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Food Friday

10 shared thoughts

fried milkfish

Had this for dinner ... fried milkfish (bangus) which was marinated in vinegar, black pepper, salt, and lots of garlic. Didn't get the chance to take a shot of the side dish, tomato and red onion mixed with just a wee bit of salt; was too hungry. lol. And of course ... everything went so well with lots of steaming rice! :P

Want to play along? Then do leave a comment and tell me, or click here.

post for:
food friday

*will be posting Food Friday here until my other blog is up and running ... many thanks to everyone for being patient and understanding. :)

Mumbling ...

0 shared thoughts

... your shots will fade.
... your taste will change.
... you will be caught unaware. sometimes.

and nothing ever stays the same. NOthing...

Oh well. :P

Getting noticed ...

2 shared thoughts
They say that if you want your site to have a "presence" it must be readily visible when you search for it on the internet. If you want lots of traffic on your site, then one way to do that would be to submit your link to one of those web directories. Some are free, while for others there is a fee to have your link placed on their site. Personally, I think that's great, though visiting other sites and leaving comments would also be one way to get yourself noticed. You must be sincere about your comments, though, or else it will look like you're spamming them! :)

Food Friday

10 shared thoughts

Krispy Kreme doughnuts

Plain ... or not? I chose both! LOL :D

Want to play along? Then do leave a comment and tell me, or click here.

post for:
food friday

*will be posting Food Friday here until my other blog is up and running ... many thanks to everyone for being patient and understanding. :)

Busy ...

0 shared thoughts
Been real busy these past few days ... so busy that I still haven't had the chance to dabble with my other blog! :(


Never Satisfied ...

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I got my laptop last year when I found the need to have a computer because of my online activities. Not just any computer, but one that is lightweight and mobile enough for me. Well, the one that I bought is not that lightweight (compared to the netbooks being offered for sale these days), but comfortable enough. I was deciding whether to get myself one of those netbooks (it was still quite new at that time), or the 13"-15" sized computers; but since I deal mostly with pictures, I wanted one with a bigger monitor. Still, after buying my computer it just wasn't enough, lol. I mean, I longed for a mouse (which my ten-year old son got me just a couple of weeks back ... so sweet of him!). Next, I wanted buy a new printer because the one that we had was already defective (it wouldn't print in black, could you believe that!). Well, it was almost a decade old, so I guess it was about time we upgraded our printer. We did buy a new one last month, though. It's a good thing that my computer's speakers are already sufficient (the multimedia features helped me with my decision ...) or else I would have longed for a pair, too! LOL

I know, the only thing missing would be a new keyboard, but if you have a laptop (or a netbook) you really won't be needing new one. Would you? :)

Food Friday

10 shared thoughts


I honestly prefer my puto (above shot) to be just plain ... but these tasted great, too. :)

Want to play along? Then do leave a comment and tell me, or click here.

post for:
food friday

*will be posting Food Friday here until my other blog is up and running ... many thanks to everyone for being patient and understanding. :)

Just a thought ...

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My sister works at a government-run office and they deal mostly with benefits. I know, sometimes it can be hard work since some people want more than they are entitled to with their disability appeal, so my sister and her office mates needs to be aware about those "fixers" and trouble-makers most of the time. If they do catch one they let them off with just a warning, at first. But if caught repeatedly, well ... they are banned from the office! Serves them right, huh?!

Am mighty glad that I don't work in such an environment! LOL

Christmas already? ;P

0 shared thoughts
Summer vacation for us has been over for some months now, but do you know that Christmas vacation is getting nearer? Or haven't you noticed it? lol. I have, since I am pretty excited about this coming Christmas ... well, I am normally excited when Christmas comes; I just love the chilly air and that certain "feeling" one gets when Christmas is drawing near ... like a kid about to open a present! Nope, am not expecting anything for myself (I must be getting old, lol), though one of those nice orlando vacations could help! :D

Food Friday

28 shared thoughts
food friday

This will be the home of Food Friday ... moved it from my other blog, that's still "in limbo". ;P

March 18, 2011 UPDATE:
Since I started linking back to the players, I would really appreciate it if you also place the BUTTON TOGETHER WITH THE LINK in your Food Friday posts.

I hope all the players understand. I love giving out linky love and really appreciate receiving some back. Thanks!

May 18, 2011

added a linky to the posts a couple of weeks back because 'you' asked for it. :)
i hope everyone's satisfied...if not, send me a shout-out. :D
July 22, 2011 UPDATE:
...used InLinkz for linking a couple of weeks ago, and loving it! :)
...decided to send some linky love to the players using InLinkz random pick and will be placing the 'weekly winner(s)' on the sidebar, where it will stay for a month. Will also create a page on the linkbar for the past and present winners. :)
...still in the process of ironing out any kinks, so suggestions are welcome.

Anyone is welcome to play along ... we only have three rules (unless I modify this again. lol):

  • *Post must be about food (using your own shot is preferred, but if you use another photo, then it must be with the photo-owner's consent)
  • *Link back here, using the buttons provided, or a simple text link.
  • *Have fun posting and visiting other players! ♥

IMPORTANT: Please don't leave your post links here ... leave your links on the latest Food Friday post (which will be up every Friday at 12:01 AM {GMT +8 hours}). That way your link will be visible not only to me but also to the other players. 

Many thanks!

To grab the button and link, just click then copy and paste the text (inside the box) below:

food friday 125x125

And if you get featured, here are the buttons and scripts:

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