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Started and finished this today.
Really fun doing this digiscrapping thing again...

Only the picture is mine
The elements, papers, frames, etc. are from different sources...

Food Friday

25 shared thoughts
My eldest son introduced me to this snack a couple of months ago ... it was kind of weird at first (am not used to eating them 'alone') but after a couple or so of seaweeds later I couldn't stop. We both loved the crispy/salty/spicy flavor. My two year old tried it, too...and he was good after three little bites (his fourth bite was big and too spicy). I think he'd like it if it wasn't too

As for hubby? Well, he hasn't tried it yet. Usually we don't leave leftovers. :D

ps. I think that this can also be used together with other dishes, like in hot noodle soups...or maybe even in a sandwich! ;P

post for:
food friday

Food Friday Players:

ps. should have done this EONS ago: adding a backlink to those who played as my way of saying thanks for linking back. :)

*I don't think my other blog will be 'operational' real soon...and I don't think I have the time to make another blog, so Food Friday is here to stay. For now. I think. Many many thanks to those who have kept on playing! :)

Starbucks 2011

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starbucks 2011

Hubby got this last week... :)

Nope, it's not for me (though he did ask me if I want it, lol). He's not going to use it for himself, either. He plans to give it to someone very close to the family... :)


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Am not much of a car fan (though I do find them quite useful and convenient most of the time), but it is important to know the basics. Like changing the tires, or maybe get an idea what brake rotors are and how they function. I have never changed a tire, but have watched people change them countless of times. I must admit, I don't find it appealing, though. lol.

I guess it's because of the grease...when I was young we had this empty lot beside our house and that was where my father parked his three trucks. There used to be a garden there before, but when the trucks arrived...well, the garden had to go. For the life of me I never got interested in the trucks except when we were playing hide and seek. But we had one playmate who was so interested he used to tag along with the drivers and mechanics all day long! Last I heard was that he became a mechanical engineer...good for him! :)

Nothing really...just wanted to blab tonight. ;)


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They look like fish scales, don't they?

Wishful thinking

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Lately every time we visit one of those electronic shops we almost always go to the television section. Guess it's because our television is now showing signs of giving up. Well, it has been with us for almost twelve years now...yup, an oldie. lol. The only thing wrong with it is the cable connection, though. Our youngest (who is always on the lookout for something to dabble with his hands...) finds the cables interesting, I think. We always tell him that it's not safe, but somehow he never listens (or tries to remember). Now it's all wobbly and the reception is erratic. It stays fine, as long as it isn't moved. I wonder if we need to get one of those vga to hdmi cables? I guess for now, not yet. Once we upgrade to one of those LCD/LED televisions, then we just might....

Wishful thinking, I know. LOL

Food Friday

21 shared thoughts
Most, if not all, of us love chocolates... :)

post for:
food friday

Food Friday Players:

ps. should have done this EONS ago: adding a backlink to those who played as my way of saying thanks for linking back. :)

*will be posting Food Friday here until my other blog is up and running ... many thanks to everyone for being patient and understanding. :)


2 shared thoughts
"March, march robot...
I am a robot..."

My two year old...pretending he is a robot. lol
He just enjoys stomping on the grass (while we were in Indang, Cavite)...we'll be going there again this weekend.

Grass comes the robot again! :D

Getting fat?

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After looking at some of the pictures taken by hubby last weekend, I noticed that I have grown considerably 'chubbier'. LOL. That's not good (but I still have a good laugh every time I look at the pictures, hehehe), so I think I ought to watch what I eat these days (and the coming days hereafter). Or maybe I should also take a peek at what good herbal weight loss formula(s) can be found out there, huh?!

I believe that to lose the weight means changing the lifestyle, too. Oh, nothing totally drastic, but something that is healthy and adaptable (for me). One thing for sure, though...I need to cut down on my carbohydrate intake. tsk. tsk. tsk....and I so love eating rice! Oh well...


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No idea who he is...
Shot taken while we were on our way somewhere. ;)

Oh well....

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When I was younger I had always thought that I was heavy. In other words and plainly put: FAT. Little did I know that I was lucky to have been 'fat' those days! LOL. Actually, I was a bit chubby while I was starting high school, but eventually I trimmed down by the time we graduated. Still, I considered myself fat; but was always laughed at by a close friend whenever I told her I was fat.

After a couple of decades later (yup, that long!) I still consider myself fat. Oh, I have gained weight; around ten to fifteen pounds. Should I be concerned and check out those apidexin reviews? Everyone seems to be crazy about it. Or should I just do it the 'old-fashioned way'?

Oh well... :-/


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So hungry... ate the whole leaf!


