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How was 2019 for you?

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Nativity scene at home ... and adding some digiscrapping stuffs which i seem to have accumulated years ago. 

Honestly, I must admit 2019 is the worst (for me). But it did show me who wanted to stay with me and my family. There's no denying the emotional turmoil we experienced, but at least now the mask has been removed. Now we see who is who. Who? 👉👈👇👆😁

No regrets here on my side. Now no more tiptoeing on eggshells, putting aside your wants just to satisfy someone else's, overthinking, and all that toxic stuffs. I actually breathed easier these past few months. Oh don't get me wrong: I still wish things are different, but. People make their own decisions and one I thing I also learned: NEVER CHASE PEOPLE. If they want to stay with you, they will. If not ... well. Let them go. Hoping that they will be happy where they want to go, and vice versa. 👍😊

Now, isn't that just full of Christmas cheer? lol. 😂

Enjoy the festivities, wherever in the world you are located! 🎅🎄🌟

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