My 'compilation' of missed WQ ...
#19: What man jobs can you do?
I would like to say that i know how to chop wood, but i can't. hehehe. The division actually between what a man and woman can do is actually kind of vague, for me. That's because as a veterinary student, we (both girls and boys) were expected to learn how to rope and tie down a cattle, as well do some rectal palpations (yup, we really had to do that messy job; funny thing, i enjoyed it, lol). And of course, clean the corrals, too. Our teachers always used to tell us that the messy jobs are part of being a veterinarian.
I guess some would say that being a veterinarian is a man's job, right? ;P
#18: What were the worst or weird food (for you) that you have ever eaten? What were your reactions?
I guess when I was younger I considered eating snails really gross ... i associated them with the common garden snails (which, I think, can actually be eaten ...) we normally see in our garden. However, after we cooked them (kuhol) at home and I tasted one, I was surprised that it tasted pretty "nice" ... getting them out of their shell is kind of tiring, though. Or is there a trick to it? :)
#17: One day, a friend told me about her trip to a nearby province that is known for its culinary arts and expertise. She, together with her family visited a cousin who got married to a wife from that said province.
Filipinos are being known for their hospitality so we could just imagine how scrumptious the food served to them.
As this friend was well into her second serving of the very yummy and creamy lasagna, she happened to comment to her cousin’s wife (who cooked all their food) how the beef in the lasagna is so tender.
She got really surprised when her cousin’s wife replied that she did not use beef in the lasagna.
She used pig brains.
I would not say how my friend reacted so I am going to ask you this question:
If it were you in that situation, what would you do?
My mom used to cook pig brains omelette before (and surprisingly, we liked it; she had to stop because of the cholesterol, though), so I would just take her comment in stride ... besides, it is indeed creamier compared to beef. I don't think they'd be considered as one of the best acne treatments, though. silly idea. lol.
#16: What makes you cry?
Oh my ... i hate to admit it, but I am a cry baby, actually. Little things have the power to make me shed a tear (like a really generous gesture from anyone), or like when I'm reading a book. Or when i get frustrated ... i cry. I don't shed buckets of tears, though. Just a tear or two, and then i try to control the emotion. But there are just times that I can't help but bawl ... to my embarrassment! :(

Same cat as the one three posts below ... more or less it's the same time, too.
This time didn't do much with the shot; just did some adjusting using photoshop. I think it looks nice and simple. lol. Straight to the point. :)
My first Canon camera uses flash memory card, and since my sister already has it, she has asked me to get her a bigger capacity card. She's staying in the province right now, while I'm here in one of our country's major cities, so getting the card is easier for me. It's a good thing that memory cards are now getting cheaper (compared to the first time they came out!), and that's why I will be searching online (and maybe offline) soon for a good bargain! :)
I really don't think I'll be needing orovo diet pills right now, since things are pretty hectic here at home; and I believe that I have already shed a couple or so of pounds just because of the stress! lol. Losing the pounds is a good thing, though I don't care much about the stress part. ;P
What about you? Think you need diet pills to lose those excess pounds? :)
What about you? Think you need diet pills to lose those excess pounds? :)
Shot taken while it was raining ... this cat was trying to stay dry; with a bit of success.

Played with the shot using some digiscrapping materials which I bought last night. Yup, I love digiscrapping my shots, though sometimes they just take too much of my limited time. lol.
Hmmm ... maybe I could have done better. Oh well. Next time. :)

