptop coupons for Toshiba coupons and Dell Home and Small Business Coupons (where I also saw a long list of discounts for digital cameras, gps navigation system, desktops, notebooks, digital handycams, mp3 players, flat panel monitors, digital photo displays, and even memory modules!), women coupons for Denim Bar coupons, Perfume coupons, and Newport News coupons which had around 69 codes available when I checked it out. They also had kids coupons for BabyCenter coupons, Crocs coupons (you've got to check them out!), and Disney Shopping coupons. For the athletic men and women out there, sports coupons are available, like coupons, Nike coupons, and Sports Authority coupons. I do have to add that they also have home coupons like Home Decorators coupon, Everything Furniture coupons, and Collections Etc. coupons (which had 36 codes available for home decor an nothing over $20!). That looks like a lot, huh? But you know, I really haven't skimmed the surface yet! That site has lots of coupon codes, I am so sure you will find one which you will use!

So if you want to save money while buying your favorite stuffs online, check out! Those small pennies you've saved today will one day turn into hundreds, if you keep on using free online coupons! Now isn't that a really awesome deal!

April Elizabeth

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found this while surfing ... here's a short description of this poem:
This is a poem that is a representation of people and their fears and thoughts. When we as people get uncomfortable or scared we have a tendency to run. This is what my poem represents.


The moon has risen the sun has gone,
The fairies come out one by one.
The stars light their way through the weary night.
They must get prepared for their untimely flight.
The winter has come much too soon.
They must flee this night, by the light of the moon.

The days are cold, the nights just as bad.
The fairies have lost what they once had.
The warmth of the sun, the breeze of the night,
Now they are desperate, fleeing by flight.


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Do you like meeting new friends on the internet? If you do, then I'm so sure you're familiar what chat means. Maybe you've even tried one yourself! Internet access is so common nowadays, that chatting with friends on far away places is now commonplace. is such a site with free chatrooms where you can meet friends, express yourself, join clubs, meet friends of friends, or even meet someone special.

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Now isn't that an interesting site! I am sure it is filled with interesting people, all wanting just to connect with a fellow soulmate. People are social animals (well, at least most are, lol), so definitely sites like this will be like a magnet to those who crave interaction with other folks.

The site features pictures of the registrants, including their names, country, and short messages. It is really interesting since you can find different personalities there. You can choose from a hundred of different chat rooms, or create your own, then send messages immediately and chat with instant messages. Isn't that neat?

So if ever you feel like you have nothing better to do on a long night (or day), why not check out and see who's online and active! Browsing is easy, and you don't need to register if you don't want to. :)

Erma B. (again)

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On vacations: We hit the sunny beaches where we occupy ourselves keeping the sun off our skin, the saltwater off our bodies, and the sand out of our belongings.

Erma Bombeck

You know, this is positively true! hahaha ... whenever we go to a beach, I'm not too keen on getting wet. Hubby and son would be off to the waters, but me .... I know i'd much rather enjoy myself taking pictures of the beach-goers! :)

Online Tutoring

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Since most of the population around the world have access to the internet, I wasn't really that surprised when I learned that tutors aren't confined to the classrooms anymore; online tutoring is now possible. Math and algebra problems can now be solved with the help of a tutor halfway around the globe! Isn't that amazing?

TutorVista is a global education services company located in India. Their team is composed of highly experienced professionals from the training, education, and internet industry. The company's aim is to provide quality education that is both convenient, accessible, and affordable to students. I think these are great foundations for a company that is gaining a foothold on online tutoring.

Since their tutors are available 24/7, tutoring can now be done online any hour of the day. This means that homework help is available 24/7, too! That is really convenient. With this system, your child will very well have the chance of doing better at school, and eventually helping him reach his dreams.

Erma B.

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Do you know what you call those who use towels and never wash them, eat meals and never do the dishes, sit in rooms they never clean, and are entertained till they drop? If you have just answered, "A house guest," you're wrong because I have just described my kids.

Erma Bombeck


... had to laugh out loud when i read this ... :D

Electronic gadgets at ShopWiki

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I just love browsing around gadgets/electronic shops! I think it's because I love trying new things, and one of them is knowing which gadget is the latest! That doesn't necessarily mean I must have the gadget, though. I just like to be updated with what's the latest and it's features.

