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Dreaming of Traveling ...

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I have always dreamed of traveling abroad, and one of the places where I hope I will be able to visit is France. Just seeing the Eiffel Tower from afar would be great! I learned from a friend who went there that tourists waiting to go up the tower are plenty, and it could take hours before you can go up! When I asked her about accommodations, she said that the France Hotels, specifically the Paris Hotels where they stayed, were great! She met up with one of our classmates living there, and they had a blast! I am definitely envious! ;)

She didn't get to stay long, though, since she had to leave for Germany after her one week stay there. She had to return work after that short holiday she had in Paris. Her company chooses which Berlin Hotels she would be staying, from a list of Germany Hotels that was given to them by a travel agency.
I have always asked her how she feels about traveling from one place to another, like never setting foot anywhere. She replied with a happy smile, "This is my dream!"

Honestly, I may really be so happy for her, but I'm glad I'm not in her shoes! I don't think I'd last long in that kind of job. LOL. :)

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