Hmmm ... maybe I could have done better. Oh well. Next time. :)
When I was younger we used to have a garden in a lot next to our house. The lot was previously owned by my parent's friend, but since they inherited a house from a relative, they decided to sell it to my mom and dad. My parents gladly bought it, and at first my mom transformed it to a vegetable garden. It was quite large just to plant vegetables on it, so eventually trees were planted and even a duck pond was added at one point! It would have been nice if garden buildings were available in our place (I would love the Cube design that they are offering ...) since I know that my mom would have been interested! Most probably she'd want to have her own design and it's a good thing that can offer that too! Having a building at that lot would have been nicer.
Well, we did place a sort of a building on that lot, but it wasn't much, really. All it did was protect us from the harsh afternoon sun, and that was all. Still, we loved staying there, specially if we want to just laze around, do nothing, and enjoy the occasional breeze. There were even days when most of my siblings and I would go there directly after we've had our lunch (or breakfast), and spend quiet moments together. I really can't explain enough how important that small garden building was to us; eventually it had to be taken down since it wasn't that stable anymore. I never know why, but my mom and dad never had it replaced. That space stayed empty for some time, before my parents decided to have a apartments built on that lot. Quite a logical decision, really, specially during these hard times. I just miss all that space and the wonderful moments we had on that lot, though. :)
Well, we did place a sort of a building on that lot, but it wasn't much, really. All it did was protect us from the harsh afternoon sun, and that was all. Still, we loved staying there, specially if we want to just laze around, do nothing, and enjoy the occasional breeze. There were even days when most of my siblings and I would go there directly after we've had our lunch (or breakfast), and spend quiet moments together. I really can't explain enough how important that small garden building was to us; eventually it had to be taken down since it wasn't that stable anymore. I never know why, but my mom and dad never had it replaced. That space stayed empty for some time, before my parents decided to have a apartments built on that lot. Quite a logical decision, really, specially during these hard times. I just miss all that space and the wonderful moments we had on that lot, though. :)
I am so hungry for a good piece of bread right now ... or maybe it's because what I have before me is a food magazine with shots of awesome breads placed temptingly on a lovely table. I must admit I never really liked bread that much before I met hubby. He is the bread eater, really. He prefers bread to rice while I, definitely, prefer rice. ;P
Though of course, the bread these days are way different than the ones I've known before! Still, give me a bowl of rice anytime! :D
Though of course, the bread these days are way different than the ones I've known before! Still, give me a bowl of rice anytime! :D
Don't you just hate it when people call and then hang up? That has actually happened to me lots of times already so I believe that Caller Identification is a good idea. It's a site where you can find (or report) any caller that has been "misbehaving". You just write the number down and submit it to the site.
Now, if only our phone's got a caller ID so that I would be able to submit those prank callers that besiege me every now and then, too!
Now, if only our phone's got a caller ID so that I would be able to submit those prank callers that besiege me every now and then, too!
Oh my goodness ... it's already a Thursday! Seems like only yesterday when hubby left on a business trip. Am glad, though, that it's almost the weekend now, since he'll be home by then. :)
I know I still have a meme to finish (so sorry for being late, ECL ... will do it as soon as I can ... I still haven't taken a shot of anything, yet ... no time. Most of the shots that I've been posting are those taken the past few weeks. lol.
I know I still have a meme to finish (so sorry for being late, ECL ... will do it as soon as I can ... I still haven't taken a shot of anything, yet ... no time. Most of the shots that I've been posting are those taken the past few weeks. lol.

A neighbor's cat (or maybe it is a stray cat ...) sleeping peacefully. I wish I can do that right now, too! :)
Do you know that there's a site where you can find Website Reviews? Well, for those who normally surf the internet it might not be a new thing, but for me it is. What's really neat about the site is that you can also submit any sites and review them yourself. Isn't that cool? Another thing, they also have listed their Top Websites and if you want to know what they are, then you've got to go and check them out! :)
I have never really thought much about it (until now), but I haven't been using the dslr as much as I like ... I guess it's because I am not overly satisfied with the way I want to take pictures (I love to get as much zoom as I can, or to take macro shots) since the lens that I have is not sufficient. I guess I need to buy additional lenses for that camera, but for now it's still not in the budget.
Whew ... this hobby is expensive! lol. For me, that is. ;P
Whew ... this hobby is expensive! lol. For me, that is. ;P
I would love to be having my own neat stack of office supplies here in the house. Usually our papers, pens and stuffs are just randomly being placed near our desktop computer, so that you'll know where to get them if ever you need anything. Still, sometimes it gets to be messy and so finding that certain pen or paper can be quite tricky at times. lol.