Ipods, mp3 players, video, audio devices, and speakers are just some of the personal audio and video gadgets you'd find over at the electronics section of Their home theater section boasts of plasma tvs, LCD tvs, pc speakers, and even record turntables! That certainly got my attention, since it has been ages since I've seen one. Loved reading about that one.

But what really got me excited was their camera and photography section! There was the 35mm cameras, the underwater cameras, the memory cards and other accessories like batteries, tripods, and cases. What I was scouting around for, though, were their digital cameras! I wasn't disappointed, since I saw what I was looking for and it certainly helped me decide what camera I plan on buying!

So, before you decide what you really want to buy, I suggest you look it up over at Their directory boasts of having more products (120 million+) from more stores (180,000+), and I believe you'll find what you're looking for, once you start searching at their shopping directory.


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Family Quote:

The family. We were a strange little band of characters trudging through life sharing diseases and toothpaste, coveting one another's desserts, hiding shampoo, borrowing money, locking each other out of our rooms, inflicting pain and kissing to heal it in the same instant, loving, laughing, defending, and trying to figure out the common thread that bound us all together.

~Erma Bombeck


I have always loved Erma Bombeck's sense of humour ... :)

Hotels in Australia

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I've got loads of cousins and in-laws in Australia, but I haven't been there, yet. We used to receive chocolates from them whenever they'd come home for Christmas, or summer vacations. I remember one time they even gave us vegemite. I was still young then, around 11 years old, and for the life of me I wouldn't dare try the stuff! Now, I regret not ever tasting it. That reminds me ... I would try looking for one here in our huge grocery stores; hypermarts, that's what it's called nowadays.

It was my sister who got the chance to live with an aunt in Australia, and she loved it there. But my aunt isn't there anymore; I believe she is staying with another cousin, but in another country. I would particularly love to visit Sydney, Melbourne, and Brisbane, though. So I guess that means we have to find hotels in Sydney that are affordable, decent, and near the place where we plan to roam around. I believe there are hotels in Melbourne and also hotels in Brisbane that fits those descriptions, too.

Finding that great place to stay wouldn't be much of a problem, I believe, because of Hopefully pretty soon my cousins, in-laws, and I will be seeing each other after a long time! :)


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Judge not according to the appearance, but judge
righteous judgment.

~John Chapter VII, Verse 4

Lately, I have been more inclined towards reading bible verses, and getting inspirational quotes from the bible. I have always been interested about the spiritual aspect of reading such verses, but i think it's only been recently that my interest has returned.

I'm just moving towards where my heart seems to be taking me .... :)

Hawaii Home Rentals by

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Have you ever thought of having a vacation in Hawaii? I'm sure most of us do! And if ever your plan do come true (and I hope it does!), you (and your family, if you have one) will need to look for a decent and affordable place to stay in Hawaii.

No need to look further, since Hawaii home rentals are made possible by; the site to find that perfect accomodation for you! They offer the best selection of Hawaii home rentals available on the internet; from condos, hotel, vacation homes, villas, and most of them near the beach, too! You can read some more of what can offer at their blog.

There's nothing like going to your dream vacation and be welcomed by the gracious residents! You can have your choice of recreation, too! From swimming, walking, kayaking, boogie boarding, snorkeling, or just lazing around, you will have a fun time doing it! After all, you are supposed to be on your vacation, right? :)

I Can Only Imagine

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I know I watched this before .. but I just couldn't help but post this. This is really awesome ... imagine what both father and son have to go through ... and still they persist.


Never fails to bring tears to my eyes, everytime I watch this ...

Inspirational. :)

Here's their website: Team Hoyt
If you're having difficulty watching, and want to watch it at it's source, do click

Both a Uniform and a Pajama

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Do you know that some uniforms can also be turned into kids pajamas? Yup, you read that right! I remember when my son was just four and we bought him a batman costume. He loved it so much that whenever he has the chance, he'd request that he sleep with his batman costume on. The costume wasn't really meant to be used as a pajama, but since it was comfortable enough to be used as one, we thought it was fine for our son to sleep wearing it. He absolutely loved it! I am sure he had lots of happy dreams wearing the costume/pajama.

