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Food Friday

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This week's Featured Food Friday player is ....

Mr. Nicholas, with his post "Quinoa Tabouli", on his site: Intelliblog

I bought a pack of red quinoa a couple of weeks back, but had no idea what to do with it! This recipe looks like something that I'd love to try! Click on the shot to check it out!
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My post for this week: Pancit Bihon

I know, I didn't cook it. Our neighbor have nothing but praises for this eatery/restaurant, so we decided to buy one small bilao (originally a winnowing basket for removing rice chaff {source}) of pancit bihon earlier today. Their smallest bilao was actually good for 8-11 persons.

There was a line when we arrived, and we had to wait again after ordering (they cook your order only after payment). Waiting wasn't really that long (we waited for more or less around 10-15mins, depends largely on the number of people ahead of you), and their waiting area was air-conditioned and separate from the dining area.

I liked their pancit, even though I must admit it tasted a bit bland. I would love to add cilantro, or maybe some more veggies into the noodles; my youngest loved it (he ate more than a plateful, and he kept asking for more!).

Would we buy from them again? Oh yes. Definitely. :)

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Not Much

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Haven't been updating this blog as much as I'd love to ...
There just seems to be too many things to do the past couple of weeks. :/

Food Friday

4 shared thoughts
This week's Featured Food Friday player is ...

Mr. Nicholas, with his post, "Pasteli" on his site: Intelliblog.

Who would have thought that you'd only need three ingredients to make this healthy treat?! Yes, only three (but you can add more, if you want). Click on the shot to find out!
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I decided to pass by the wet market earlier today, and was quite happy to find shrimps that were still alive! Of course, I just had to buy half a kilo, which became my post for today: Spaghetti with Shrimp and Basil.


  • Fresh Shrimps
  • Spaghetti (cooked accdg. to package directions)
  • Basil cubes (I used only around six cubes)
  • garlic powder, salt, pepper


  • Clean the shrimps (meaning, just cut off the sharp rostrum tip and pull the pair of antennule; we seldom remove the shells and devein them before cooking - the taste is somewhere in those shells! lol)
  • Place in pan, with about half a cup of water, and lots of cracked pepper. Add around half a teaspoon of salt, and a few dashes of garlic powder.
  • Cover the pan, or else the shrimps will go jumping away!
  • Cook until it turns reddish-orange, then add in the frozen basil cubes (made them here). Turn off heat.
  • Taste and adjust seasoning.
  • Add to the cooked spaghetti.
  • You may add chili flakes, if you want.
  • Devour.

I added the basil cubes only after the shrimps were cooked since I didn't want to cook the basil so much. I loved it! So easy, and fast! :)

Please don't forget to add a link back to this site (you can get the buttons here; deciding to use text instead of buttons is fine also) to be able to add your posts below. Many thanks and hope everyone is going to have a great time this weekend!

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My brother-in-law owns a printing shop. Actually, he got the business from his uncle, who started it. Then when his uncle moved to another country, he got left with the business. His siblings helped, initially, but moved their separate ways after a few years. They were a fun bunch; helping each other and paying for their college education. They print catalogs, business cards, brochures, and receipts. I think they added in invitations when they acquired a computer. Too bad his siblings left the business since they went back to the province, and some went abroad. But that's life.

Things move on. Just make the best of it. :)

Food Friday

4 shared thoughts
This week's Featured Food Friday player is ...

Ms. Hazel, with her post "One Fine Morning", on her blog: In the Big Chili.

I have heard of steak and kidney pie before, but haven't tried it myself. Looking at the shot above, I am deeply encouraged to try it! Do click on the shot and visit Ms. Hazel's post!
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Another fish post from me (I seem to be more than crazy about fish these days! lol): Tulingan (Tuna) in Coconut Milk and Basil

Tulingan (cleaned, cut, and tail "ripped" off, lol; i used three small ones)
Coconut milk powder (if you have fresh, use that!) mixed accdg. to packet directions
Chili (three or more)
Bellpepper (cut into roughly the same size as the ginger)
Fresh Basil (I initially used around fifteen leaves, chopped)
Pepper, Salt, Ginger

Once the fish is cleaned, cut and tail removed, place in a deep pot.
Add the prepared coconut milk.
Throw in the chili, chopped basil, bellpepper, salt, pepper, and ginger.
Let boil, then simmer for about half an hour. Add more water when needed.
Adjust seasoning, and once satisfied, remove from heat.
Tastes great with sliced fresh tomatoes (with salt), and more sprinklings of chopped fresh basil (both on the fish and the tomatoes), together with steamed rice.

Yes, I ditched the fork and ate with my bare hands that day! lol. I loved the taste of the basil with the fish and coconut milk. The salted tomatoes helped much, too. Soul food!

By the way, since I bought more fresh basil than what I needed that day (even if I got the smallest pack), decided to "store" the remaining 1 1/2c basil (mixed with 1/2 cup coconut oil, then processed in a blender) inside the freezer. Will transfer the frozen basil oil cubes inside a plastic bag; that way, I have my own basil oil whenever I want/need one! :P

Am sure you can do this with other herbs, too. Less wastage this way. Or with fruits (just omit the oil, of course). I usually freeze the fruits that I use for my smoothies. I no longer add ice. :)

Please don't forget to add a link back to this site (you can get the buttons here; deciding to use text instead of buttons is fine also) to be able to add your posts below. Many thanks and hope everyone is going to have a great time this weekend!

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Food Friday

4 shared thoughts
This week's Featured Food Friday player is ...

Ms. Oggi, with her post: Green Tea Marble Kasutera on her blog I Can Do That!

I must admit, this is the first time that I have heard of this lovely Japanese sponge cake. It does look inviting, specially with those green tea swirls! Want to know how Ms. Oggi made those? Click on the shot!
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{{SHORT ANNOUNCEMENT: Have decided to let the linky stay open for five days, instead of three. :)}}

Another easy dish for this week's post: Pasta with Tomato Pesto and Crab Paste


  • Pasta of your choice (all I had was a 3/4 pack [400g] elbow macaroni, but used only half)
  • Sun Dried Tomato Pesto (used around 3 heaping tablespoons)
  • Crab Paste (2 tablespoons, mixed with 1tsp. calamansi juice and 1 chopped garlic)
  • Edamame (roasted and lightly salted) and moringga (dried leaves), both optional


  • Cook pasta according to package instructions.
  • Prepare the crab paste by adding the juice and the chopped raw garlic. Set aside.
  • Once the pasta is cooked, drain and mix in the pesto and the crab paste.
  • Mix well; you can add more of the pesto or crab paste if you feel that the taste is lacking.
  • Place in a serving dish and top with the roasted edamame and crushed dried raw moringa leaves.
  • Enjoy!

Yes, no salt or pepper added. The crab paste was already a bit salty; I thought of adding capers, but am glad I didn't. It would have been too salty! No cheese, too! I think it would look nicer if I added a few parsley (or maybe cilantro) leaves, and of course, some sprinklings of chili flakes. But that's just me being me. :D

Please don't forget to add a link back to this site (you can get the buttons here; deciding to use text instead of buttons is fine also) to be able to add your posts below. Many thanks and hope everyone is going to have a great time this weekend!

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