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Food Friday

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I was pleasantly surprised when hubby arrived two nights ago bringing doughnuts ... normally I'd ask for him to buy me a pack (... I didn't ask for anything that day). lol


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food friday

*will be posting Food Friday here until my other blog is up and running ... many thanks to everyone for being patient and understanding. :)

**additional info: my other blog is now up, but am not sure if there are still malicious scripts behind; need to wait and see some more before I host back Food Friday there... and please ... if that site tells you to download something --- DON'T! that's the malicious script 'talking', and it means I haven't fully deleted them/it yet. haaayyyy.

Hanging on ...

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Hanging on for dear life ...


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When I was young we had this helper who had pimples on her face. Not just your 'usual' pimples, but it really seemed like her whole face was covered with them! Since she didn't have any idea what to put on her face, she tried different home remedy for acne and I think one of them was trying putting calamansi juice on her whole face. Kind of drastic, I think, since the calamansi is highly acidic. Well, I guess it helped clean her face; though it must have been painful if she had any breaks on her skin. I do know that she also used hot face towel sometimes .... though nothing ever seemed to work at that time for her.

Last time I saw her, she no longer had any pimples, but scars were visible. Life, huh?!

Ohws? :D

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I know, the word art doesn't go well with the shot. LOL. :D


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I think that my height is relatively on the "normal" range for my age and gender (and my being Asian). But believe me, I once thought of taking one of those human growth hormone supplements while I was still in my teens. Not that I was the shortest in my class, but mostly because I just wanted to be taller. Guess that's a perfect example of someone who's never ever satisfied, huh?! I was a teenageer, then; so full of insecurities. I still have my insecurities, though not as plenty. LOL

Chicken and Pimples

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After I gave birth to my eldest son I developed these ugly pimples on my face; which I knew then needed acne scar removal! Well, it wasn't really that bad, but for someone who never had a pimple on her face while in high school and college, it was quite frightening as well as frustrating. I told myself that I was maybe a 'late bloomer', lol. An older sister also had acne when she was about to graduate from college, so I guess it runs in the family: the late 'acne sprouting'.

I found out later on that the daily dose of chicken (my son loved eating chicken) was the main reason for my outbreak. So, decided to stop that and the result was pretty dramatic. I still get pimples every now and then. Hopefully, it won't be as bad as before!

Wrinkles, anyone?

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I read somewhere that some people need wrinkle cream even at a young age. I mean, you start using anti-wrinkle cream at a young age, like when you are twenty years old. Am not too sure if that's really true; as for me, I didn't know about that until I was past my twenties! LOL. I don't really worry about wrinkles (not yet, anyway), but I do know that I need to put moisturizers on my face since sometimes I feel like my skin is so taut and itchy. Maybe it's because I use soap on my face most of the time.

I should take good care of my skin, I know. Am just soooo lazy! ;P

Food Friday

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i just couldn't resist them ... :)


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post for:
food friday

*will be posting Food Friday here until my other blog is up and running ... many thanks to everyone for being patient and understanding. :)

**additional info: my other blog is now up, but am not sure if there are still malicious scripts behind; need to wait and see some more before I host back Food Friday there... and please ... if that site tells you to download something --- DON'T! that's the malicious script 'talking', and it means I haven't fully deleted them/it yet. haaayyyy.

Daily ...

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This is what I do when I have the time to do nothing ...sort of like a daily deal. Random stuffs. But this doesn't happen all the time, though. Most of the time I am really occupied, specially now that my one year old is getting to be more demanding. And he is sick right now. Got fever ... and the sniffles are starting. His older brother first got sick, and now him. sigh...

I wish we don't get sick, specially little ones since I just can't bear to hear them cry. Like now, he is crying. That means I have to go and tend to him. Fast.

Patience ...

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My son's had his expansion plate for a year now, and it has become sort of a nuisance for him (and for us). I wonder if he'll be needing a Plano cosmetic dentist soon! Just joking, really, since just look at the distance! I think we have to be more patient since his teeth aren't coming out yet. Well, his baby teeth did grow only when he was a year old, so we expected his other teeth to be coming out a little later than most kids.

Patience can be hard for most of us, though ... :)

Romantic in me ...

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Valentine's Day has come and gone. Did you think that your gifts for her (or your gifts for him) were worth it? No need to answer that, lol. I know it's a personal thing, but sometimes I do wonder if the gifts that I give are really appreciated. I mean, I'm not the one who's going to use it, so I shouldn't be giving things that I like; unless, of course, the recipient likes it, too.

