WQ #26:
How do you pursue peace in your life?Admittedly, that's kind of a tough question for me. I try to pursue peace in my life and it is a constant struggle. lol. What I do is just not to be affected so much by the daily challenges (yeah, even small things sometimes gets to me ...
sigh) and if ever I encounter situations wherein I can't do much (or anything) about it, then I try to accept it as it is. Then think no more if it, if possible. I try, too, to be content with what I have (except for my cameras and it's lenses, LOL) and instead strive to be more understanding and patient. :)
WQ #25:
Who is the most annoying person that you (have been unfortunate to) have met in person?Oh my ... when I was younger I had this supposedly "unending hatred" to another person because she was sooo bossy! Wherever I'd go she'd be there, telling me to do this and to do that. But as I got older (which, unfortunately, wasn't soon enough in my opinion), I realized that she was only guiding me; helping me become a much better person. :)
Sure, I still meet some annoying persons every now and then, but I try to pass them off as people who, like me, also needs guidance.
WQ #24:
Who among your dearly departed hold(s) a special place in your heart?I honestly don't know ...
My family and I lived far from our cousins so we grew up not really being that close to them. Sure, we had our usual summer visits but seeing each other rarely didn't give us any chance to be really close. My best friends are still around, too, and I am fortunate enough to be still having my parents with us (they are both almost 80yrs old now ...) and I hope it stays that way for a long long time! :)
... unless you can consider the death of
Steve Irwin .. it affected me much. Another good soul who left us .... good thing there are other similarly minded individuals around, like
Jeff Corwin (he's cute! lol).
WQ #23:
What comes to your mind and what do you feel about the lyrics of the song “Welcome To My Life” by Simple Plan?Simply another person asking for help ... :)
Not necessarily the singer, of course. Or the writer. lol.