Obviously, my weekend was kind of boring. But a bit fulfilling. lol. What about you? :)

Being fit has been the rage for some time now, so it's no wonder that similarly minded people would want to meet online. is one such site where you will be able to meet those that you would probably call as Fitness Girls or men.
There's just something about meeting someone who shares similar interests as you; and if you want to build a relationship with someone, then finding that one thing that you both like is already a significant step towards achieving that goal. :)
There's just something about meeting someone who shares similar interests as you; and if you want to build a relationship with someone, then finding that one thing that you both like is already a significant step towards achieving that goal. :)
I miss eating all the "good food" at home ... even just plain steamed rice with camote tops and fried fish is enough to make me drool. lol. i guess those are soul food for me; fresh food that is just simply prepared, without any pretentions. i guess the key element there is "fresh"; sometimes the food that we buy in the market are not as fresh as i'd like it to be ...
oh well. counting the days till we get to go home again. :)
oh well. counting the days till we get to go home again. :)
I love having a good time with my family, and it really doesn't matter whether we are in a gorgeous location somewhere, or just here at home. What's important is that we have a wonderful time enjoying each other's company. Though with the current financial situation nowadays, spending time at home becomes more frequent. lol. Of course, we try to find things to do around here, and that's how I thought about Disney Bingo.
As a youngster, I used to play bingo with some friends and we all had a great time; that's why am so sure that with this game from Disney my family and I will have a wonderful time, too! Though, I remember that some friends were sore losers, but in the end we all came to realize that it's just a game and next time they might be the winners! Too bad my bingo friends and I split up when we finished college; each had to follow his or her own dreams but we will always have our bingo days with us. Some of them are now out of the country with their own families while some are still here, but busy with their lives.
It would be great playing bingo again ... and this time with my own family! Want to know where you might be able to get one? Visit and order your Disney Bingo game right now! I know I will ... real soon. :)
As a youngster, I used to play bingo with some friends and we all had a great time; that's why am so sure that with this game from Disney my family and I will have a wonderful time, too! Though, I remember that some friends were sore losers, but in the end we all came to realize that it's just a game and next time they might be the winners! Too bad my bingo friends and I split up when we finished college; each had to follow his or her own dreams but we will always have our bingo days with us. Some of them are now out of the country with their own families while some are still here, but busy with their lives.
It would be great playing bingo again ... and this time with my own family! Want to know where you might be able to get one? Visit and order your Disney Bingo game right now! I know I will ... real soon. :)

Seems like the rainy days are here again ... i must admit, i like it! :)
I love rainy days since it's cooler and there's no need to water the plants. lol. So trivial, really, but little things like this is really a wonderful blessing. Specially after a very hot summer! :)
It just rained a while ago ... my only concern, really, would be the laundry. lol. Guess we can't have everything in life! ;P
I love rainy days since it's cooler and there's no need to water the plants. lol. So trivial, really, but little things like this is really a wonderful blessing. Specially after a very hot summer! :)
It just rained a while ago ... my only concern, really, would be the laundry. lol. Guess we can't have everything in life! ;P
Some of my friends love chatting online, even when we were still studying, and I believe that that's how some of them met their future husbands. They don't mind if their soul mate could be one of the Black Males in this world (which you can find over at, as long as they know that the guy is sincere and really loves them. In fact, an older friend got married years ago to a guy she met online and they have been together ever since ... together with their two lovely kids.
I believe that it's mostly a matter of trust and understanding, when it comes to relationships. :)
I believe that it's mostly a matter of trust and understanding, when it comes to relationships. :)
Since hubby's going to be gone for a week, it looks like I have to be the one to do most of the decisions around here ... i must admit, sometimes it's tiresome, but that's just one of the responsibilities i have to shoulder.
Oh, to be a kid again, and not think about what to cook for dinner, what's inside the refrigerator, or pay the bills! lol...
Wishful thinking. :)
Oh, to be a kid again, and not think about what to cook for dinner, what's inside the refrigerator, or pay the bills! lol...
Wishful thinking. :)
Am sure most of you know Rachel of Heart of Rachel. :)
She has been nominated at the 2008 Philippine Blog Awards for Blogger's Choice Award and I do believe that she deserves it! Her blog is a testimony to how she views life and her love for her family. I really love the little tidbits she shares every so often about her son Yohan and the pictures that she shares with her posts. She's one modern mom with just the right touch of traditional values inside, something which seems to be lost (or gone awry, lol) in this super internet-paced world we live in! :)
You're already a winner in my opinion, Rach! :)
She has been nominated at the 2008 Philippine Blog Awards for Blogger's Choice Award and I do believe that she deserves it! Her blog is a testimony to how she views life and her love for her family. I really love the little tidbits she shares every so often about her son Yohan and the pictures that she shares with her posts. She's one modern mom with just the right touch of traditional values inside, something which seems to be lost (or gone awry, lol) in this super internet-paced world we live in! :)
You're already a winner in my opinion, Rach! :)
Senior Singles is becoming quite common these days, and one perfect example is an aunt who's husband of forty years (more or less) just passed away recently. I can't say it was a perfect marriage, but they both had their wonderful moments together, like any other marriage. Now my aunt is left all alone in the house since her son just got married and went to live with his wife's family (it really was the logical choice since it was near their workplace).
Am not so sure if my aunt's ready to meet other seniors at just yet, but I have bookmarked the site; since one of these days she just might decide to meet someone new! :)
Am not so sure if my aunt's ready to meet other seniors at just yet, but I have bookmarked the site; since one of these days she just might decide to meet someone new! :)
It looks like the sniffles has found it's way into our family ... first hubby got it, then now it's our son. He's still in the "first stage", and I have encouraged him to take calamansi and lots of water (not coldwater) every now and then. Our son is used to drinking calamansi juice (pure) together with his multivitamin, but it seems like we need to double the "dose". Hopefully, he'll come out of the sniffles soon without infecting anyone else...
If you want to go online and meet like-minded individuals, then you tend to look for sites where people have the same (more or less) views as yourself, right? Take for example if you are religious, then I am assuming that you'd want to meet Christian Women or people who have the tendency to be interested in religion. is one such site where you can visit and meet great individuals. If you're still single and haven't met your "significant other" yet, then there just might be a chance that you'll find him/her there! :)