The same thing goes for the NFL uniform sets for kids, too. These comfortable uniforms are made of a soft double knit polyester jersey along with double knit polyester pants with elastic waistband and cuffs. The kids will have lots of jolly time wearing their favorite NFL teams, as well as expand their imagination playing pretend. The NFL kids helmet and uniform set offered by comes in two sizes (small and medium) for kids aged 4 till 10 years old. Uniforms for teams like the San Francisco 49ers, Cleveland Browns, Dallas Cowboys, and Chicago Bears are available; but that's not all. The list is long! I am sure every kid's favorite team is there. To complete the set, you can order shoulder pads, too! It isn't meant to be used for any contact sports, though. It's just part of the costume.

So you want to surprise your kids? Order online at and be assured that you're buying their uniform from the best!

Free Casino Games Online

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For me, life is actually a gamble. A calculated gamble, that is. It is actually just a matter of making key decisions, which will eventually help you reach your goal. The gambling part is the decision making. What's important is that you be aware of both sides; the pros and cons. Reaching an educated decision is important since it will determine if you will reach your goal on time, or ahead of time. Actually, I prefer the latter. Who wouldn't!

Online Casino Gambling is more or less pretty much the same. It is important that you know the game and it's rules. Knowing and understanding these rules will put you a step nearer the goal/wins, and definitely ahead of all the other players. is one such site which will teach you about possible strategies on online games such as roulette, video poker, slots and many more. In their site you will find topics such as gambling tutorial, casino reviews, and games software. Not only that, you also have the option of downloading those online casino games. Golden Casino, Rushmore, English Harbour, Caribbean Gold, and Roxy Palace are some of the games that you can download. A full review of each game is available, too.

The aim of is to familiarize you with proper gambling strategies, such that your chances of winning is actually increased. So if you think that you need to learn more about those gambling strategies, visit the site and check out what they have to offer! If you're a certified online gambling fan, you'd love it!

This morning ...

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This morning I didn't oversleep! By oversleeping, I meant that I woke up around 5:15AM, but actually got up by 5:25 AM (hey, just 10mins snooze!). I have to wake up early during school days, since G's school bus would be arriving around 6:40 AM to fetch him. Classes start at around 7:15AM.

Good thing I didn't oversleep ... it's their exam today!
Hope he'll do well. Since we really didn't have a chance to review his lessons ... since I thought his exam was postponed for this Thursday! Oh well ...

Praying, hoping, and keeping my fingers crossed. :)

Credit Card Consolidation and Getting Relief from Your Debts - I need this!

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Are you up to your neck in debts? Think you're just about to be drowned because of all the monthly bills piling up? Well, I honestly hope you're not!

But if you know of someone who might be needing debt relief and credit card consolidation, then you must tell them not to lose hope. There are always options, no matter how depressing the figures might seem. It is always a good idea to scout around and look for options; your friends, family, business associates, and even here in the internet! So there is never any need to lose hope. is one such site who can help you with your debts, and problems with your credit cards. They will conduct a comprehensive analysis of your debt situation and then proceed to give you options. The end result should be to help you decide which options to choose, and to have confidence with your decision so that you will be financially debt-free.

Once a decision has been reached, will still help you. For one, they will negotiate debt settlement with your creditors and eventually you might get to reduce your total debt by 40-60%! Isn't that good news?!

Definitely great news for people who wishes to be debt-free, like me! Good thing I'm still not up to my neck with debt, but I really have no plans to reach that stage. Still, it's comforting to know that there is a site out there that can really help; and that matters a lot!

Crispy Pata

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Crispy Pata Recipe

Preparation & drying: 4 hours to 1 day

Estimated cooking time: 20 minutes

Crispy Pata Ingredients:

  • 1 Pata (front or hind leg of a pig including the knuckles)

  • 1 bottle of soda (7Up or sprite)

  • 1 tablespoon of salt

  • 2 tablespoons patis (fish sauce)

  • 1/2 tablespoon baking soda

  • 1 tablespoon of monosodium glutamate (MSG)

  • 4 tablespoons of flour

  • Enough oil for deep frying

  • Enough water for boiling

Crispy Pata Cooking Instructions:

  • Clean the pork pata by removing all hairs and by scraping the skin with a knife. Wash thoroughly.

