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Food Friday

15 shared thoughts

Leftovers...that's what we had for breakfast. :)

Smoked milkfish (flaked), scrambled eggs, cooked brown-white rice mix, and carrots, peas, and corn kernels. First I cooked the scrambled eggs to my liking (yeah, not runny. lol), removed it from the pan, and then sauteed the veggie mix in unsalted butter. I then added in the flaked fish, rice and scrambled eggs. For seasoning, I used salt, pepper, dill, fish sauce, and a bit of sesame oil. :P

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food friday

Food Friday Players:

ps. Please use the Food Friday button and link (or just link back here) if you're playing...thank you. And, it seems like nobody complained about the linky, so am using it again.
Commenting is now optional, but always appreciated. :)


3 shared thoughts

Dog...that's what my two-year old calls my parent's pet, Whitey; while my 12year old can't seem to get enough of him. As for me, I'd gladly hang out with Whitey all day long, too...but i can't. Responsibilities and priorities are always hovering nearby, shouting  calling out to me. LOL.

We're still on our five-week long vacation... :)

Rosquillos and Coffee

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Was in Cebu the other weekend, and I just couldn't resist buying a pack of rosquillos. Went well with my coffee... :)

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Food Friday

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Scrambled eggs, my style. lol. Added milk, salt, and pepper to scrambled eggs. Sauteed sliced tomato in vegetable oil (with a bit of unsalted butter), then added in the eggs. I honestly don't want my eggs to be runny, so I waited till it had taken shape, added in some chopped parsley, broke the shape using a fork, and flipped the eggs over. When it was cooked the way I like it, I transferred it to a plate and topped it with smoked paprika powder. :D

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food friday

Food Friday Players:

ps. Please use the Food Friday button and link (or just link back here) if you're playing...thank you. And, it seems like nobody complained about the linky, so am using it again. :)

On vacation...

7 shared thoughts
Early breakfast at the airport...that's my Kaya toast, green tea, and softboiled eggs (which i gave to my son since i prefer my eggs hardboiled)

Haven't posted much since am on vacation right now. Staying in front of the computer is quite hard because of the distractions around me. Am trying... and it's hard! LOL

Of course, Food Friday will be posted as scheduled. :)

Food Friday

22 shared thoughts

Something light this time: that's spiral pasta mixed with smoked milkfish (flaked), lite cream, dill, smoked paprika powder, pepper, salt, cheddar cheese, and cooked corn, carrots, and peas.

This was the first time I tried using smoked milkfish with pasta, and I can really taste/smell the smokey flavor and aroma. I liked it, including hubby. We both had it for dinner.

I wonder if we'd still like it if I added some pineapple slices... :)

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food friday

Food Friday Players:

ps. Please use the Food Friday button and link (or just link back here) if you're playing...thank you. And, it seems like nobody complained about the linky, so am using it again. :)

No More Fixers?! I dont think so...!!

6 shared thoughts
... had my driver's license renewed. Initially, we thought of going to the mall (you can also renew your license there), but hubby said that maybe it's easier if we go to the main office along East Avenue. . I consented., but was honestly hesitant. Little did I know that my intuition was correct!

When we arrived there someone immediately "greeted" us with, "License, ma'am? License, sir?". My first thought was: he's one of those fixers (they say they are there to help, but of's not free). We told him we were fine, and proceeded to a tent that says "Renewal of License". We got an application form and we were told to get our 'medical'. She pointed to a girl which she called "Maganda (which means beautiful)" where I can get my 'medical'. She was sexy (yeah, she was really, with interesting contact lenses. To make the long story short, we followed her instructions and someone brought us to this sleazy looking 'medical clinic' outside the LTO. I was really suspicious but went ahead. It went fairly fast...but my anger was also mounting.

I got my 'medical'; a board says that payment due was only Php300 but I actually paid Php400. I only noticed when I checked the change, which was too late by then. Grrrrrrr.....!!!!