No idea what's the name of this plant ... but I love the rich red color of it's flower. It's also the same shot as the one currently on my header. :)
I have seen this plant in some of the gardens around the area, though not so much since this plant has the tendency to overcome your space, if you let it. It also needs trimming every now and then; the red color on the flowers just really got to me and my sister that's why she decided to get one for her garden.

I know lots of women out there would love to have a chance to chat (let alone meet!) with Millionaire Men! I know somebody who would love to do that, but she's asleep right now, so I won't be bothering her about this specific site ... for now. :)
I hope she'll not be too serious about this, though, since she's still quite young. She has been bugging me to find somebody for her online, but I haven't had the chance to actually go and browse the internet, until now. I know she's responsible so I trust her, but I do hope that she'll have fun!
I hope she'll not be too serious about this, though, since she's still quite young. She has been bugging me to find somebody for her online, but I haven't had the chance to actually go and browse the internet, until now. I know she's responsible so I trust her, but I do hope that she'll have fun!

Will see if one of my sisters will be able to accompany him instead. Hubby won't be able to attend, too, because he's going to be out of town during the event.
Oh well ... I hope that things will turn out fine!
This is the first time that I've encountered a site which offers WebSite Reviews, and I must say I am surprised that something like this is available. Really a great idea! Anybody can actually review a website and submit it at They also feature some Top Websites, including their own featured sites, as well as statistics and ranking of any site that is being reviewed.
So, want to review a site which you found interesting? Then do go ahead and share your views over at!
So, want to review a site which you found interesting? Then do go ahead and share your views over at!
Been too tired lately ... yup, really quite busy. Well, not really busy as in SUPER busy. I've had my rests, but still, it feels like I have to be "alert" all the time! Am just so sorry that I wouldn't be able to catch up on my blogging duties, though. I still have some memes and tags that needs to be done.
I hope that those who tagged me will understand ... well, knowing them, I know they will! :D
I hope that those who tagged me will understand ... well, knowing them, I know they will! :D
Gone are the days when you need to have cash all the time to pay for something. Nowadays having just a credit card (or as hubby and I call it: plastic money) is enough. However, in some countries you still need cash (like in developing countries) since most of their merchants are still not that technologically developed. Still, it is a good idea to get your own credit card since you really might never know when you need it. You can find numerous credit card applications both online and offline.
Credit Card Applications are now readily available, but you have to be aware what it is you are getting yourself into. You might opt for one with low interest rates, or one that gives out cash back rewards. Different banks gives out different credit card offers since it really largely depends on the applicant's preferences. That's why it's a good idea to do some research first before applying, and one site to visit is, where you can compare as well as apply, for credit cards online.
As for me, I already have a credit card, and I must say that it has been helpful in getting my wants, like my laptop. What's important, though, is that you use your card wisely and make sure that you will be able to pay your dues on time! :)
Credit Card Applications are now readily available, but you have to be aware what it is you are getting yourself into. You might opt for one with low interest rates, or one that gives out cash back rewards. Different banks gives out different credit card offers since it really largely depends on the applicant's preferences. That's why it's a good idea to do some research first before applying, and one site to visit is, where you can compare as well as apply, for credit cards online.
As for me, I already have a credit card, and I must say that it has been helpful in getting my wants, like my laptop. What's important, though, is that you use your card wisely and make sure that you will be able to pay your dues on time! :)
I just can't stress it enough ... my family and I love books! I guess it's because we were encouraged by my parents, to read (while we were kids) specially if we complained that we were bored. It helped that my older sisters who were then in college and quite far from home, sent us different types of books every so often, too. They would ask us what type of books we'd love to read and you can be sure that after a few weeks the packages that they sent will arrive, together with the books that we requested.