  • Make four to five inch cuts on the sides of the pata.

  • On a deep stock pot, place the pata in water with soda and salt. Bring to a boil and simmer for 20 minutes. Then add the baking soda and continue to simmer for another 10 minutes.

  • Remove the pata from the pot and hang and allow to drip dry for 24 hours. An alternative to this is to thoroughly drain the pork pata and refrigerate for a few hours.

  • After the above process, rub patis on the pata and sprinkle flour liberally.

  • In a deep frying pot, heat cooking oil and deep fry the pork pata until golden brown.

Crispy Pata Dip Sauce:

Mix 3/4 cup of vinegar, 1/4 cup soy sauce, 2 cloves of crushed garlic, 1 head of diced onion and 1 hot pepper. Salt and pepper to taste.


I have always loved crispy pata ... though it really isn't that good for me. LOL
still, I do eat it, in moderation. just can't resist! :D

Home Security

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Just recently misfortune struck our home since my hubby's plate numbers were stolen while his car was parked outside our house, just in front of our gate. We certainly were not expecting it, since he has parked his car at the same place countless of times before, and nothing happened. Well, this time we were mistaken. It seems like we are in serious need of something against burglars.

Security cameras was one of the options we discussed about, and good thing there's this site that's really helpful, This is a good resource site for security cameras and home video surveillance. I will definitely read up on the topics listed there. What's great about this site is that it also has topics regarding personal security articles, like How to Burglarproof Your Behavior. Really very informative!

So if you want to learn more about home security and related topics, head on over to and get informed. I know I will!

Llama Smiling at us ...

3 shared thoughts
A smiling llama ... or at least i'd like to think so! :P

Took this shot while we were visiting a farm ... loved that place! There were lots of animals (and you can pet most of them), fresh vegetables, chickens, and you can even pick eggs and pay for them! I think it's a wonderful business concept, but one that hasn't really caught up with the masses, yet. But I hope someday we can do our "grocery" this way. Well, not with meat products, though! I think it would be kind of gross ... LOL.

Under Bed Storage Set

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Do you like storage beds (I absolutely love them!)? What would you do if a gorgeous under bed storage (specifically a queen storage bed) set is on a 50% off sale (limited time only!) at your favorite online furniture store (they also offer beautiful counter stools, too!)? I would seriously consider buying it, if the budget permits! Below is the queen storage bed set I am talking about ...

Well, isn't it gorgeous? I just love the fact that it has lots and lots of storage space for all my collection of bits and pieces (yes, I do collect a lot of things, but I am slowly trying to categorize them now, and that under bed storage looks like it could help me lots with my plan!). Some of the stuffs I intend to give away to family, too, like some of the books in my book collection (mostly science fiction and fantasy), as well as computer odds and ends (cd softwares and some hardwares which I never got to use). Weird, huh? Or is it? Oh yeah, I plan to give my first digital camera (canon powershot S1 IS) to my sister, too! Not that it will help unclutter my space in a huge way, but at least that's one clutter I'm glad my sister will be happy to recieve!

So back to that 50% off on the queen storage bed set ... let's hurry and check them out! That coveted 50% off is for a limited time only! No worries, since they offer free shipping! Or if you want, we can always call toll free 877-232-0783 for a prompt and friendly service. :)


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Botanically speaking, the avocado is a fruit, not a vegetable. It's generally eaten as a vegetable, however, because it isn't sweet. It's rarely served as a dessert in this country.Using avocados is simple. To pit, cut lengthwise (through the stem end) by running a small, sharp knife all around the fruit until the knife touches the stone (or pit); then twist apart the two halves. If the pit doesn't slide out easily, pry it out with the tip of a teaspoon, or push the blade of a knife into the pit, then twist to lift and remove it. Peel the avocado by pulling back the skin from the stem end, or simply scoop out the soft flesh with a spoon. Avocado flesh discolors (or oxidizes) when exposed to air for an hour or two. Serve avocados as soon as possible after cutting them — or to delay darkening, add a squeeze of lime or lemon juice to all cut surfaces. If you mash the avocado, press plastic wrap directly onto the surface to retard oxidation. If the surface of your avocado or guacamole turns brown, simply scrape off the top layer; it will be green underneath.


