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Food Friday

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Have you tried eating this before?

Our eldest sister arrived from the province a couple of days ago and she got us some of these ... binagol. I've had binagol since i was really young, but haven't gotten round to asking my mom it's ingredients. Did a bit of research and found out that it's a sweetened nutty taro pudding. The center is the sweetest part, where you'll find some peanuts and other soft sweet stuffs. Sometimes that's the part that gets eaten first. :)

This is actually sort of like soul food, for me. Just brings back all those memories which happened eons ago. ;p
*I couldn't eat all of that in just one sitting, though. Too sweet (and heavy in the belly) for me. That binagol is meant to be shared. ;)*

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food friday

*will be posting Food Friday here until my other blog is up and running ... many thanks to everyone for being patient and understanding. :)

Flower and a Quote

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Vacation ...

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Christmas is already near .... and I know most people are excited about getting away from work even just for a couple or so of days! lol. I know a former classmate who's in-laws have a chateau somewhere near some gorgeous mountains and so almost every winter she and her son go on "ski vacations" whenever they visit the in-laws. My classmate isn't really that keen on the sport (she prefers the sun and the beach), but she knows how important it is that her son bonds with his grandparents every once in a while. True enough, her son adores his grandparents! :)

On the road ...

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Hubby is usually out most of the day because of his job, and we have gotten used to that situation. However, sometimes I do worry a bit when he travels long distances using his vehicle since accidents can (and do) happen. I trust him and his driving, though I can't say much when it comes to other reckless drivers out there. It's great that there are devices that you can get online to protect you when accidents do happen (like a fall protection product, or something similar).

But still, the best thing to do is to avoid accidents whenever you can; follow rules while on the road and don't let irresponsible drivers get to you ... easier said than done, I know. ;P

Food Friday

16 shared thoughts


Something sweet for this week's Food Friday ... :)

I forgot the cake's name but am sure that this cake was posted both by T. Julie and Peachkins in one of their FF posts (the first time it was released to the public) ... this is a cake from Red Ribbon. Forgot the name ... silly me! :D

Care to refresh my memory? All I can remember was that the cake was soooo sweet I had a hard time finishing that one slice! lol.
*thanks to Jay for helping me name the cake; it's White Forest Cake. :)

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food friday

*will be posting Food Friday here until my other blog is up and running ... many thanks to everyone for being patient and understanding. :)

Guilty ... :D

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I must admit: I am guilty. Nothing that serious, thank heavens, but enough for me to go out of my way and search for the best acne treatment! lol. I have been sleeping late these past few nights because of this game from Facebook: Cafe World.

cafe world on facebook

I only clicked on the game because I think it looked kind of cute. But now I'm hooked! I do play other games, but have given up on some of them because it encourages the player to steal or kill other gamers; just not my type. I prefer non-violence. lol.

The above shot was taken less than an hour ago, btw ... :D

... and I am still playing.

Food Friday

12 shared thoughts

hot soup

The past few days has been kind of "cold" lately, so it was no surprise that the whole family (just three of us, lol; except for the baby, of course) wanted to eat something warm ... what else but this warm and nourishing macaroni soup! :)

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food friday

*will be posting Food Friday here until my other blog is up and running ... many thanks to everyone for being patient and understanding. :)

A personal thing

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I was surprised a couple of years ago when I saw my older sister's overweight classmate walk from the church looking real slim and poised; and I thought that she must have taken one of the best weight loss pill she can find! I mean, really she was that fat before, and when I saw her that time she must have taken around three-fourths of that weight from her body! I felt happy for her (since I knew she suffered weight-related illnesses).

So imagine my surprise again when I saw a recent picture of her in Facebook and saw that her former weight seems to be catching up with her! I wish she had just maintained (or maybe added only just a bit since she looked so frail that time... almost like a small wind could blow her down!) the weight.

But I know, it is a personal thing.

Losing weight ...

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After I gave birth to my youngest son last year I felt like my weight had reached a ton, and so I thought that I might be needing some slimming pills to tone me down. But it was a good thing I was mistaken since I reverted back to my old weight (actually, almost ten kilos shorter!) eventually. Nope, no slimming pills; I just didn't feel like eating.

I really don't know why, but suddenly I could control my cravings now. Of course, there are days that I just can't, but most of the time I can, now. Plus the fact that taking care of a nursing baby can be quite stressful at times, LOL.

I hope that I will be able to keep off the fat from returning ... :P

Food Friday

15 shared thoughts

hot or not?

Wanted to eat the chili that hubby bought one weekend, and since I was too tired to cook it the way he does (stuffs them with meat and cheese and wraps them in lumpia wrapper), I decided to just take out the seeds (so that it wouldn't be too hot), sliced them, and then added them to ground pork. I also added the cheese after everything was cooked. Lazy me; tasted more or less the same. I still got the "hot stuff" I was looking for at that time. lol.

The food shot underneath the chili was for our son since we thought that he might find the above dish a tad too hot ... just steaming rice, ground pork, tomatoes, and cheese. :)

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food friday

*will be posting Food Friday here until my other blog is up and running ... many thanks to everyone for being patient and understanding. :)

My Snack

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ice cream on bread

My snack a few days ago. Yup, decided to play with it for a bit ... that's why the ice cream melted. ;P


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The first time I saw hubby's Corporate usb drive I was impressed; not because of it's looks (it looked pretty common; not shaped like a sushi or anything, lol) but because the company cared enough to give their employees something that was a bit expensive at that time (I believe that flash drives are getting to be less expensive these days, and with higher capacity, too!).

Till now hubby still has that flash drive; and our youngest son sometimes uses it ... for playing. But it is still functional! :)

Food Friday

11 shared thoughts

caramel and nuts popcorn

Nothing extravagant this week ... just something sweet. Popcorn with caramel.
Tasted fine; though a bit too sweet for me. :)

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post for:
food friday

*will be posting Food Friday here until my other blog is up and running ... many thanks to everyone for being patient and understanding. :)

Oh well ...

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Getting online and dabbling with my shots (even taking shots, as well as taking care of my other blog!) these days is a luxury for me ... totally quite unlike before when i had all the time that i wanted! :)

getting online

*photo courtesy of Life Quest, but was edited by me. :)

Durable ...

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I must admit ... I don't like sleeping too long, because of my back. I like our current mattress now, which is neither too soft, or too hard. But of course if you stay too long on one spot you will get that characteristic "dent", lol. That's why I don't like staying on the bed for too long ... or maybe we should just change our bed, huh?! Our bed in the province doesn't have mattresses; they are made from wood and a certain type of strong "weed". It is durable, as long as it doesn't get wet often. Why, my childhood bed is still around up to now!!! I think it's pretty cool. :P

Being Practical

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We all know how important it is to have a sink (in working order, of course!) in a house; that's why when my father decided to have a new house built for us here in the city we went looking for the one that we wanted and which fitted our budget. We found some awesome copper kitchen sinks, as well as some of the more "common" ones, built in aluminum. We decided to buy a double bowl aluminum sink; it fitted our budget nicely (but we were gearing towards those copper sinks...)! lol. We didn't regret our decision since until now (and that was around almost twenty years ago!!!) that sink is still being used and working perfectly. :)
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