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Food Friday

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This week's Featured Food Friday player is ...

Ms. Winnie, with her post Rich Challahs with Whole wheat and Rye Flours, on her blog: Something Sweet.

Here's another delicious treat from Ms. Winnie! Am one of those who just can't seem to get enough of what she posts! Do visit her blog and check out her other delectable food posts!!
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Our vacation officially ended last Sunday; I must admit, I am still having difficulty "adjusting"! I haven't been doing anything that spectacular in the kitchen (i never do, lol) so we've been eating out (and utilizing those convenient deliveries) for the most part. Posting today something that we had two days ago, for lunch... at SumoSam over at their SM North EDSA (The Block) branch.


Hubby and I had their gourmet hotdogs (aka roboto dogs...yeah, so healthy! LOL) while the kids chose wagyu ramen, miso soup, and the chicken. The salmon sashimi was everyone's order (it's one of our faves). I must admit, their hotdogs (the koji kabuto and mekanda california) were not something that I'd really rave about, but it was fine. Between the two, the mekanda california dog was more "refreshing" (it was like a kani salad with a whole frankfurter).Though honestly, I wouldn't order it again. *grin* It was just kind of too "ordinary" for me. But the wagyu ramen (with miso base) was delicious. Too few beef, but still delicious. The tempura chicken was a so-so.

It was my first time eating there and I guess I was just expecting too much. lol. I would eat there again, of course. There were other interesting food on their menu. :)

Appreciate much your taking the time to share and link your food posts here at Food Friday! :)
Please don't forget to add a link back to this site (you can get the buttons here; deciding to use text instead of buttons is fine also) to be able to add your posts below. Many thanks and hope everyone is going to have a great time this weekend!

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Danbo! :)

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Look who went with us on our vacation! :)

... Danbo riding the fastcraft. So loving his background (and missing it); specially with that line of clouds out there. Lucky we got a window seat! :D


Food Friday

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This week's Featured Food Friday player is ...

Ms. Oggi, with her post Strawberry Swirl Bread, on her site: I Can Do That!

I so admire Ms. Oggi's talent when it comes to making her own breads, cakes, and other foodie treats! Do check out her blog, foodies! You wouldn't regret it!
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My food post for today: cakes (mostly)!

This was one of the shops that hubby said I must not miss, when we went to Davao a couple of weeks ago: Lachi's. He knows I like cakes and a colleague of his suggested this place. Am glad we went there!

I would have wanted to try their other cakes (there were lots!), but I felt that I already had way too much (I downed two slices - the mud pie and a pecan pie, together with the tea. lol). My youngest finished a slice of their five layer chocolate cake all by himself (he loved it!), while my eldest had hot choco and a piece of sans rival. The cheeseburger was hubby's choice - he isn't that fond of cakes. :P

The place was small, and could be easily missed. Good thing it was air conditioned, and comfortable; though am sure some customers had to wait (or leave) because they can't wait to be seated. Parking space is a bit of a problem, though. We were lucky the road wasn't that busy. Will definitely go back and try some of their other cakes!

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Ebook: Year 50 (Geoff Bluske)

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Year 50

This is what I am currently reading. INTERESTING. Reminds me of one of my fave tv series ever, The X-Files. This is kind of like a cross between the X-Files and The Living Dead. :P

Got this for free (I always browse through Amazon's free ebooks whenever I get the chance), but it's now $4.99. Here's a link to their free ebooks, if you want to see what's free to download right now: Current Best Sellers (ebook)

Random :)

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Last year my eldest son got asked to do a voice-over for one of those commercials being done for a pharmaceutical company. The producer was one of the parents from their school and I gave my permission because I know it would be good experience for him. Am not sure if they use one of those condenser mic (or something similar), but he told me that the recording place was so cool with all those headphones, microphones, and buttons. He enjoyed the experience so much, he said.

I didn't get to accompany him since I had to take care of our youngest (didn't want to bring him along). Am glad he had a wonderful's something that not everyone can experience! Myself included! :D


Food Friday

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This week's Featured Food Friday player is ...

Mr. Nicholas, with his post Lentil Burgers, on his blog: Intelliblog.

I am interested to know how this healthy burger tastes like...when I get home, I would most probably try and make this! If you want to know the recipe, then I suggest you click on the shot above! :)
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We went to one of the nearby resorts a couple of days ago. It was one of those spur-of-the-moment thingy; my sister thought that since most of the kids were around, now would be the best time to hit the beach. Who were we to complain? lol

The place was nice, but what we liked best was that there were less than the usual number of people that day. There were quite a few diners but too few swimmers, which we found to our advantage. We (almost) had the pool all to ourselves! Found out that the sea was not actually accessible from that resort (even if the sea was just a step away). We didn't really miss it, and nobody minded.