I wish my sons would grow up to love books as they get older, too. :)
I wish my sons would grow up to love books as they get older, too. :)
My Dad is the type of person who wants to plan ahead instead of just being spontaneous. I guess I inherited that trait from him since I, too, find it less stressful to plan for things instead of just letting them be. That's why I wasn't surprised when he thought about buying a rifle a couple of years back, he thought of adding Nikon rifle scopes, too. Quite typical behavior of my Dad. :)
I know ... I have been "gone" for quite some time now. That's because things here at home have changed and almost everyone's been busy all the time; specially me. Hence, been unable to update. Sigh.
Will try to be online whenever I can. I love going online, so I'm sure that I will always update this blog every now and then! :D
Will try to be online whenever I can. I love going online, so I'm sure that I will always update this blog every now and then! :D
The first time I tried surfing the internet I was besieged by lots of advertisements concerning Online casinos and I must say that they seemed irritating at times. However, after finally reading up on some of the online games being reviewed over at, I have come to realize that there seems to be lots of people who love frequenting the games being offered on different sites. If you want to learn more about the sites that offer online gambling, then you should read the reviews being offered at the site.
There are different games being offered on different sites, and it is really up to the player which site he/she likes. What's important is that the Online casinos that you frequent is reliable, and has great customer service. There are other reasons why you prefer certain online Casinos, of course, but for me reliability and excellent customer service is really important.
I personally haven't tried betting online using real money, though, since I just don't have the budget for that, yet. Hopefully, when things here at home are more stable I just might save some of my online earnings for online games. I think that's fair enough, though of course priority will always be saving money for family use. :)
There are different games being offered on different sites, and it is really up to the player which site he/she likes. What's important is that the Online casinos that you frequent is reliable, and has great customer service. There are other reasons why you prefer certain online Casinos, of course, but for me reliability and excellent customer service is really important.
I personally haven't tried betting online using real money, though, since I just don't have the budget for that, yet. Hopefully, when things here at home are more stable I just might save some of my online earnings for online games. I think that's fair enough, though of course priority will always be saving money for family use. :)
I never really thought about it much, but I have recently found out that hubby is indeed interested in gambling! I was surprised when I found out about it, but was glad that he told me. There's nothing wrong with being interested in gambling. In fact, I must admit it interests me, too. I have even visited some sites that pertains to gambling, and some were really interesting, where you can find great deals like a 200% Casino Bonus! Now who wouldn't be interested in that! :)
I haven't tried using real money, though, since I believe that I still need to find out more about it before betting. There are sites where you can play (without the need for real money), and I have enjoyed visiting them, too. Most of the time I lose, though, so I believe that my decision not to bet using real money is a good choice!
An online friend has recommended to me different sites to visit so that I will learn more about the games being played online and I am really so grateful. I am about halfway through the list that he gave and if time permits I will be finished with the list soon.
What about you? Interested in online gambling, too? A word of advice: most games can be addicting, they say, so be sure that you have the discipline to stop when you need to! :)
I haven't tried using real money, though, since I believe that I still need to find out more about it before betting. There are sites where you can play (without the need for real money), and I have enjoyed visiting them, too. Most of the time I lose, though, so I believe that my decision not to bet using real money is a good choice!
An online friend has recommended to me different sites to visit so that I will learn more about the games being played online and I am really so grateful. I am about halfway through the list that he gave and if time permits I will be finished with the list soon.
What about you? Interested in online gambling, too? A word of advice: most games can be addicting, they say, so be sure that you have the discipline to stop when you need to! :)

