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Food Friday

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This week's Food Friday Featured player is ...

Ms. Dominique, with her post: Sushi on a Friday, on her blog, Dominique's Desk.

Japanese food is a favorite around here! I just love the elegant and nutritious dishes! They are a tad expensive, though. But totally worth it, specially when properly prepared. Click on the shot and check out the interesting experience that Ms. Dominique and her family had when they went on a vacation to Japan!
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Am afraid I won't be able to post my Food Friday dish for today. My current internet connection is all messed up (am far from home, where my connection is relatively reliably fast) and I can't download the pics that I took!

So sorry ... :(

I will visit your posts ASAP when my connection gets better!

On a more cheerful note, I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas Day with family, friends, and loved ones! Enjoy the Holidays!

Appreciate much your taking the time to share and link your food posts here at Food Friday! :)

Please don't forget to add a link back to this site (you can get the buttons here; deciding to use text instead of buttons is fine also) to be able to add your posts below. Many thanks and hope everyone is going to have a great time this weekend!

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Food Friday

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This week's Featured Food Friday player is ...

Teacher Julie, with her post: Chocolate Peanut Butter Squares, on her blog Plateful of Fun.

If you're like me, who wants things fast (usually) and simple, then this treat is for you (and me)! Yes, that is a NO-BAKE treat! Click on the shot and see how Teacher Julie made them!
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Green Drink, that's what am calling today's food post. I like drinking smoothies, but the ones being sold are almost always too sweet for me. Then I found out about green smoothies; I know I just had to try it!

1 c coconut water (chilled)
1 1/2 c fresh spinach
1 banana
1 apple (peeled, since am sure it wasn't organic)
1 tbsp coconut sugar (less, or more; depends on your preference)
3 tbsp milk
1/2 tsp maca powder

Blend everything till smooth. Adjust sweetness.

The green drink tasted weird, initially. Maybe because this was the first time, plus the fact that I used coconut water instead of just plain water. My sister loved it, though. The next day I tried with just apple and banana (and plain water) since my spinach and coconut water supply was all gone. This green drink is still new for me, and would love to experiment some more. Not just with the greens, but also maybe with some reds, or blue. And some more green! LOL.

ps. You may freeze the fruit first, if you want. Or add ice. To make a more colder drink.

Appreciate much your taking the time to share and link your food posts here at Food Friday! :)

Please don't forget to add a link back to this site (you can get the buttons here; deciding to use text instead of buttons is fine also) to be able to add your posts below. Many thanks and hope everyone is going to have a great time this weekend!

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Excited For Tomorrow

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Between my two sons, the youngest seems to be more interested in wanting to learn how to play the guitar. In fact, every time we go to the mall and pass by one of those music stores he never fails to go inside and check out the guitars that they are offering. He is only 5years old, so we're not really sure if he is still interested after a couple or so of years. I found that there's a classic gibson les paul studio tribute at Musicians Friend, and even if he is not that familiar with the people in the industry yet, he might be interested. But, that can wait. For now, I want him to enjoy school (he's still in kindergarten, lol) and have fun with his classmates.

Come to think of it, tomorrow is their Christmas party! He is soo excited! In fact, he has already picked what he wants to wear: his "Tulong Na, Tabang Na, Tayo Na" shirt, favorite pants, and new shoes. :)

Food Friday

6 shared thoughts
This week's Featured Food Friday player is ...

Ms. Hazel, with her post: To the suburbs we go, on her blog HazelCeej.

Sinus-clearing seafood sour soup, that's what Ms. Hazel called it. I really wish I had one of those right now! Yes, it's that time of year again: sniffles time. But really, I think that that soup is perfect any time of the year (or day!) for me. Click on the shot to see more of Ms. Hazel's post!
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My post: Home-made Strawberry Topping

My son wanted to make (and eat, lol) cheesecake (the no-bake kind) but we didn't have any ready-made (in other words, CANNED) toppings. So, we made our own!


  • Strawberries (frozen, or fresh)
  • sugar, cinnamon
  • vanilla, water
  • butter (totally optional; I just felt like adding it)


  • Place fresh/frozen fruits in pot. Add a bit of water.
  • Drizzle sugar, some ground cinnamon, vanilla, and butter.
  • Simmer and mix every now and then until fruits are soft and liquid gets thick.
  • Add some more water if needed.
  • Remove from fire once satisfied with the consistency.
  • Let cool completely before adding to your cheesecake.
  • Indulge!

I think our strawberry topping needed more sugar (compared to the canned version), but I really didn't mind. I liked it. It tasted more ... real. :P

Appreciate much your taking the time to share and link your food posts here at Food Friday! :)
Please don't forget to add a link back to this site (you can get the buttons here; deciding to use text instead of buttons is fine also) to be able to add your posts below. Many thanks and hope everyone is going to have a great time this weekend!

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Pink Live Thingies

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No idea what these are ... I honestly thought they were maggots. Or maybe they are. They are really small. Really. Used my phone, with the macro lens. The food was gone in an hour!

Anyway, I like the thingies' color. :P


Arm Candy

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I have been looking at some of the pics being posted over at Instagram (yes, am afraid I am a bit "busy" over there, surfing. lol. So easy with a wifi capable phone!) and I must admit I am interested in some of those arm candies for sale. Oh, nothing really fancy. I just don't like my watch to feel lonely being all alone. Come to think of it, I always wear my wedding ring so my watch isn't always alone. It would be nice adding something different to spice things up, though.

Anyway, it's really not a priority. I like the "researching" part, though. Love the designs being offered.

Come to think of it, why not make it myself, huh?! :P


Food Friday

6 shared thoughts
This week's Featured Food Friday player is ...

Ms. Tetcha Figuerres, with her post: Pagliacci at The Podium, on her blog Delight My Appetite.

That might look like any other tomato-based spaghetti, but it's got something that isn't found in our everyday spaghetti: crab fat! Together with shrimps, olive oil, and roasted bell peppers, this Spaghetti Travolara  is a must-try over at Pagliacci. Click on the shot to see what  Ms. Tetcha and her family ordered for dinner that day!
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I was craving for something sweet one afternoon and after looking at what I had on stock, decided to make these Fruity Pockets (I like how that sounds, compared to Fruity Tortillas! lol).

  • fruit cocktail (one can, drained)
  • tortillas (soft)
  • all purpose cream (chilled)

  • Drain the can of fruit cocktail thoroughly. While draining, warm the tortillas. Keep warm, as much as possible. Don't toast to a crisp. Or else it will be hard to roll/cover/wrap the fruity mixture.
  • Once the fruit cocktail is sufficiently drained, mix in the cool all purpose cream.
  • Place on top of the warm tortillas then cover/roll/wrap.
  • Enjoy!

I didn't add in any sugar/honey/sweetener since I find the fruit cocktail sweet already. It just needed something creamy to hold things together. I guess the cream just did the trick. It was nice, actually. Sort of like eating a fruity and creamy sandwich! lol.

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