Anyway, personally I think that giving gifts shouldn't be reserved for special occasions only. And it need not be expensive, either! A simple note, a hug, a phone call ... I think those are gifts, too. But I guess that that's the romantic in me talking. :P

Food Friday

12 shared thoughts
First ...

Happy Hearts Day to everyone!!! ❤ ❤ ❤

Now let's continue ... :)


I'll be posting three pictures today... the two could be familiar for most of us (salad and homemade skinless longganisa/chorizo/sausage), while the third picture might not be that common. Well, for me anyway. LOL. But the name is familiar ... balikutcha (pardon the spelling; am not too confident with that).

In the province we also had balikutcha, but not prepared this way. The ones that we had were soft and chewy. This one was kind of hard but melts in your mouth after a few seconds of chewing. I loved the texture on this one, though. I think that that would be perfect on a cake which needed wood-like ornaments, lol. Tasted too sweet for me but my son loved it. :)

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post for:
food friday

*will be posting Food Friday here until my other blog is up and running ... many thanks to everyone for being patient and understanding. :)

**additional info: my other blog is now up, but am not sure if there are still malicious scripts behind; need to wait and see some more before I host back Food Friday there... and please ... if that site tells you to download something --- DON'T! that's the malicious script 'talking', and it means I haven't fully deleted them/it yet. haaayyyy.

Just another thought ...

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If I were you, I wouldn't believe just about any diet out there that offers miracles. I mean, let's be practical about it: to be successful in a diet that offers you to loose weight you need to do a lifestyle change. Some diets for quick weight loss will be great for others but after the weight loss you need to learn how to maintain that weight, too. You just can't get back to the way things were (like eating too much food that are full of sugar and fats) and expect your weight to stay down. I think discipline is needed here, too. I know, some food are just soooo tempting!

Trust me, I've been there. LOL :D

Say now what??!

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I think I'll be needing one of those night creams ... age has finally caught up with me. LOL. Nope, am not all saggy and wrinkled (yet), but I think that it will help to lessen those wrinkles, huh?! Or maybe I might just be needing a moisturizer since there are days that my skin seems so dry and itchy. Or maybe I just need a new facial cleaner. Or maybe I should also drink lots of water. Lots of maybe's. LOL

If I have the time I will buy that facial cream I've been eyeing ... soon! :D

Boca De Tigre

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boca de tigre

i love taking nature shots .... :)

i just wish i have more time to take shots again. maybe after a couple more, or so, of years from now ... LOL :D

ps. frame wasn't made by me, but bought from the internet ... so sorry, forgot who made that awesome frame!

Still random ...

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While I'm on the topic regarding skins (my former post was about eczema, lol), I remember I had this acne problem a few years back that really had me going into horrible fits. They just kept popping up on my face and they looked horrible as well as painful, too. Yup, I had serious acne problem before, and I was really so bent on looking for a good exposed acne treatment at that time! I found out eventually that the main reason for my acne problem was my diet: chicken. Once I started to lessen my chicken consumption (specially the fatty soup) they started disappearing, too.

Now I wonder if I could do something with my tired eyes .... ;P

Random thought ...

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Have you ever wondered what's the treatment for eczema? I haven't really been interested about it until a sister developed this inflammation on her legs which was quite persistent. It healed after some time, then after a while it returns; maybe it's because she scratches it. Which could, of course, aggravate the condition. I was wondering then if it was an eczema, and have found out (after reading Wikipedia) that it can be associated with families who have asthma. My brother had severe asthma when he was growing up; and I believe I had asthma when I was younger, too.

I just hope that my sons won't get eczema ... :)

Food Friday

18 shared thoughts

Pancit Bihon at Ponciana's Kitchen

That is Pancit Bihon (thin white rice noodles mixed with assorted vegetables, meat, and shrimp) from Ponciana's Kitchen along Timog Avenue in Quezon City (Philippines). It was the first time we ordered this (but we do eat there occasionally) and I must say, we are definitely going to order this again! ... and maybe the bigger size. :)

Want to play along? Then do leave a comment and tell me, or click here.

post for:
food friday

*will be posting Food Friday here until my other blog is up and running ... many thanks to everyone for being patient and understanding. :)

**additional info: my other blog is now up, but am not sure if there are still malicious scripts behind; need to wait and see some more before I host back Food Friday there... and please ... if that site tells you to download something --- DON'T! that's the malicious script 'talking', and it means I haven't fully deleted them/it yet. haaayyyy.