Then when we went back to ask where to go next, another employee was there, and gave me a number (which wasn't really that necessary, if only he looked at my application). He pointed us to a building with lots of 'windows'. The line was quite long...then their PA system announced that they were offline, and they can only serve until #200 (and I got #203)! A lot of people left grumbling, then hubby asked the lady behind one of the windows if we can still be served. When she looked at my application, she pointed us to another building, telling us that we shouldn't be there. We left (happily!) and from there it was all just a matter of minutes before I got this:

Honestly, I don't think I'd renew my license at the main office again. Unless I already have my 'medical' with me. That was a rip-off, the medical thingy. I don't think my urine was even tested for anything! I saw lots of urine bottles littered on a counter, and only one girl was there...and she was on the computer all the time! Sigh. It just makes me mad...I don't mind paying large amounts, as long as I know it's worth it.

Welcome to the real world, huh. :/

Hotdog and Float

9 shared thoughts

Usually when we order at Jollibee I almost always go for their chicken, but I tried something 'different' this time: their hotdog classic and watermelon sprite float. .

It was ok. Am not really that picky (most of the time). Though my two-year old wrinkled his face when he tasted the float. LOL.

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Food Friday

35 shared thoughts

Strawberries...bought a few of them this week. Am not sure if they were cheap, or not (it was Php115/kilo [roughly around US$2.67/kilo]) but i just couldn't resist since they looked so fresh and inviting.

Strawberry Custard Cake - IWAKO Japanese Eraser. 60 Count. 38156Anyway, we started munching on them as soon as we arrived home; and while some were added to a mocha cake slice (i couldn't take credit for the a few slices were mixed with cream, muscovado sugar, crushed graham crackers, and placed in a wine glass.

Yup, it's going to be one of our desserts later. :P

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food friday

Food Friday Players:

ps. trying on this linky script because some players wanted an esier way of leaving their link; i think it's a great idea (thanks for the feedbacks!), but i sure hope it does create a backlink. if it doesn't (or if you HATE it, lol) then do tell me. i'll think of something else... :)


6 shared thoughts

Changed the header and background... AGAIN. hehehe.

I know, as usual I just couldn't resist changing those...would have wanted to change the width, too. But i have no idea how to do that. I guess that would mean changing the template, but don't have enough time to do that ... for now.

Next time... :)


11 shared thoughts

This was what we had two weekends ago during my son's birthday...Mango Bravo from Conti's, from their branch in Sta. Rosa, Laguna. Yeah, the mangoes got eaten first. lol

Cakes to Inspire and DesireWondering why we had to go so far for that treat when there are lots of branches nearby? Well, we couldn't go and visit sister-in-law during the weekend in Cavite (since hubby arrived late Saturday night from a business trip) and my son wanted to celebrate it with his aunties and a lola, so we decided on meeting 'halfway'...and that was at Solenad (Nuvali, Sta. Rosa, Laguna).

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Light It Up Blue

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button courtesy of Light It Up Blue

April 2 is World Autism Awareness Day and am spreading the word to show my support for those sweet kids who sometimes can't speak for themselves.

You too, can help spread the word around...just visit the Light It Up Blue site and sign up.


0 shared thoughts
Working at a hospital, my sister must be tired after she does one of those 24-hour duties. She works as one of the doctors, and she says that even if she gets tired, she never forgets to remind the nurses about each patient monitor that is in use. It could mean life or death to their patients, and of course what sane doctor would want their patient to die! The person is there in the hospital to get well, and not to die.

These days we need all the technological advances we can get to save lives. It usually is expensive, and that's why some hospitals are better than others. I just wish that all hospital personnels are courteous and understanding when a patient arrives, though. Nobody wants to be confined in a hospital...right?! So inconsiderate hospital personnels should be the least of their worries!

Just a thought. Again. :P

Super Moms

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My sister's a registered nurse, but after she got married she stopped working. I guess I could sympathize with her since I did the same thing. I just can't bear the thought of a stranger taking care of my child for me...or letting my mother/father take care of my children while I work. I guess there's nothing wrong with that. It's a personal choice. For me, anyway. I do believe that some moms have no choice but to work. I so admire those who can juggle work and family live successfully. It must really be hard.

Kudos to those super moms! :)


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These fishes acted like they were really hungry...even if there were a lot of people feeding them! Some of the koi looked pretty 'fat' to me..and yet they all still acted like they weren't fed for months! Kind of like some people who's got the 'appetite'. Like me, sometimes. lol.