Avocados are starting to appear in the market the past few days ... am sure it doesn't hurt if I know something more about them! ;)


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Do you love blogging? Do you think that you can get paid to blog? Did you know that with blog advertising both the blogger and the advertisers make money? Yes, yes, and yes!

With Smorty, you will get paid just by doing one of the things you love to do while online ... blogging. Yup, you get paid to blog! Isn't that neat?

Initially I had no idea how advertisers advertise on blogs, and how the blogger gets paid. It was then that I found out about Smorty. Smorty acts as a bridge between the bloggers and the advertisers. The advertisers will get valuable links and exposure for their products (or sites), while the blogger gets well compensated for what he/she does for the advertiser; and that is to give a just review of the advertiser's product(s). I believe both benefits from such a relationship. Joining Smorty is easy, too! Bloggers can even post in multiple blogs to maximize their earnings.

So if you're interested about getting paid while blogging, don't hesitate: head on over to and give it a try. Chances are, your blog will get accepted right away! If in doubt, you can always refer to their FAQ page. Still, no harm in trying, is there? :)

Spaghetti Squash

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Spaghetti Squash

Often called dieter's pasta, the cooked flesh of this unique yellow squash separates into thin strands that resemble spaghetti.There are several methods of cooking a spaghetti squash. If you have a lidded pot that's large enough to accomodate the squash, you can either boil or steam it until it is tender, about 30 to 45 minutes (a bit less if you elect to steam it). Otherwise, place the squash on a baking tray and cook in a 325 F oven for 1 hour or until it is pierced easily with a fork. When it's cool enough to handle, cut the squash in half lengthwise. Scrape the pumpkin-like seeds and the gooey fibrous matter from the center of the squash and discard — but be careful not to remove too much of the actual flesh. Then, using a spoon or fork, scrape the strands of "spaghetti" lengthwise from the sides of the squash shell and place in a bowl, separating and fluffing them with your fingers.


I never knew there was such a thing as a spaghetti squash!!
i think this is really interesting. :)

Shopping Cart Software

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Ever thought of having your own online shop? I'm sure that if you answered "YES" to that question, you'd have browsed around the internet finding for ways how to start and manage your own online business!

Nowadays sometimes having a steady job at a company just doesn't seem to be enough. If you can augment your income with another business, and one that you can do on your own sweet time, you would definitely go for it. Who wouldn't, if given the opportunity, right? I would.

Good thing the billing part of your online business will not be a problem anymore. There's a shopping cart software that will deal with all those! It has an integrated payment system, setting up is so easy (no plug-ins or programming required), free tech support (even an online chat!) and what's more, you don't need to understand HTML codes to get it running! Isn't that just great?

So for those who are interested about setting up an online business, don't hesitate to check out and see what they can offer. You'd be amazed how easy and convenient setting up a shopping cart software can be; and while you're there, go ahead and try their 10-day free trial (no credit card required!). You won't regreat it! :)

Photo Hunter

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About│ Theme: Two │Roll

can you see the two sparrows? :)

so sorry, guess my shot wasn't that clear ... so am adding here another shot that shows both the sparrows:
hope you can see both sparrows now... yeah, the other one was camouflaged real well. ;P

I guess posting this second shot is ok ... now i've got two pictures! :)

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Friday's Feast (#156)

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Friday's Feast

Describe your laundry routine. Do you have a certain day when you do it all, or do you just wash whatever you need for the next day?

I do it all on a certain day ... usually every Tuesdays or Wednesday.

In your opinion, what age will you be when you’ll consider yourself to truly be old?

Oh my ... am not so sure. Maybe when I reach 60? lol.

What is one of your goals? Is it short-term, long-term, or both?

One of my goals is to buy myself a digital slr camera; that's a relatively short term goal, i think. Am already halfway!