Of course, we also ordered food: paella, noodles, lamb kare-kare, rice, greaseless chicken (we loved this! that's my son on the shot, savoring the piece of ehicken, lol!), different pizzas, and loads and loads of french fries. Not that many food shots, sorry. For our drinks we had bottled water, juice, shakes, and a lone pina collada (requested by a niece - btw, she is already of legal age. lol). I would have wanted to try their other drinks, but I was on pool duty (had to watch out for the little ones). There were quite a number of other lifeguards, but I wanted to watch over them myself. :P

Everyone had a great time (nobody wanted to leave, but...).  :D

Appreciate much your taking the time to share and link your food posts here at Food Friday! :)
Please don't forget to add a link back to this site (you can get the buttons here; deciding to use text instead of buttons is fine also) to be able to add your posts below. Many thanks and hope everyone is going to have a great time this weekend!

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FREE Ebook: Breakfast Casseroles

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Sweet And Savory Breakfast Casseroles (Breakfast Casseroles, Quiche, And Baked French Toast Recipes)

Another free ebook! :D

Food Friday

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This week's Featured Food Friday player is ...

Ms. Dominique, with her post Pickles and Dim Sum on a Friday, on her blog: From Dominique's Desk.

I must admit, I haven't tasted chicken legs yet. My father likes it, though, as well as some uncles. But we all love dim sum! Do click on the shot above to see the story behind Ms. Dominique's post!
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May is fiesta month around here (am still in the province right now), and of course we just had to attend one! My mother's hometown is around two hours (or two and a half, if your vehicle isn't in a hurry) from us and when we were young we used to go there during summer. Always. We loved going to the beach early mornings (we were sometimes awakened by the sound of the big waves back then) and play on the fine black sand. The Pacific Ocean can be quite daunting with the big waves, but most of the time I was brave. lol.

Two days ago we attended the town fiesta, but we didn't get to visit the beach because it rained. Everything was still more or less the same like it was before (back when I was younger and my cousins, siblings, and I used to run around,  with sand clinging to our sweaty bodies, but having the time of our lives). The original houses are gone now, but a cousin decided to have a "summer house" (as we all fondly called it) constructed where we briefly stayed.

The food during a fiesta isn't really all about the taste, but mostly about the quantity. Just look at some of the shots above - big pots! Most of my cousins opted to cook a few of the dishes themselves, but have most of the food cooked by a caterer. In their area, the lechon (roasted pig - no sauce required!) is a mainstay (we brought it with us - yes, the skin was no longer as crispy when we arrived; still, it tasted good!), together with the boiled gabi (taro) or maybe some sweet potatoes. I guess this is where I first learned that I love lechon eaten together with simply boiled taro or sweet potato. My eldest - and even hubby - thinks it's weird. :)

There were other dishes being served, but I failed to take pictures. The beef steak was requested by my son since he just loved it the first time he tasted his uncle's (my cousin's) beef steak. I was mostly too busy eating and talking since I rarely see them! lol. All in all, it was another wonderful day. I loved seeing them again and reminiscing ... sad that some of them are no longer with us, but happy that we got the chance to see each other again after a long time. :)

Appreciate much your taking the time to share and link your food posts here at Food Friday! :)
Please don't forget to add a link back to this site (you can get the buttons here; deciding to use text instead of buttons is fine also) to be able to add your posts below. Many thanks and hope everyone is going to have a great time this weekend!

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FREE Ebook: 30 Delicious Poke Cake Recipes

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30 Delicious Poke Cake Recipes

Recent addition to my FREE ebook stack. :D
Click if you want to get one, too!

Food Friday

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This week's Featured Food Friday player is ...

Mr. Nicholas V. with his post Pumpkin Risotto, on his site: Intelliblog.

Love the presentation! We have squash in abundance around here ... am thinking maybe squash can be used instead of pumpkin for this particular dish. Or maybe am wrong; I haven't tried pumpkin yet. lol. But do click on the shot above to see how Mr. Nicholas did his lovely Pumpkin Risotto!
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We stayed quite a while in Davao City and there were times that we (the kids and I) decided not to go out and do some exploring (weird, huh!), so what we usually do is avail room service and have our food delivered. These are some of the dishes that we tried:

The dishes were good and priced reasonably; loved the servings - they were more than what I am used to! lol. The kids and I enjoyed eating, sitting on the bed (something which we never do at home), while watching tv. Of course, we also had plain steamed rice, juice, and bottled water. The meal was wonderful, but what made it great was that my sons and I still enjoyed that day, even if we decided not to go out. :)

Appreciate much your taking the time to share and link your food posts here at Food Friday! :)
Please don't forget to add a link back to this site (you can get the buttons here; deciding to use text instead of buttons is fine also) to be able to add your posts below. Many thanks and hope everyone is going to have a great time this weekend!

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FREE Ebook: 99 Superfoods

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99 Superfoods - Awesome Nutritious Foods (Look and Feel Absolutely Fabulous)

My latest FREE download ...
excited to see what they are!
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