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Rainy Season

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I know, summer (for this year) in my part of the world has already come and gone. It has been raining almost everyday the past couple of days. But I can't really complain since if it means cooler nights, then so be it. We still turn the air conditioner "ON", of course. Maybe out of habit? lol. But I feel safer at night with the windows close, so....

The heat was totally unbearable this last summer. We had to turn on the two electric fans downstairs every morning, and the air conditioner at it's maximum at night. Am really so happy it is now way cooler at night. Though of course for sunny isles real estate it must feel like the perfect weather out there! :)



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My eldest will start grade 9 tomorrow.

While my first grade will start on the 16th (June).

How time flies ....

Just dropping by, in between household chores and finishing some school stuffs. Life is going to be pretty hectic again. Early mornings, rush hours, late nights, etc.

Life. :)
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