Main Course
Name something unbelievable you’ve seen or read lately.

... a wart hog sleeping on a bed with pillows and blankets (note: that was Pumba from Disney). :D

On a scale of 1-10 with 10 being highest, how happy are you today?

Uhmmmm ..... a 6. and going up. :)

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birthday ...

1 shared thoughts


Monday's child is fair of face;
Tuesday's child is full of grace;
Wednesday's child is full of woe;
Thursday's child has far to go;
Friday's child is loving and giving;
Saturday's child works hard for a living.
But the child that is born on the Sabbath day
is fair and wise, good and gay.

I forgot what day i was born ... what about you ... do you remember? :)



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Nowadays sending emails is more convenient than sending mails through the post, but honestly, for me nothing beats receiving the "true" mail ... and that's holding the card/letter/package on our hands, after taking it from our mailboxes!

That's why mailboxixchange (pronounced Mailbox Exchange) is here to supply us with the most extensive supply of not only residential mailboxes, but also commercial mailboxes. They have the widest selection of mailboxes, like single/multi-unit mailboxes and post packages, wall mount, post mount, column, and locking mailboxes. They also offer mailbox posts, mail box components, and mail slots; I'm afraid I have to mention curbside decors and address plaques and numbers, too!

Wow .... I believe that's really an impressive list! What's great about the site are the pictures, too! Browsing through was so easy and enjoyable. I wouldn't mind going back and browsing through their products again. :)

Facts ...

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Some more interesting and "completely useless" facts:

Beer is made by fermentation cause by bacteria feeding on yeast cells and then defecating. In other words, it's a nice tall glass of bacteria doo-doo.

Spam stands for Shoulder Pork and hAM.

Ovaltine, the drink was from milk, malt, egg and cocoa, was developed in 1904 in Berne, Switzerland. It was originally named Ovomaltine. A clerical error changed it when the manufacturer registered the name.

I had a good laugh at that first fact. LOL and Brita taps

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Having safe and potable drinking water is very important for us all since lots of diseases can be transmitted through water. One of the things we need to consider (specially if we use the water directly through the tap) is a filter.

Brita tap from came highly recommended. With their titanium modern water filter kitchen tap, pure Brita filtered water can be enjoyed directly and used immediately. There is also a separate control for hot and cold water. The filter cartridge has a 500 litre capacity, and estimated to last for around three months. The lifetime of the filter can be determined by taking notice of the traffic light system located at the tap's base. Another feature which made me appreciate this tap is the design and the brass body with chrome finish. That's the Brita tap below. It sure looks real elegant and clean. also offers other Brita taps online, like their Rosedale traditional water filter kitchen tap. It also features the same chrome finish and the filter cartridge which fits discreetly under the sink. Changing the cartridge is easy since all you have to do is just unscrew the used one yourself and screw on the replacement filter. Isn't that neat?

After I found out about these water taps I am honestly thinking whether the water coming from our tap is safe, or not. So far we've been using the tap water without any filters, though we don't drink the water. Having the Brita taps would certainly make our lives simpler, safer, and healthier!

Apple, Onion, and Potato

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Found this interesting fact at this site:
An apple, onion, and potato all have the same taste. The differences in flavor are caused by their smell. To prove this - pinch your nose and take a bite from each. They will all taste sweet.

I don't think I'll try doing that, though ... eat a potato. I wonder, will I need to cook the potato? Or eat it raw? LOL

Cheaper than Hotels

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I have always wanted to visit other countries, and that includes United Kingdom. I can just imagine my family and I visiting historical places such as Edinburgh, Glasgow, and Cardiff.

However, to go there, we need to find suitable hotels in Edinburgh, and I believe that CheaperthanHotels can help me there. We need to find hotels in Glasgow, too, if we want to go to the town of Stirling and visit Stirling Castle. Another castle found at Wales is Cardiff Castle (and of course we also need to find hotels in Cardiff), which is said to have Roman remains, a Norman keep and a military museum, all in it's gorgeous grounds.

For now, all I can do is just dream about it ... and in the meantime do some research on the internet to find the cheapest (but reputable) hotel reservations online. I believe CheaperthanHotels is the place. :)
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