If ...

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I'm positive there are many furnace filter brands available both online and in your local stores, but what we really need here in the tropics are the air conditioner filters. Specially now that summer is coming (if it hasn't arrived yet!), most people would be using their air conditioners at home. Hubby and I have been thinking of buying an air conditioner for our room, but somehow we've always put it off since that would mean changes to the house. Since we don't legally own this house, we are hesitant. Maybe, if it was ours we'd have gotten one years ago, lol. And of course, some filters for it, too! ;)


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My older sister had acne while she was in college (who doesn't?! LOL) and I had them after I gave birth to my eldest son; no idea why I had them so late, but they can really be quite annoying! I've had some nasty scars because of them, and I just wish that I can find a good acne scars removal cream that will really work. There are literally thousands (or millions?) of similar creams out there, but somehow I don't want to put just about anything on my face.

Finding the cream is just one of the problems ... I guess I need to get a good and decent night's sleep to help clear the occasional pimples, too! :)


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Do you see the four (yes, there are four) birds? Took this shot one afternoon while the birds were all noisy ... and that's our neighbor's rambutan tree. :)

ps. those are sparrows. pretty common around here. very common.

Mumbling, again.

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I wonder when will the day come that I will have all the time in the world to sleep. Peacefully, without any interruptions. Maybe after five years, or so. LOL. Pretty soon I will be looking for the best eye cream for dark circles, at the rate that I am going ... sleeping early (in the morning)!

Well, it is my fault, too, since I don't go to sleep when my one-year old sleeps. Instead, I go online and play! hehehe. Well, it is sort of a stress-reliever for me, playing online games. No gambling for me; just plain cute pets and cooking thingy. ;)

Musing(s) ...

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Everytime we visit the mall we can't help but see all those wide screen HDTV, and all the splashes of colors while it is being advertised. We can't help but drool over them (LOL), but it is just not a priority these days. There is the summer expenses we needed to plan for (trips trips trips), as well as other activities that need money! I think this year is going to be one of those 'lean' years for us, specially now that my blogging has slowed down considerably. Having a one-year old can be quite tiring, but rewarding in itself, so I'm not complaining (much, hahaha).

One of these days ... :)

Win a FREE Trip to Boracay!

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Feel like travelling for free? ;)
Me too!!!!

so read on ...


Win a Free Boracay Vacation Package by WOW Philippines Travel Agency

WOW Philippines Travel Agency, Inc. is celebrating it's 5th year in business during July of 2010, and we would like you to have a chance to celebrate with us, so we have decided to give-away a FREE Boracay Package complete with 5 Star accommodations at the luxurious Le Soleil de Boracay Hotel on Boracay Island. The lucky winner will win the following Boracay vacation package.

Vacation Package Inclusions:
- 5 Days / 4 Nights Luxury 5 Star Accommodations at the Le Soleil de Boracay Hotel
- Flights to Boracay from Manila to Caticlan Airport on Philippine Airlines
- Island Transfers - Door-to-Door from Manila to the resort and back to Manila
- Three (3) Meals each day, Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner
- Boracay Activities - Horseback Riding, Island Hopping, Glass Bottom Boat
- PLUS - 5,000 peso Spending Cash

Read More Information:

Another pet

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Yup, another game for me (Petville)... using Facebook. Honestly, I shouldn't have, but I couldn't resist! LOL


Job ...

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I wonder what my former classmate must be feeling, reading and sifting through loads of resumes all day! She works for a company that supplies workers to other companies and they just don't hire anyone who applies; they screen them, too. She's lucky she is part of the administration, so sifting actually through all that files doesn't play a big role on her job. She only does that when needed.

So far, she hasn't complained yet. But she's not actually the complaining and whining type of girl. She does what's expected of her and gets the job done way ahead of time!

Trip to memory lane ...

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I remember, when I was young I had this nanny who was a chain smoker. Nope, she didn't use anything fancy like White Owl cigars, but she usually used the locally made ones. Smoking during her time was not considered as really "hazardous" to one's heath, then, so even some of her children were smoking away at a very young age. As for me, I never really took notice of it (until I was older) since it all looked so very natural. I was just wondering why my parents wasn't smoking, though. :D
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