Shot taken at the weekend market. :)

Neighbor's cat playing on their roof ... wish we can be as carefree, too! ;P
Was looking through our bedroom window when I chanced upon this kitty playing by itself on the roof ... it looked so relaxed and happy, I just had to take it's shot. Wondering where it's companions are ... guess playing somewhere else, too! lol. :D
A friend once asked me if I enjoy playing online, including those Online Slots. I must admit, they do interest me, but I just am not that "adventurous" enough to actually try betting using real money. Of course, I play other online games, but mostly ones that don't require me to spend anything, except maybe just my time. :)
I do visit some of the sites which gives out reviews and tips for beginners (like me), and have even tried some of the free ones which doesn't require for me to use real money. Usually I just lose, but I really don't mind since I had fun. lol. I don't make it a habit, though, since I just can't seem to find the time to play these past few months. Would love to learn more, and an online friend has been giving me some links, which I really appreciate.
Maybe if I've got more time I will try to be more serious with the games available online. Of course, there is still the concern when it comes to the budget, so before I embark into something as serious as this I need to consult my partner, lol. For now, what I have been doing is gathering tips and reading the reviews about different sites: in other words, researching. I believe that that's a good start! :)
I do visit some of the sites which gives out reviews and tips for beginners (like me), and have even tried some of the free ones which doesn't require for me to use real money. Usually I just lose, but I really don't mind since I had fun. lol. I don't make it a habit, though, since I just can't seem to find the time to play these past few months. Would love to learn more, and an online friend has been giving me some links, which I really appreciate.
Maybe if I've got more time I will try to be more serious with the games available online. Of course, there is still the concern when it comes to the budget, so before I embark into something as serious as this I need to consult my partner, lol. For now, what I have been doing is gathering tips and reading the reviews about different sites: in other words, researching. I believe that that's a good start! :)
Am now listening to Josh Groban's You're Still You and it does bring back wonderful memories ... :)
A good friend sent me JG's first cd and I must say I loved it immediately. Felt like eons ago ... when actually it's just a couple or so of years. Or maybe it was around five years ago .. lol. Am not really sure ... but I love this song ... You're Still You.
A good friend sent me JG's first cd and I must say I loved it immediately. Felt like eons ago ... when actually it's just a couple or so of years. Or maybe it was around five years ago .. lol. Am not really sure ... but I love this song ... You're Still You.
Award given by Sasha and Mrs. Mecomber ... thank you so much ladies! Really appreciate it!
so sorry ... there are lots of blogs out there that I really
, but it's now almost midnight and am soo sleepy. Will be giving this award some other time ... :)
Again, my thanks, ladies!!!
The rules of the award are:
1. The winner can put the logo on his/her blog.
2. Link the person you received your award from.
3. Nominate at least 7 other blogs.
4. Put links of those blogs on yours.
5. Leave a message on the blogs that you’ve nominated.

