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Food Friday

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This week's Featured Food Friday player is ...

Ms. Dominique, with her post Har Gow and Egg Tarts on a Friday, on her blog: From Dominique's Desk.

I just LOVE the colors on these har gow pieces! I wish I know how to make them! To learn more about the shot above, do click on the shot and see Ms. Dominique's yummy post.
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Squash and Snow Peas Soup is the post for today!


  • squash (peeled and chopped)
  • snow peas
  • chicken stock, cheese, milk, olive oil 
  • garlic, pepper, salt


  • Place the squash together with the garlic cloves in a pan. Drizzle olive oil (or any oil that you have on hand), salt and pepper. Mix. Roast till tender.
  • Peel the cloves and mash together with the squash. Set aside.
  • Heat chicken stock (or you may opt to use plain water or vegetable stock), then add milk and sliced snow peas. Let simmer.
  • Add the mashed mixture together with cheese and mix well.
  • Adjust seasoning to your liking.
  • Serve hot.

Honestly, immediately after roasting the squash I couldn't help but gobble a few. Then when I started mashing them I loved it even more because of the roasted garlic. But, I was planning on making soup, so I continued on. My kids liked it; I guess because of the cheese. lol. :P

Appreciate much your taking the time to share and link your food posts here at Food Friday! :)
Please don't forget to add a link back to this site (you can get the buttons here; deciding to use text instead of buttons is fine also) to be able to add your posts below. Many thanks and hope everyone is going to have a great time this weekend!

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Template Needed

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I really need to change my template.




Error. Error. Error. :D

A Will and A Way - I need those!

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Our eldest sister knows how to play the guitar. I never did get to take guitar lessons, though. I guess it's because the teacher retired during my time. There were days when she'd play the guitar and we'd sing together. Happy days. I know it's never too late to learn; I just wish I have the time and the resources. Well, I do know that you can find excellent guitar pickguards at musicians friend, but the time is something that am not so sure I can spare.

I know, if there's a will, there is a way! :)

FREE Ebook: Cooking Ahead - The Less Stress Way To Cook For 2 To 200

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If you're like me, then this is going to be helpful. I just downloaded my copy. Will read it in a bit...

No Hurries

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When I was young, I could never understand why our parents "forced" us to learn how to play the piano. I know I made every excuse I can think of, just so I can stay away from the piano lessons, but it was all for nothing. lol. Now I understand why. Being a parent, I want my kids to experience things that I know would help them become much better persons, and learning at least one musical instrument (in my book) is a good thing. My eldest wanted to take violin lessons, but we couldn't find a suitable teacher at his school while my youngest these days seems more musically inclined than his older brother. I could be mistaken, of course. It's just that every time we go to the mall he wants to drop by every music shop we see, and yes, he is the type of person that drools at every exciting yamaha pa speakers at guitar centers! He says he wants to learn how to play the guitar, then the next day he says he wants to learn how to play the drums! I am happy that he is interested, but confused as to which instrument he wants to focus on, when he gets older.

Still waiting, while he makes up his mind. :)

Food Friday

4 shared thoughts
This week's Featured in Food Friday player is ...

Ms. Winnie, with her post: Apple Cake with Caramel Glaze, on her blog: Something Sweet.

Ms. Winnie's creations are always a delight! Always tempting and makes me wish more than ever that we were neighbors! Click on the shot above if you want to know how she made those yummy treats!
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This week's post is something that I consider as soul food: Dulong (Silver Fish) Patties. Back home we used to have that at least once a week (being a coastal city) and sometimes my mom would just add boiling water, sliced onions, and calamansi (yes, really!) or if we have time, we make them into patties and fry them. Below is my own version (my mom never added parsley; she wanted it simple and clean: eggs, a bit of flour, salt, pepper, and fish only then fried). Don't get me wrong! I love our original version! It's just that some ingredients are now readily available from where I'm at, and why not use them, right? ;P


  • dulong (silver fish = commonly called as such because of it's being silver. lol. back home we call it "bolinao"; they look similar to whitebait fish/anchovies, but way way way way smaller.)
  • onion and garlic
  • parsley
  • egg
  • salt and pepper
  • oil for frying


  • Clean the dulong (remove anything that does not look like the silver fish); refrain from adding water, then set aside.
  • Chop the parsley, dice the onion and garlic, then mix together with the cleaned bowl of silver fish.
  • Crack an egg, then add salt and pepper.
  • Mix everything thoroughly but gently.
  • Heat up the pan with oil, then fry the flat patties.
  • Delicious served with ketchup and hot, fragrant steamed rice.

I paired mine with some juicy tomatoes and hot steaming rice. I ate loads of rice that day! lol. My brother likes it with pickled unripe papaya (atchara), or simply with garlicky coconut vinegar (and rice, of course). YUM!

Appreciate much your taking the time to share and link your food posts here at Food Friday! :)
Please don't forget to add a link back to this site (you can get the buttons here; deciding to use text instead of buttons is fine also) to be able to add your posts below. Many thanks and hope everyone is going to have a great time this weekend!

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FREE Ebook: 80 DIY Organic Body Scrub Recipes: Homemade Beauty Treatment For Naturally Radiant Skin

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80 DIY Organic Body Scrub Recipes: Homemade Beauty Treatment For Naturally Radiant Skin

I stopped when I saw the word "organic" and smiled when I learned this ebook is FREE! lol. Click on the book title inside this post if you want one for yourself. :)

No Food Friday for Today, Sorry

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Hello everyone!

So sorry, haven't been able to put up a post for this week's Food Friday.  My family was one of those affected by the typhoon Yolanda (international name: Haiyan) and my thoughts for now are with my family in Ormoc City. Everyone is safe, thank God, and our concerns these past agonizing days are for their daily needs.

Hope you understand.

There will be a Food Friday post next week, that's for sure!!

Thanks all!! <3 p="">

Food Friday

6 shared thoughts
This week's Featured Food Friday player is ...

Mr. Nicholas, with his post Raisin Bread, on his blog: Intelliblog.

I would love to know how to bake breads!  This recipe shared by Mr. Nick goes to my to-do list. Hopefully, I will learn to make a decent bread soon! Click the shot to see his recipe!
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Another quick and easy dish: Fish and Eggplant (in Coconut Milk).


  • fresh fish
  • eggplants
  • coconut milk (fresh or powdered form)
  • chilis, onions, ginger
  • salt, pepper
  • fish sauce (optional)


  • Clean fish, sprinkle some salt and pepper. Set aside.
  • Put coconut milk on pot, then add the chili, onions, salt, pepper and ginger. Simmer.
  • Add the sliced eggplants and continue simmering until cooked. Remove and set aside.
  • Add the prepared fish. In my case, since I used a very flat fish, it only took about five minutes (or was it less?!) to cook.
  • Return the cooked eggplants to the pot. Simmer for a minute, or two, and adjust seasoning. Add fish sauce, which is totally optional.
  • Yummy served hot, with rice.

Fuss free, easy, and fast! I love cooking )and eating) dishes like this! I wanted to use another veggie, but I only had eggplants, so .... :P

Appreciate much your taking the time to share and link your food posts here at Food Friday! :)
Please don't forget to add a link back to this site (you can get the buttons here; deciding to use text instead of buttons is fine also) to be able to add your posts below. Many thanks and hope everyone is going to have a great time this weekend!

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Looking For a New Template

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Yup, I think I need to find a new template.
Something festive...

And free. :P

Off to find one ...

Searching ....
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