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It seems like Love can sprout in unexpected places... ;)


Food Friday

27 shared thoughts
I've tasted other green tea ice cream before, but this one's the best so far!

That's Macha Ice Cream from Teriyaki Boy (Mall of Asia branch). It is green tea ice cream encircled with tempura flakes. Quite new for me (the tempura flakes added to ice cream)...though of course the tempura flakes could be replaced by cereals, if you want the added crunch that it brings. Personally, I'd rather have cereals. lol. But it was the taste of the ice cream that got did have that "tea" flavor. 

I loved it (though my two year old tried spitting it out immediately after I let him taste it; he thought that it would taste just like the ones we have here at home, lol)!

Just look at how I licked the bowl clean...shameless me...I know. ;P

ps. it did taste a lot like green tea, so if you're not into tea you might not like it. :)

post for:
food friday

Food Friday Players:

ps. should have done this EONS ago: adding a backlink to those who played as my way of saying thanks for linking back. :)

*will be posting Food Friday here until my other blog is up and running ... many thanks to everyone for being patient and understanding. :)


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Like a solitary soul....

I wander into your world. With ease.
And longing.

Facebook SLOW

YUP...yesterday i couldn't even log into my fave games (i only have two, lol...stopped playing with the others)!!! well, i do occasionally play with the others. but not daily anymore. takes too much of my time. harharhar. LOL :D

well, at least today it seems to be getting better. i managed to log into my games. i wonder if it has something to do with the additional new games available...aaarrrggghhhh. :(

Food Friday

19 shared thoughts
 I like eating sweets every now and then...specially when it's free. lol.
This was the first time that I tasted this type, though. At first I was kind of put off by how it looks (each candy is around three-fourths of an inch and quite uninteresting), but take no notice of it's appearance. It is addicting! For me, anyway.

The different colors suggests different tastes (but the macadamia nutty taste is still quite prominent; they didn't scrimp on the can really taste it quite distinctly):
Yellowish is the original flavor (I liked this best!!!)
Green is for green tea (yup, subtle hint there)
Brownish is for brown sugar (my least's not sweeter than the others, but...)

Right now there are only two left from the pack.
Yup, I will be devouring those soon. Very very soon. :D

post for:
food friday

Food Friday Players:

ps. should have done this EONS ago: adding a backlink to those who played as my way of saying thanks for linking back. :)

*will be posting Food Friday here until my other blog is up and running ... many thanks to everyone for being patient and understanding. :)


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i have always liked the sloping branches of these trees every time we pass by Tagaytay on our way to hubby's hometown...
this time there were less leaves than the usual. no idea why, really. but i can hazard a guess. it because it's going to be 'autumn' soon?

though of course we only have two 'seasons' here. lol

Before the year ends...

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Hubby got the new vehicle just this year and he plans on adding one of those auto roof racks. However, he is yet undecided but has taken a second look at one of those yakima racks being advertised online. Some of his officemates are also thinking of doing the same thing, but like him, hasn't decided on anything yet. It is kind of expensive, but we don't want to buy inferior designs and quality since we know that it will just be a source of problem after a short time.

Hopefully, before the year ends he'd have decided already! :)

Hubby and I

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Hubby and I love taking pictures...though I tend to take more macro shots than he does. :)
This isn't a macro shot (hahaha), but my lens here is my fave 100mm macro lens. I think it takes a pretty decent portrait shot. Every now and then. :D

Next time...

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A few weeks ago hubby, our two kids, and I, went to the mall to look at some tiles. We saw lots of gorgeous tile designs and I could just imagine having them on my wall, or floor. But, we were there on a 'mission' (to buy some of those large but boring and practical tiles), so we didn't dwell much on those. We also saw some pedestal sinks which I think would go well inside our bathroom. Unfortunately, since we were in a hurry (our youngest was getting sleepy already) I forgot to ask for the prices. I saw some practical ones (the other ones were just too luxuriously big, lol) that I was really interested in...hopefully, when we get back there again I'd have the time to ask them! Plus the budget too, of course. ;)


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I wonder who's going to get lucky today....
Not me, I guess.
I didn't find any four leaf clover. ;P

Getting the best ...

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Having worked at a farm, I know that having a pump can be very beneficial. My former boss used to have problems with his water supply, so he decided to buy a water pump, but a small one at first. It totally failed him (and to think he wanted to save money!) he finally decided to buy one of those commercial pumps. Sure, it costs more but in the long run it worked wonders for the farm animals as well as the farm's root crops. It was trouble free, too.

Lesson learned: don't hesitate to buy the best that you can get; the service it gives back will be the best that you can get, too. :)
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