so sorry ... there are lots of blogs out there that I really

Again, my thanks, ladies!!!
When I have the time (and the ingredients), I love experimenting with my food. I used to cook for our family when I was still single and I love the look on their faces (and the empty plates! lol) when they love the food that I serve. Cooking lunch was usually the busiest time of the day for me since my siblings and parents would then be arriving both from school and from work, respectively. We sometimes had visitors, too, so I had to consider that while cooking.
I don't think I'm an expert when it comes to cooking, though, so that's why I love watching others cook or read cook books. Sometimes while watching television I'd see some shows concerning seafood cook off and I'd stay glued to the set! Or the contest running right now at where you can view the chefs as well as their entries (complete with picture and recipe). I liked the Shrimp and Andouille Cassoulet (Louisiana Shrimp and Andouille sausage smothered in a white bean casserole) by Brian Landry from Louisiana, so I voted for that one. :)
We used to live near the sea so we definitely are seafood lovers! Would love to try out Brian's recipe one of these days when I have the time and ingredients ready. It sounds (and looks) so delicious and nutritious I'm sure my family would love it.
What about you? Are you a foodie like me, too? Then you should go and visit and see the gorgeous gourmet recipes being posted at the site, as well as vote for the chef in your opinion should be crowned the King of American Seafood!
I don't think I'm an expert when it comes to cooking, though, so that's why I love watching others cook or read cook books. Sometimes while watching television I'd see some shows concerning seafood cook off and I'd stay glued to the set! Or the contest running right now at where you can view the chefs as well as their entries (complete with picture and recipe). I liked the Shrimp and Andouille Cassoulet (Louisiana Shrimp and Andouille sausage smothered in a white bean casserole) by Brian Landry from Louisiana, so I voted for that one. :)
We used to live near the sea so we definitely are seafood lovers! Would love to try out Brian's recipe one of these days when I have the time and ingredients ready. It sounds (and looks) so delicious and nutritious I'm sure my family would love it.
What about you? Are you a foodie like me, too? Then you should go and visit and see the gorgeous gourmet recipes being posted at the site, as well as vote for the chef in your opinion should be crowned the King of American Seafood!

I call that a weekend market since this wet market is only "available" during Sundays...went there yesterday to buy some fresh fish, vegetables, fruits, and of course, to eat breakfast. Didn't get to take a shot of my breakfast, though ... i was too hungry! lol. :D
ps. shots taken at Lung Center (Quezon City, Philippines), where this weekend market is located... some goods are kind of expensive, but definitely worth it. It helps that you know where the fresh ones are though ... :)

When I was younger I had this courageous classmate who taught me how to catch spiders. Yeah, you read that right. I was deathly afraid of spiders back then (they still creep me out till today), and that's why I never imagined myself actually holding one! We didn't have any spider traps back then, since we just "took" the spider straight from it's web. Of course, we were picky with the spiders that we caught. We dare not touch the big ones located outside the house, or even the large brown ones that was quite abundant when I was younger. Not sure if they were poisonous, but we always assumed they were.
Ahhh ... such happy memories! :)
Ahhh ... such happy memories! :)

Suddenly I feel like eating pizza ... lol.
Shot taken a few weeks back, and while I was browsing through my shots using picasa2 i found this. Drooling here right now. :D
These days I believe that it's important to be prepared. Some people get term life insurance while others invest their money on business deals or government savings. I have recently finished paying for an insurance policy and it feels great to have saved something, even if it's really not that big.
How about you? Do you believe in preparing for the future? Or would you rather enjoy all the blessings you have right now and think of the future at a later date? ;)
How about you? Do you believe in preparing for the future? Or would you rather enjoy all the blessings you have right now and think of the future at a later date? ;)
Do you like watching television? I must say, I do. There's this gadget called the Slingbox where you can watch and control your television source almost anywhere, like on your computer. I think that's really great since sometimes I'm in the bedroom fiddling with my computer, and most of the time I have this urge to watch television, too. We've been thinking of buying another television for the bedroom, but we still haven't decided. Suddenly the slingbox sounds more tempting. :)
Woke up early today ... of course, since it's a Monday and classes are here again. The weekend went by so fast, I think I missed out something! lol.
Heard from an online friend and it was really great ... I actually haven't seen her, yet, but sometimes it feels like we've been friends for years! Sounds corny, but it's true. Too bad she lives far from my place ... but it's a good thing there's the internet! :)
Heard from an online friend and it was really great ... I actually haven't seen her, yet, but sometimes it feels like we've been friends for years! Sounds corny, but it's true. Too bad she lives far from my place ... but it's a good thing there's the internet! :)
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