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My MIL's sister, who lives right now with my SIL (I hope you know what those acronyms mean! lol), do a conference call with her son and daughter at least once a month. I know, it is not usual (they can instead use the internet to do a video chat or something), but they do so enjoy doing it. I guess that somehow it makes them feel that they are actually there, sitting and chatting like the old times. Both her son and daughter are now living abroad with their families, and it is just natural that she misses them.

She plans to live with one of them once she gets her visa. When that happens, we will be the ones who'll miss her!

New Template?

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Am thinking of changing my template again. Yes, I know. Fickle-minded me. I just want to change it...and that means I am bored with the current one. hehehe. I can change the background, but somehow I want the 'writing' space to be bigger.

But that's just a thought.
For now. I could change it.


My Arroz Caldo

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My sons have got the coughs...and a bit of the sniffles. good thing no fever. so keeping my fingers crossed. And helping them recover by cooking my version of the arroz caldo (i don't use kasubha {similar to saffron}, green onions, or fried garlic). It looks pretty boring, but that's how i like it. lol. my sons loved it, too. ;)


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When I was in college I used to admire looking at those junior and senior students wearing scrub shirts. But it was just plain green back then. Totally boring. lol. Now, those nursing scrubs being sold online (and also offline) have different prints and totally not boring! I wish we'd have thought of that way back then...looks like good business. lol. But am not sure if our professors would have approved; maybe they would. There doesn't seem to be a rule against it. I think. ;)


0 shared thoughts
Attended earlier today a small gathering of families...we ate at a well-known restaurant relatively near our place. But the food was not exactly what I expected...the chicken (which they were quite known for, and one that my family and I love!) was dry. The service, too, wasn't as good. Maybe it was because it is the weekend, but is that really an excuse? The management should have anticipated more customers during a weekend and so have scheduled more waiters/waitresses.

Oh well. Just disappointed, that's all. And ranting about it. LOL

I need...

2 shared thoughts
There's something that I need: a utility knife. Sometimes I get into situations that a simple scissor just can't do, like cutting something thick. My scissors are super dependable (specially in the kitchen), but I must admit sometimes they do come up short and so I have to find something else that I have, like my kitchen knife. It's not advisable (I think), to be using those knives for anything other than food, and I guess that's why my knives looks like they've seen better days! lol.

Food Friday

31 shared thoughts

I know, some of you might not like this, but I do. I first tried this decades ago while I was browsing inside a grocery store's canned goods. I was still in college then, and starting to be adventurous with my food. I am so happy to have 'found' this again! ;)

All I did was fry those choplets (had to cut them first because they were a bit thick) and mixed them with what we were having for breakfast: canned pork and beans. LOL. I know, I shouldn't have...but I did, and the result is below (I placed it on a bed of lettuce). :D


Verdict: my family preferred eating them simply fried rather than mixing them with the pork and beans. lol.

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food friday

Food Friday Players:

blankPixels (Selecta Hershey's Ice Cream with Reese's Peanut Butter Cups)
Jay (New Treatment for Summer Heat)
Luna Miranda (Vegetarian Lettuce Wrap)
Luna Miranda (Steamed Fish Fillet)
MommyandMat (Barbecued Pork and Pork Chop)
Joanna (Little Girl's 3rd)
Imriz (Dinner a la Beef Teriyaki)
Imriz (Chowking Halo-Halo)
Arlene (Fresh Veggies)
Oggi (Banana-cue)
Mymy (Lemon Meringue Pie)
Race (Seoul Barbecue Restaurant Foods)
Lynn (Pasta for Lunch at Figaro)
Cheerful (3 Courses at Open Wine)
Peachkins (Apple Pie Oatmeal)
Halie (Cakes by Chef Ahoy!)
Tina (Food Package from Dumaguete)
Girlichef (Wanna see my Honey Buns?)
Mirage (Vanilla with choco-chips cupcake topped with Cream cheese frosting)
Sublime Wanderer (Spanish Food)
Martha (Half Homemade Pork - Chop Dinner)
Lani (Taiwanese Spring Roll)
Desi (Jalapeno Poppers)
Tummy Fillers (Spaghetti Vongole)

ps. should have done this EONS ago: adding a DEEP backlink to those who played as my way of saying thanks for playing and for linking back (through your posts). :)
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