If you are familiar with my blog, then you should know that aside from being a foodie, I also love taking photos of just about anything! That's why am happy that I managed to stumble upon Couponing and Reviewing Texas' Photo Frenzy G!!veaway Event! which will run from June 1-30th.
Currently, prizes are:
- $35 Gift Certificate from mod. straps
- How to Photograph Your Baby DVD
- PicBound Photobook
...and more are soon to follow.
To join, please follow the steps below:
- make a post about the event
- you get one free social link on the RC form (OPTIONAL: send payment {$2} per additional link, if you want more than one, as a gift payable via Paypal to brad@advantagestorage.info. Please include your blog and other necessary information in the notes section of the payment.)
- complete FORM HERE
If you want to learn more, then click HERE.
Come and join us! The more, the merrier! :)
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have a nice day!